Classic: Retro Threeplay fourplay, Venus~Jupiter~Saturn~Pluto in rx


Well-known member
NOTE: In the following text to this post #1 there are a few errors that I have noted in the edit process. I am leaving the original post intact for integritys' sake and have also given notice that all revisions are made in post #11. I apologize for this gaff...I apparently picked up the notes from my initial draft rather than the outline I make after casting an event chart. This changed the analysis of what symbolic meaning is to be seen in the path of Venus from late this December to late January, 2014

Well, realizing how a simple variation of the title I had intended for this thread would then probably read like a "Hit" for every porno search engine out there and for the sheer confusion and frustration that will cause such a great deal of consternation, that I couldn't resist the temptation. {"HA! A little 'Rickroll' of my own from Me to you... Payback is a B****, ain't it?":biggrin:}

Now then... lets talk Astrology.

Jupiter is the first of the next four Planets to go retrograde, commencing tomorrow Nov. 6th, followed by that of Venus this Dec 21st. During this retro journey of Jupiter it will cross over the M.C. of the USA natal chart [the Zero Hour, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] twice...once in retrograde and then in direct motion.
Saturn and then Pluto join in retrograde in the middle of the Venus/Jupiter fandango.

I figure that at least a few of those of you reading this post have read at least one of the threads I have on retrograde Planets and the manner in how a Planet involved in the activity is doing what I liken to a 'Three step dance'. The point of initial retrograde motion to be that of an impasse reached by the particular inherent qualities of the Planet in relation to in its role of intermediary transmitter of Zodiacal energies to our own Planet, Tera. Those Zodiacal energies particular to the degree of the Zodiac in question literally symbolized by the Sabian Symbols.The position of the Moons' North Node at that moment provides the reason given for this impasse and the need for the return point from which the Planet goes in direct motion againi is the quality of the Cosmic Precept given for the degree of the Zodiac the Planet must return to so as to breakthrough the point of impasse on its' "Final Return" in direct motion [as the event has been notably dubbed by many astrologers] with the reason for that particular Zodiacal degrees' Perceptual reinforcement given by the Sabian Symbolism of the Moons' North Node as to why this particular Planet had to reinforce itself... with the summation of the entire affairs' efforts, the significant emphasis is directed for what particular noble cause by the last position of the North Node at the "Final Return" event.
Here's a subject that could really use a look see to the Sabians during the course of the event for noting all the three step do-si-do ...retrograde-direct return-final return..... dance of four Planets...the two Behemoths...Saturn the Disciplinarian and Jupiter the Life Coach & Spiritual Counsel watching over and referee-ing as Venus, Love & Beauty and Pluto, Death & Transformation try to learn to "get along" while paying particular observation to the Moons No. Node positions at the precise time of these astro-events. These are of very interesting and what is the, in manner of comparison, the Pars Hyleg du jour from which all else is founded in the basis of.

Here's a start if you're interested...a report and analysis should at least get out about Venus if none of the others. It's starting at the 29th deg. of Capricorn, that's just 1* 26' from a exact conj. to the USA natal Pluto. and it is going to go all the way back to the 14th degree of Cap. [this is one of the three vacant Septile points on the Yeshu'a natal charts' and Yeshu'a's Part of Destiny [and I just finished reading through a complete reading given by Edgar Cayce back in the 1930's to a group of people wanting to raise their work and their own personalities up higher in vibe and purpose in the highest minded spiritual ideals. Cayce emphasized that the "destiny' of a person is the 'prima facie' facet of being to be most immediately conscious of and kept in mind and recognized as the ultimate endeavor].

Venus rx Dec. 21, 2013 @ apprx 28* Capricorn 59', and on the time of the event the true No. node @ {close enough, only a few minutes of a degree in error. ptv} 06* Scorpio 10' .

Venus direct Jan 31, 2014 @ 13* Capricorn 33'* {the following is in error} True No. Node @ 02* Scorpio 04"

Venus final return to 28* Cap. 59' on March 4, 2014 T No. Node @ 29* Libra 12'

Venus comes to an impasse as to dealing with the symbolism of the 29th of Capricorn:

{from Dane Rudhyar's, "An Astrological Mandala"}
KEYNOTE: The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one's attention.

This fourth stage symbol can be referred to a specific "technique" of understanding or evaluation. What is implied is the ability not only to perceive the facts of everyday existence, but to see through these facts and discover how they are related to the realm of basic meanings or archetypal processes. This is essentially what is meant by true CLAIRVOYANCE, the capacity to see in everything the Signature of deeper realities."

The Planet of Love, Beauty, of the only two Planets between Us and the Sun...the only two things that need to be in existence between us and God's proxy in our System, Sol, the Great Soul... just Mercury and Venus...communication and love ...only thoughts of love..

Venus...trying to get to be able to see the LOVE in every situation ... reading everything like a giant pot of tea leaves but only in the singular attempt, as to, for looking to find the love connection in every instance be it abundant and obvious ...or quite disguised or hidden and subtle but evident and needed,
The question of, what should be obvious as to its' importance is what is causing the impasse? ..keeping Venus from getting tuned in and humming with the right vibe is indicated by the position of the Moons' No. Node at the time, the 8th degree of Scorpio...? [ibid.]
{the following is wrong as it is the symbolism of the 7th degree that is correct. ptv}

KEYNOTE: A quiet openness to higher inspiration.

