Sinastry chart of a marriage ?


Well-known member
Hi friends, well i am having a relation with a girl, it has been only a couple of months that we are in a relationship. We met in a long distance travel by bus and we instantly have a good feeling about us. I had another relationships but i think this could have a real transformation in my life and the life of her.
We get very well and have very similar interests and ideals about the future.
What do you think if you see some of the chars that i left here.could this have chances of getting in a marriage .Thanks

Chart of her


My chart


Composed Chart


Sinastry Aspects



Well-known member
The composite does have some very good points, fixed asc-dsc, moon in seventh exalted, venus pluto on asc makes it intense much more so for the girl, in synastry venus with Saturn and Uranus is not so good venus person might suffer a lot, each of your natals show problems with marriage and love, your 7th house rullers in opposition. There are some heavy contacts but without further analysis no one can tell whether this will be a marriage connection.