Rise and Fall Chart


Active member
Is this ultimate? If your red bars are lower than the blue one, you will not fullfill that period full potential? That's hard, what if someone has a lot of lowers? My blue bar is really high, but I still have 20 years of higher red bars (16-36). I don't take predictions really seriously, but it still bothers me that it says the rest of my life after 36 will be "whatever". Can anyone have an insight?


yeah, it ***** to see that, a really low bar at this period of my life it wont raise until 31, truthfully i don't know, seems accurate at the moment cause it feels like a lower point in my life, just ***** to see a chart that says this is the lowest point of your life and it wont get better until later later on, but maybe that's where free will comes into play i suppose, maybe this is suppose to be your most enlighten part if your life i know the last couple years have been an enlighten part of my life, i say where there's a dip take some time to sit in that dip and reflect before you climb out of the dip