One could stress the romantic suggestions such an image evokes, but even at the level of a love relationship what is implied is a surrender of two personal egos to the inspiration of transcendent feelings which are essentially impersonal. Love expresses itself through the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the 'souls' of human beings who reflect its light. The same is true of the mystic's love for God. Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected.
This is the third stage of the forty-fourth five-fold sequence. It tells us that beyond all efforts lays the need for peace and the readiness to accept the illumination from above. The Keyword is QUIESCENCE"

So Venus has to go back to the 14th of Cap. [13* Cap, 33', Yeshu'a's Part of Destiny and one of the three vacant Septile points that was completed by the Moon when He physically died on the Cross on April 16 [Gregorian] 35 A.D. [or C.E. , for those that prefer] on Jan 31, 2014 , this is what Venus needs to reacquaint itself with...soak up a lot more of the precept as it will slow down, stall, sit and then move forward...soaking up all She can get of 14th* Capricorn precept [Yesh'u'a's Destiny Symbolized...] [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials.

At a time when in nearly every land men are questioning and challenging the validity of traditional beliefs and customary attitudes, it becomes necessary to separate permanent values and great principles or symbols from the many individual habits and the socio-political developments which more often than not have perverted or even negated the original ideals of the culture. We must strive to free these ideals from the wild growth of personal and class selfishness, from the greed and ambition so prevalent in human nature, and learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation, as well as the spiritual harvest, of any culture — and by extension of every sustained and complete work produced by a man's indomitable effort to achieve creative perfection.
In this fourth stage symbol we are shown the procedure which enables us to gain a deep and thorough appreciation of socio-cultural processes in their most enduring forms. What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. This applies to the past of an individual's life as well as to the history of a nation or a group."

The No. Node in the 3rd* Scorpio giving reason why Venus need to get a check on a rock solid reality* which is the kind based on what is seen as of the utmost essentiality of our common history,,,, precious common interest [Liberty...Freedom.... the Golden Rule... peacefully in common society that works harmoniously for the betterment of all.that is shown by the 3* of Scorpio for the position of the True No. Node.*[ibid.]

{the following is wrong, as it will occur at 2* Scorpio}

KEYNOTE: The feeling of community demonstrated in a basic joint effort.

In rural neighborhoods, especially as the American West was being developed, the building of at least the framework of a house was often a collective, friendly enterprise. Newcomers building their home-to-be found friendly helpers in their neighbors. The sense of togetherness and participation in a common enterprise was developed by such collective work. The home remains 'our' home, yet the whole community is involved in its erection and the welcome marking its completion.
At this third stage of the five-fold sequence, feeling becomes activity. The past and its memories are re-polarized in terms of the expanded social consciousness. From that activity a new sense of reality will derive. The Keyword is COOPERATION."

Yeah, group huddle... block party, peace ins.... love festivals.... freedom rallies.... Liberty affirmations.... Music Concerts..... Be Ins.... group asanas exercises.... group reiki....mass collective reiki....thundering throng reiki.... sea of humanity reiki.... ..... dance and song***everything that liberty produced and where our individualities shine as they have the liberty to do so.
Venus completes its' 'Final Return' on it's trip back forward on March 4th [March forth Christian Love Emissaries] 2014

So Venus will have to look back in the traditions and all the assorted values and what we regard as sacred knowledge and paring it down to what it finds of beauty and admiration, note it and preserve it and let the rest go like so much chaff in the wind. Find the truly, Heart centered, core values.
Weed out the false but also get rid of all the redundancies of Truth... reason enough being that, 'When Truth can be so simply said to be, "About Liberty"...cause we all know that "The Truth Will Set You Free", then lets just all agree on that Love and Truth is all we need.If It is understood and acknowledged among ourselves that we honor and mutually bow to in respect to the Light of one another and would not knowingly do anything that would be disrespectful or harmful to another Being... then, truly, what more do you need?
Truly... LESS is MORE of what you really need.
But, a society that starts generating a multitude of itemized Liberties that are categorically defined is no longer any kind of, what can be defined as, a society of Liberty and Freedom.
It's simple.
Pull your own weight ["You got to get behind the mule in the got to get behind the mule and plow."]
Don't harm anyone else or steal from anyone, have a good time and enjoy your stay.

So... Venus on the 31st of January, this coming 2014, will be at the point where now it is ready to attune to the precept of seeing that 'signature of love' in every instance, seeing how it all holds together, what underlying law, "Cosmic Precept" is always having it's way while everything else just works away in it's favor is symbolized by the Moons No. Node at the time @ apprx 29* Libra 12' [ Those 'Three Mounds on the Philosophers Head', symbol.. so it was all about gaining more wisdom, full wisdom of a subject and this time the subject was love, what is of true rock solid value in our humansociety/culture and using that to help us see what the underlying message of love is in our work and dharma, our individual destinies and most importantly our collective one [those of us that believe in a predestiny given us for our spiritual growth and evolution.

...more, to soon follow...

attacheded: Three event charts for Venus rx Dec, '2013 to March, 2014.


  • Venus retro event Dec 21, 2013.jpg
    Venus retro event Dec 21, 2013.jpg
    82.9 KB · Views: 26
  • Venus direct event Jan. 31, 2014.jpg
    Venus direct event Jan. 31, 2014.jpg
    82.8 KB · Views: 25
  • Venus Final Return March 4, 2014.jpg
    Venus Final Return March 4, 2014.jpg
    84.3 KB · Views: 32
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
how interesting that this is happening on a similar timeframe to the part of transformation conjunctions...

the start and finish of this Venus transit will be conjuncting the ascendant of my progressed composite w/ Yeshua. Asc enters the 29th of cap in early february. it's at 28.04 on the march 4th date :)

Usa's progressed Pluto will be at 29.16.. (with the natal pluto at 27.34) it's interesting that Venus will be very close to the midpoint of Usa's natal and progressed pluto. And we both know what we get when we mix venus and pluto as per the parts....

USA's progressed venus will be at 24 Aries: (ibid)

KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.

The principle of abundance is brought to a further stage in this rather cryptic symbol. Physical fruition is shown operating at a more subtle and spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression.

This message applying to this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence is that inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopian shape of the window's curtains suggests that the subtler translucent aspect of the mind (the curtains) has acquired a plastic quality enabling it to be MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES. "


Well-known member
Jupiter went rx on Nov, 6, 2013 @ 20 Cancer 31'*

KEYNOTE: The emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence.

If anything represents the type of response that a well-developed society gives to the individual who successfully pours their energy into the skillful externalization of the great images of its culture, it is the opera. The operatic prima donna is not merely a lonely performer, like the piano virtuoso (Gemini 13°); he or she is the star in a collective effort. The opera is not only music, but a story, a mythos, which embodies some of the most basic images and emotions characterizing the culture that gave it birth. Euro-American culture is indeed extolled — or condemned — by its operas and their lurid and tragic passions. It is interesting to compare the opera with the equivalent type of social performances and their topics in India, Java or Tibet.
At this first stage of the twenty-third five-fold sequence of cyclic phases we find the drive toward individualization by means of concrete forms of cultural activity glorified in social and financial success. In its deepest sense the symbol refers to THE PRICE OF SUCCESS — for the individual, as well for as the collectivity acclaiming him or her. What is success really worth? A question few people ask."

As Jupiter is struggling with issues inhibiting Jove's sudden inability or hesitancy to extoll and sing about what makes us all so great and wonderful, what we produce as a whole, both objective and abstract, that is of the most admirable craft work, design and construction... ...Well, I can certainly say I can see where that is coming from.
Why Jupiter must go retrograde back to a precept that it needs to slow down and wallow in stop a instant, soak in all the meaning of the precept is symbolized by the True No. Nodes' position at the same time; is at apprx 07* Scorpio* 13' ...this symbol ought to look real familiar: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: A quiet openness to higher inspiration.

One could stress the romantic suggestions such an image evokes, but even at the level of a love relationship what is implied is a surrender of two personal egos to the inspiration of transcendent feelings which are essentially impersonal. Love expresses itself through the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the "souls" of human beings who reflect its light. The same is true of the mystic's love for God. Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected.
This is the third stage of the forty-fourth five-fold sequence. It tells us that beyond all efforts lays the need for peace and the readiness to accept the illumination from above. The Keyword is QUIESCENCE. "

So this is a period that "Love" , that abstract precept as defined by Venus and by Jupiter and expressed as same is having difficulty gettin' its' groove on. She wants to be one of her favorite personas, 'The Tea Leaf Reader'....the 'FORTUNE TELLER' {visual} "Cancer Moon Maiden, Hippie Earth Mother, 'Fortune Teller', better yet...Tea parlor proprietor and Tea leaf Reader and Reki Mistress... in a madras skirt and a blouse woven from hemp in some bright Earth/Sky/Forest/Desert/Sea colour" ... recognizably accomplished in understanding and skill , that is, at something akin to a 'Diva' level of achievement and recognition of being all that of the philosopher, the behavioral psychologist, the spiritual adivisor and clairvoyant/seer/oracle that has got as an obstacle causing an impasse to acquiring that described by Rudhyar as a "KEYNOTE: A quiet openness to higher inspiration." ...implying that the Jovian facilities within can't find and secure the solitude, can't get any inspiration that it so needs so as to be able to belt out in song in admiration and acknowledgement about what our present generation of humanity {as a whole everyone alive on that day as a collective of souls....a great many souls all alive at once in one moment of time, unique as it was for it's own moment as all the rest of every moment in Time do have, as such, unique and to of their own collective purpose and destiny} is in need of and will the more so in the coming times ... examples of what shines, what truly shines from the known history of our collective culture even still yet today as this Venu/Jupiter mating offspring that is some sort of 'LoveChild, Fortune Teller, Singing Diva of Inspirational Positivism...believer and Public Cryer of fealty + Motherhood , Brotherhood and colours of green and gray". She has reached the point that, [ibid.] "all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected."

She is also being told to slow down go back to a previous degree and precpt as we need to wallow and soak in that understanding and attunement ...halting at 10* Cancer 27'.
Then, Jupiter goes dirct on March 5th [the day after Venus makes its' 'Final Return'] @ apprx. 10* Cancer 27'.
Now note that the USA natal relocation chart, r.e. the zero hour July 4, 1776 Philadelphia chart relocated to Washington D.C., has an ...
M.C./I.C. axis of 10* Capricorn/Cancer 01' 06". Jupiter goes direct on March 5th [the day after Venus] @ apprx.10* Cancer 27' ...the 11th* degree of Cancer is the I.C. of the USA natal relocation chart, [the 12th degree of Cancer is the I.C. of the zero hour natal chart] its' spiritual "WHY" of the charts axis points or the "HOW" in the mundane sense. [ibid.]

KEYNOTE: The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind.

Humor and irony is a powerful tool in assessing the value of socio-cultural realities, and thereby in freeing oneself from glamour and prejudice. Laughter deconditions and often paves the way to a realization that we need not be unduly impressed by what our tradition has more or less forced upon our consciousness. The clown, of course, is the more popular manifestation of this urge to laugh, which seems to be such a basic characteristic of human nature. Caricature and satire are more intellectual forms of the same need for intellectual freedom.
In this twenty-first five fold sequence we witness the development of true individuality in man. And the first step is a cathartic one – the ability to laugh, which includes the ability to laugh at ones own petty habits and mannerisms – indeed, at one’s pomposity. It is a DECONDITIONING step."

At the time of this return to direct motion by Jupiter the No. Node of the Moon is in the 29th degree of Libra, that is [ibid.}
This being able to knowingly and aptly caricature certain roles and or personas will thus give jupiter its impetus to go ahead and challenge that point of impasse... though solitude and the opportunity to have the space and place and time for quiet reflection, meditation, may be unobtainable, that this process of caricaturing will provide as a substitute for or as a ways to be able to do so obatain, that space, that ability and or opportunity for reflection to become the 'Diva' ...maybe it's the caricaturing the 'Diva' so dedicatedly and convincingly that is what will be the key to successful results to be derived from the Astrological forces in play and control at this time.{?}

Then Jupiter makes its' Final Return to 20* cancer 31' on June 1, 2014 when the No. Node is @ apprx. 27* Libra 26' and given the Sabian symbolim for the 28th degree of Libra, that is a pretty positive and spiritually reinforcing, reinvigorating, reason to be given as a sign and then given the green light to fproceed beyond that point of impasse, to be revelaed, seen as, the exemplary virtuosa of inspirational song... especially so, as given task to Jovian sensibilities.
The Sabian symbolism for that 28th* of Libra, where upon sits the No. Node of the Moon, demonstably being the "Precpt du jour", the greater understanding as to how all the activity in harmonic unison with all the players in the astrological pool of our Sol -ar System was being directed for the greatest spiritual good for all of humanity and what is enabling Jupiter this time to proceed through the former 'Point of Impasse'. [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the "community" — visible or invisible — is sustaining one's efforts.

Every individualized organism is part of a larger organized whole, whether or not it is aware of this or of the sustaining power of the whole. A man, however, can deliberately choose to follow the dark path of ego-isolation which sooner or later always leads to destruction and self-loss in 'matter.' At the animal level, the whole biosphere is the community; for the ordinary human being, it is the tribe or family, the village community, the nation. As the individual expands his consciousness, he may become aware of a spiritual community, even beyond the 'noosphere' (the one Mind of humanity), i.e. the realm of the pure light of the 'Supermind,' which is what the concept of the 'White Lodge' suggests.
This is the third stage of the forty-second five-fold sequence. To the man who has ever so little transcended the world of conflicts, and, for a moment at least, experienced the oneness of all existence, this stage should bring the realization of 'belonging' to a greater whole. This produces a state of INNER ASSURANCE."

"Love expresses itself through the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the "souls" of human beings who reflect its' light."

So what we've got so far is that Big Old Jove, aka Jupiter, fun loing, expansive, philosophic, always reminding us what the real, genuine, spiritual Brothers and Sisters, before us, laid down...talking Brotherhood~Sisterhood ...and walkin' the walk..!!! ...but having a hard time being the role model thaqt is expected of Her due to a lack of access to that which provides the 'guiet and solitude that produces inspiration' ...and, hmmm... so it seems that Venus, too, is having a hard time getting in attunement with her "Tea Leaf Reader", aka what we call today a"Symbologist"...her needs being of that to review it's ancestral core essentials and beliefs , condensed, without duplicities that are unecessary [as complexity and overly verbose laws become ambiguous and easier to corrupt due to causing more confusinon as to precise interpretation... a very good example some of the recent rulings of the courts on issues that were declared non issues by the politricians that wrote them and at the time they were desperately trying to get support for them in order for them to pass vote... that were fears and objections that were said to be unfounded.

Less is more.

Coming up afterwards and to be continued on...

Of major note! Saturn will go retro on March 22, 2014 @ 23* Scorpio 19" [also one of the Septile points in the Yeshu'a natal chart ....people! ...or at least for those of you that consider yourselves Christians and also have faith in the chart I ascert is the natal chart of Yeshu'a] ....
{the followng also happens to bea septile point from that chart and also the same sign and degree as the Part of Destiny, M.C. + Sun - Moon, of the chart I am convinced is and so do promote to be the natal chart of Jesus/Yeshu'a ben David @ 13* Capricorn 19']
Pluto going retrograde on April 14, 2014 @ 13* Capricorn 35", [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials."

See? More on looking back to the history of our heritage, common culture, that is known to be of the best example and is of real permanent value....

...more to follow...
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Well-known member
how interesting that this is happening on a similar timeframe to the part of transformation conjunctions...

the start and finish of this Venus transit will be conjuncting the ascendant of my progressed composite w/ Yeshua. Asc enters the 29th of cap in early february. it's at 28.04 on the march 4th date :)

Usa's progressed Pluto will be at 29.16.. (with the natal pluto at 27.34) it's interesting that Venus will be very close to the midpoint of Usa's natal and progressed pluto. And we both know what we get when we mix venus and pluto as per the parts....

USA's progressed venus will be at 24 Aries: (ibid)

KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.

The principle of abundance is brought to a further stage in this rather cryptic symbol. Physical fruition is shown operating at a more subtle and spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression.

This message applying to this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence is that inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopian shape of the window's curtains suggests that the subtler translucent aspect of the mind (the curtains) has acquired a plastic quality enabling it to be MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES. "

Yeah, you noticed the interplay with our personal charts, obviously... the 24th of Aries being my natal Part of Tragedy and Fatality and the 17th of Scorpio will be in play quite abit just ahead and that is my Part of Destiny ...and if you'll recall P.V. that I gave a written piece on the Part of Tragedy and Fatality and my opinion that it is so nearly like that of the Part of Destiny... the Part of Destiny being the main plot of ones life story but the Part of Tragedy and Fatality bing as like "The Moral of the Story".

... we, may be, you and I, very busy in these times just ahead ...and it may be for the highest calling we may actually be ever called upon to answer to... if my take on the way this stuff works via the aspects and the symbolism involved.... that is...

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
it's soooo super windy here today. the brightly colored fall leaves are swirling all around in the sky :)

you know, in my natal, i have venus opposite jupiter on the ac/dc axis (and USA's prog ven is slowly moving towards my natal jupiter and your natal merc)... so your post about venus/jupiter.... resonates pretty deeply.. for me.. yeah..

you know... i sometimes like to think that the words i picked for my screenname "phoenix venus" could equate to "rebirth of love" and i find it sooo interesting that venus goes direct right on pluto and at the degree in which pluto turns retro... AND... that that happens to be conjunct Yeshua's part of destiny and part of His septile matrix... ............ *KABOOM* mind blown.. :wink::happy:
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Well-known member
The 14th degree of Capricorn. On April 14th, 2014, Pluto will go retrograde from 13* Capricorn 35'.
Venus had to spend some time there from Jan. 27th to Feb. 5th, as it was the point of termination of Her retrograde journey, [Venus will halt its' retrograde motion and proceed from 13* Capricorn 33'], that had begun on Dec. 21st, before she could proceed and continue on beyond the impasse She had met at the 29th degree of Cap. on March 4th...Maybe in a a sense, leaving Her influence and presence at the degree ahead of Pluto, as She had to go back to this degree, the Sabian symbolism of which is, that of, the precept of finding the core essentials of what should be retained before proceeding into the Pluto is recognized as the "Planet of Death and, or, Transformation" [and to you the little group of astronomers that so obviously in some act of desperation pulled Plutos' status from that of Planetary ...I say "pffffft" to you all! The proof is in the knowledge of Astrology, Pluto not only has astrological influence as like the other Planets it has a POWERFUL influence, as well and can be demonstrated with timeline studies over the centuries. ] maybe Her visit and registry of Her presence and influence there is to remind Pluto that, if He is going to be his known destructive self that what He is being asked to do is destroy, bring and end to, only that which would only hold humansociety back or retard its' growth ...or possibly its own immanent transformation that, for some time now...more and more, with every passing day very much seems to be an unescapable reality looming ahead in relatively short order.... As if Venus left Pluto Her calling card at the 14th degree of Capricorn in effect as to say here's a list of what needs to go and what needs to be kept. As like that of a watchful and considerate caretaker in a note to the demolition crew that comes in before the remodeling crew that is to follow... or, in another sense, possibly... Venus came to rescue what is worth saving before the bulldozers arrive and level everything.

Now, I find this highly interesting... as Phoenix Venus has pointed out...that when Venus will, on January 31st, go retrograde to and then begin its direct motion again, 13* Capricorn 33' the very exact point that Pluto will begin its' retrograde journey from on April 14th [ a difference, between the two of them, of apprx. only 02' of a degree as to the exact point in the Tropical Zodiac as Pluto will go retrograde from 13* Capricorn 35'], it will be followed on March 4th of 2014 with another event of equivalent notice as Venus will complete its' 'Final Return' to the demarcation point of its' retrograde journey that begins on Dec. 21st of this year and on that very same day, Neptune will complete its' 'Final Return' to 05* Pisces 22', where from it had begun it's retrograde journey last June 6th and will go direct again this coming Wednesday, November 13th. Venus & Neptune... lower and higher octave Planetary pairs seemingly quite attuned to one another...or certainly interconnected through the 'mechanics' governing the workings of our Solar system. Almost like that of an engine and an old fashioned distributor, the intake valve on one cylinder opening as the exhaust valve on another opens...each cylinder at a point of operation different from each other and yet all working in a mutual assistance to one another by genius of design and construct.

[Please note that all of the following paragraph in purple text has to do with observations pertaining to the chart I have proposed to be the actual birth chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus... if you are not interested in the subject or have doubts about that particular chart then just pass it over... those of you that are believers, still undecided or just curious...please read on as I think that it is significant of something... as to exactly what that 'something' is,,, I'll save my speculations for another thread on the particular subject matter... which I hope to get around to initiating very soon...ptv]
As I have mentioned Saturn going retrograde next March 2nd, 2014 at 23* Scorpio 19', please note that these three Zodiacal degrees in Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces that involve Venus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto during this time, are three of the Septile points of the chart I have submitted as being that natal chart of Jesus/Yeshu'a. AS Saturn [within a degree of orb] Neptune and Pluto will all be occupying those same points come
April 2014....please note that another Septile point is apprx. at the 26th-27th degree of Aries and that in March/April 2014 on the 31st-1st, the Moon will be conj. that degree in Aries, the Sun will be conj. that point on the 16th-17th of April and Mercury on the 21st. Thus we will have an event of FOUR OF THE SEPTILE POINTS in simultaneous occupation
At the time Uranus will be in the 14th degree of Aries, beginning on April 11th and it's of note that the position of Lilith and the Part of Soul/Spirit from that very same aforementioned "Yeshu'a/Jesus natal chart" at at 13* Aries 27' and 13* Aries 10' respectively [and note that on that same chart uranus is at 08* Aries 13' and the Sun at 11* Aries 53'... as it should be noted that the two Septile points in Scorpio and Pisces were not vacant ones in that natal chart [the vacant were in Aries, Leo [apprx. at 09* to 10* Leo] and Capricorn] Neptune was at the Scorpio, Venus at the Pisces, Septile points at birth. [The point at Virgo 30*-Libra 01* being the Asc. of the natal chart and also was conjuncted by the Moon and Pluto, at birth, and the 18*-19* Gemini was occupied by Mars.]...and it may be of some interest, if not of any significance [although I ain't saying it is or isn't] that on April 12th, 2014, Venus will be conjunct the same Zodiacal [Tropical] position in Pisces at 06* Pisces 47' as it was on that same day at the same time Edgar Cayce said and I concur and assert that Yeshu'a/Jesus was born, r.e. April 2, 03 C.E. [or A.D. if you prefer] in or near present day Bethlehem, Israel

Jupiter will go direct on March 5th, 2014 at apprx. 10* Cancer 27' [the True North Node in the 30th deg. of Libra at that time] and will make it's 'Final Return' on June 1st, 2014 [the True North Node in the 28th degree of Libra at that time.]

On April 22nd, 2014, Uranus will be approaching and within one degree of orb conjunction to the USA natal Part of Increa$e and Bernefit$ @ 14* Aries 37' 23" [as It was there exactly conjunct three days before Gold was discovered at Sutters' Mill. in California on January 24, 1848. ...and it was there again in June and September of 1930, direct and retrograde, with a final return on March 24th, 1931... and NOTE THAT THE TRUE NORTH NODE OF THE MOON WAS ALSO EXACTLY CONJUNCT THE USA'S NATAL PART OF INCREASE AND BENEFITS ON MARCH 13, 1931 ...AND THAT IT WAS IN THE 15TH DEGREE OF ARIES FROM FEBRUARY 20TH TO MAY 6TH OF THAT YEAR!

As to what those times had to do with "Increase & Benefits" concerning the United States as to a nation on the whole, here's a few paragraphs I have copied from wikipedias' page on the "Gold Standard" [copyright issues don't apply as to wikipedia as all written material is in the common domain, unless otherwise noted]... and please note that the subject is highly controverial and of much heated debate among the most notable minds that pursue such intellectual endeavors in the subject fields of economics and business. What is written, that I have copied and pasted in the following, other than what is noted as to dates and actions by governments and institutions that are verified and indisputable, are not agreed to as being correctly analyzed, pertain all the factors or that all facts given are relevant... but, I figure it's enough of a basis for we astrologers to get a clue,,,an idea.
the following can be read in the original context here:

"Some economic historians, such as Barry Eichengreen, blame the gold standard of the 1920s for prolonging the economic depression which started in 1929 and lasted for about a decade. Adherence to the gold standard prevented the Federal Reserve from expanding the money supply to stimulate the economy, fund insolvent banks and fund government deficits that could "prime the pump" for an expansion. Once off the gold standard, it became free to engage in such money creation. The gold standard limited the flexibility of the central banks' monetary policy by limiting their ability to expand the money supply. In the US, the Federal Reserve was required by law to have gold backing 40% of its demand notes. Others including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Nobel Prize-winner Milton Friedman place the blame for the severity and length of the Great Depression at the feet of the Federal Reserve, mostly due to the deliberate tightening of monetary policy even after the gold standard. They blamed the US major economic contraction in 1937 on tightening of monetary policy resulting in higher cost of capital, weaker securities markets, reduced net government contribution to income, the undistributed profits tax and higher labor costs. The money supply peaked in March 1937, with a trough in May 1938.
Higher interest rates intensified the deflationary pressure on the dollar and reduced investment in U.S. banks. Commercial banks converted Federal Reserve Notes to gold in 1931, reducing its gold reserves and forcing a corresponding reduction in the amount of currency in circulation. This speculative attack created a panic in the U.S. banking system. Fearing imminent devaluation many depositors withdrew funds from U.S. banks.As bank runs grew, a reverse multiplier effect caused a contraction in the money supply. Additionally the New York Fed had loaned over $150 million in gold (over 240 tons) to European Central Banks. This transfer contracted the US money supply. The foreign loans became questionable once England, Germany, Austria and other European countries went off the gold standard in 1931 and weakened confidence in the dollar.
The forced contraction of the money supply resulted in deflation. Even as nominal interest rates dropped, inflation-adjusted real interest rates remained high, rewarding those who held onto money instead of spending it, further slowing the economy. Recovery in the United States was slower than in Britain, in part due to Congressional reluctance to abandon the gold standard and float the U.S. currency as Britain had done.
In the early 1930s, the Federal Reserve defended the dollar by raising interest rates, trying to increase the demand for dollars. This helped attract international investors who bought foreign assets with gold.
Congress passed the Gold Reserve Act on 30 January 1934; the measure nationalized all gold by ordering Federal Reserve banks to turn over their supply to the U.S. Treasury. In return the banks received gold certificates to be used as reserves against deposits and Federal Reserve notes. The act also authorized the president to devalue the gold dollar. Under this authority the president, on 31 January 1934, changed the value of the dollar from $20.67 to the troy ounce to $35 to the troy ounce, a devaluation of over 40%.
Other factors in the prolongation of the Great Depression include trade wars and the reduction in international trade caused by barriers such as Smoot-Hawley Tariff in the US and the Imperial Preference policies of Great Britain, the failure of central banks to act responsibly, government policies designed to prevent wages from falling, such as the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, during the deflationary period resulting in production costs dropping slower than sales prices, thereby injuring business profits and increases in taxes to reduce budget deficits and to support new programs such as Social Security. The US top marginal income tax rate went from 25% to 63% in 1932 and to 79% in 1936, while the bottom rate increased over tenfold, from .375% in 1929 to 4% in 1932. The concurrent massive drought resulted in the US Dust Bowl...."

Please note that on April 3rd, 2014, that Uranus will complete its' 'Final Return' to 12* Aries 31' , the point of the degree that it began it's retrograde journey on July 17, 2013 as Uranus will go 'Direct' on Dec 17th at 08* Aries 35' [the Moons' True North Node at apprx. 06* Scorpio 12' at that time.]
All of that occurring leading right up to a Grand Cross taking place on April 17th 2014.... as most everyone of you know...or should now. be continued... [or, so are my intentions... anyways....]
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Well-known member
I had forgot to mention Mars going retrograde on March 1st, 2014 in the very degree of Libra that the North Node will be in when Mars goes direct again in late May, 2014.
I'll try to get into the workings of Mars with more of what observations and thoughts I have concerning Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in this thread, hopefully, in the next few days, or weeks that follow [I am very busy with personal matters at this time... trying to find a suitable place to live being #1]

THE MAJOR ITEM OF NOTE I FORGOT TO MENTION IS ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA'S natal chart being affected during these times.
... I'll skip any analysis, or other remarks and just get to the 'skinny'.
[the following holds true if the birth certificate that Mr. Obama has produced is of accuracy, that is.]
President Obama's natal Part of Intelligence & Skill [Asc. + :mars: - :mercury:] is @ 08* Aries 17' 23"

...also Obama's natal, what Phoenix Venus and I did recently determine and so did retitle as the, "Part of Transformation of Other Peoples Minds" aka Part of Popularity or one of the two identified as being the "Part of Influence" [Asc. + :mercury: - :pluto:] which is @ 13* Capricorn 28' 55"

His Part of Preparation {Asc. + :mars: - :pluto:] is @ 03* Pisces 43' 37" [Which I have felt is wrongly titled as to the fact that Mars is the "Significator" and Pluto is the "Trigger" in the formula. I have wanted to do an intensive study on this in an attempt to either substantiate my feelings or that this Part was given a suitable identification. My immediate thought, the first time I gave this Part some noticable attention and thought, was that it seems more like a Part that would be oriented towards death and destruction... as it does involve both Mars {War} and Pluto {De-construction & Death}...


Well-known member
..and something else I had intended to at least mention that as the chart I'm using for the natal of the USA has the Part of Bankruptcy [:jupiter: + :neptune: - :uranus:] @ 19* :libra: 17' 39" as the event of Uranus conjuncting the Part of Increse and Benefits is a once in an 84 year thing, as the Nodes of the Moon have a cycle of apprx 18 1/2 years , it is of pointed interest that the North Node will be conjunct the Part of Bankruptcy this same coming year.
But the damndest thing is... as I've never noted anything quite like this before that while it, by average, spends about 18 1/2 days in a degree, the North Node of the Moon will be in the 20th degree of Libra from August 27th until November 9th...a total of 74 DAYS!

In 2014, the True North Node of the Moon will...

It will exactly conj. the Part of Bankruptcy on Sept 22-23,
then it will go direct on Sept. 25th.
It will conj. [again in direct motion] on Sept 29-30
then it will go retrograde again on October 1st
It will conj. [again, in rx] on October 3-4
then it will go direct again on Oct 15th
It will conj. the Part of Bankruptcy YET AGAIN on October 20-21
then it will go retrograde on October 22nd
...and... oh, yeah...
YET AGAIN, conjunct in rx on October 24-25th.

That is a total of five separate conjunction events... over a very unusual extended period of time that the North Node will be in the 20th degree of Libra, this coming year., maybe some of you can see why I have been so concerned about what little money I do have that i keep in the bank ...not to mention the reliability and surety of the payments by Social Security that account for half of my monthly income.

What with all the b.s surrounding the Money Game here in America these last so many years and the Part of Transformation being so affected presently [as it is really more of a "Part of Awareness of the Higher Mind" or "Universal Mind" ...because Pluto is the Planet of Transformation and Pluto is not part of the formula, Asc. + :uranus: - :mars:] I might go so far as to predict some major upheavals and subsequent changes involving the United States banking, monetary and financial systems and regulation. I already noted as such in the thread I have ongoing in the Mundane sub forum on Uranus conj. the USA's natal Part of Transformation.


just thought I might mention that President Obama's Part of Increa$e and Benefit$ is @ 06* :leo: 21' 19" which is conj. the USA's natal True North Node [@ 06* :leo: 35' 08"
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Well-known member
I mean...think of the fact that in 1931` when Uranus was last conjunct the Part of Increase and Benefits... the North Node was conjunct the same degree in Aries, from February 20th to May 6th which was a total of 73 days...!?!

Considering that the United States came out of that era in a very prosperous condition that lasted many years but that this time around the North Node will be in the Part of Bankruptcy gives me cause to be concerned about the collection of portraits of dead presidents that I own and keep stashed. Maybe I should trade some for portraits of Swiss composers and artists and find a place in Switzerland to stash them...?

It just doesn't sound like a good idea to keep all my eggs in one basket ...nor to keep so many of the same type of eggs and not trade some of them for some other kind of eggs.... like something other than the american eagle... ifyaknowaddimean....?

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Just a breif interlude...

It’s quite funny how things work out. It just so happens that I learned about something last night that relates to this thread, given the symbols mentioned so far that relate to turning back to that root knowledge, seed knowledge, history as it pertains to principles of love.

There are three greek words for “love” which can be related directly back to the symbolism of the holy trinity.

Eros - personal need, desires, cravings, self-centered- flowing to self
Philia - family, friends, brotherhood, companionship - flowing back and forth between self and others
Agape - unconditional, sacrificing, fearless, God’s love - flowing to others

Each form of love can work or manifest independently to one another but they can also be combined with each other. For instance one might rely on their personal needs and cravings to guide them through life, only utilizing self, but self is needed to do the job so one can also utilize God’s love to hone personal needs in order to give love to others.

When you think about all the things that make you feel love; romantic partners, family, cute fuzzy creatures, music, a beautiful sunrise, etc. etc…. they are all intertwined with the concept of creation. When two people have romantic love they can create a unit, create a family. The fuzzy creatures and warm water and colorful sunrise are displays of beauty, manifestations of the universe, creations of God, creations of Love…. ( like the adaptation “God is Love”) so the way in which we can best express love is through creation…. Of some sort, any sort that fits….

So perhaps all of us, especially those that have natal planets/points in play with the degrees that have been mentioned thus far in this thread, could best approach the energy of the upcoming few months by staying mindful and asking… “In what way is love flowing around me? In what ways am I creating love? ”


Well-known member
Well, it seems that i made a major gaff here.
This only concerns the positions of the Nodes for Venus as the data I used is what I initially saw in the ephemeris for 0:00 U.T. and not the data from the chart for the actual event.

No, biggie, I'll just give the re-analysis here and make the necessary editing to the initial post afterward.

Let's begin with Venus having to go retro from the 29th degree of Capricorn as it is at an impasse with the precept of [ibid.]

KEYNOTE: The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one's attention.

Well, seems to me that as troubling as these times are, that the need to look for signs indicating the 'Positive & Upbeat' and, or, "Where's the Love?" in the future ahead.
What the Sabian Symbolism for the degree the True North Node is in at the time, r.e. 06* :scorpio: 03' 05", gives the answer as to what is being required that is either lacking or insufficient in quantity or quality and needs to be obtained or accomplished and that is the 7th degree of Scorpio, for which the Sabian Symbol is: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The will to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes.

This symbol essentially refers to depth psychology — a coming to terms with the collective Unconscious and its contents. This type of depth-plumbing adventure is basically different from the one symbolized by the gold rush, for it can take place within the individual and with no relation to social value. It refers symbolically to a quest for 'under-standing' — i.e. for what lies under the surface waves of daily living. This quest may lead to great dangers. It demands a strong will and good breathing — i.e. a degree of spiritual strength. It usually challenges powers hidden in the depths of the unconscious.
The contrast between 'deep-sea divers' and 'men of the gold rush' is significant. It presents in an interesting manner the opposition between a first stage and second stage symbol in the five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. The inward quest opposes the outward search for the great social symbol, gold. It should lead to a DEPTH REALIZATION of the very roots of consciousness."

So, it is within ourselves that some deep meditation is being asked of. [remember in a spiritually evolutionary direction/technique of translation of the 360 Sabian Symbols that this symbol follows that of the 'Calm Lake' ...from which one tries to get the reflection from the surface of the calm water that light that is of the Moon reflecting the Light from the Sun.]

In this instance it's plunging the depths of those waters, finding out what is beyond or behind the 'reflection'...the superficial.

So Venus is heading back to the 14th of Capricorn, as to what those "depths" needing to be plunged into and examined consist of are symbolized by: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials.

{and as Rudhyar boiled it all down to, in his "keywords" summation, as...} "In this fourth stage symbol we are shown the procedure which enables us to gain a deep and thorough appreciation of socio-cultural processes in their most enduring forms. What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. This applies to the past of an individual's life as well as to the history of a nation or a group."

Sounds important, those "Divers" best bring a lot of extra oxygen.

Okay, so Venus, that dear sweet soul, wishes for us all, in these times, to be able to see signs of Love, Hope, Peace, all those things we do love and appreciate in "Signs", Omens, Portents, the Stars! see signs of a promise of all that in the future. But to do that requires some deep searching of the depths within ourselves, for basic core values that are shared by individual and group, alike... and what historically is evidenced to be absolutely essential and for what, as such, it was "Signs", that were looked for and so were both provided and recognized as it had done as such as that before?

...and so the N. Node at the beginning of the journey of the 'Final Return', gives its' Sabian Symbolism as the 'technique' for achieving this from 01* :scorpio: 57' 53", the 2nd degree of Scorpio: [ibid.] {and as I see it, the following symbolism couldn't be more appropriate, presently, as to that which Venus is being given the following as the technique, the method by which to give deep soul searching contemplation to all matters pertaining to our collective geo/political group and to all of Humansociety: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished.

A new and greater realization usually demands the sacrifice of something which has brought loveliness and fragrance to a lesser form of living and feeling. Old feelings are poignantly remembered, even as one moves into a new and wider sphere of experience. Old relationships may be left behind, but the memory of their essential moments lingers on, perhaps strong and nostalgic.

This is the second stage of the forty-third sequence. It contrasts with the first in that it reveals the difficulty of dealing with the past as one enters into a new realm of feelings. To the excitement of novelty answers the memory of the graciousness of the past one has SURRENDERED."

Well, now... that all does make sense, doesn't it?

I apologize to everyone for being in error to the actual event data for the Nodes. Phoenix Venus, I had intended to collect all the data and send it to you with a note encouraging you to try to cover the analysis...but losing my rough draft in my files for three days and bringing the actual event ever closer [I wanted to have it posted before Jupiter did it's retro thing on Nov. 6th] I figured it would seem like I was being a jerk dumping it all on you just hours before and expecting action.
I have been preoccupied with a lot of stuff and wasn't thorough in keeping an accurate outline in the process...having used my initial notes in the process of writing the analysis.
It probably would've been better for all had I sent you the data anyway and asked you to consider getting something written by the time Venus goes rx... as you so adroitly picked out and made us aware of ...the spotlight seems to be on Venus here.
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
I apologize to everyone for being in error to the actual event data for the Nodes. Phoenix Venus, I had intended to collect all the data and send it to you with a note encouraging you to try to cover the analysis...but losing my rough draft in my files for three days and bringing the actual event ever closer [I wanted to have it posted before Jupiter did it's retro thing on Nov. 6th] I figured it would seem like I was being a jerk dumping it all on you just hours before and expecting action.
I have been preoccupied with a lot of stuff and wasn't thorough in keeping an accurate outline in the process...having used my initial notes in the process of writing the analysis.
It probably would've been better for all had I sent you the data anyway and asked you to consider getting something written by the time Venus goes rx... as you so adroitly picked out and made us aware of ...the spotlight seems to be on Venus here.

Its ok, ptv.... I've found your posts very insightful... and honestly, I've had a lot on my mind lately... i looked at a few of the charts along with your posts and... my gosh boy, how you keep all those dates and charts and points in your head like that is beyond me :) so it probably worked out for the best.

well so we've talked a bit about venus but what about its higher octave planet, neptune? Surely neptune can bring some clarity (ha!) On everything coming up... its going direct in just two days

I will spend what time i can today looking at the neptune event charts and then be back :)

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
so neptune went retrograde back on june 7th... and it completes it's retrograde passage on the same day that venus completes hers... quite beautiful, indeed... if venus represents our expression of love, then neptune represents our subconsious understanding of love. when we look at some of the symbols surrounding these event dates regarding venus, we see a need to visit depths in order to arrive at a more clear awareness of what is going on.. we need to dive into the ocean of our collective unconsious so that we can learn from it, take what is vital and purge the rest... quite possibly, the symbolism surrounding Neptune can expound on that so we might see how exactly that can best be attained..

So, going along with ptv's super awesome technique of tracking the planet and north nodes' symbolism....

Neptune was at 5.22 pisces, which happens to be conjunct the usa's part of signs, omens, astrology... well looky here, we're seeing a connection to that "tea leaf reader" already...

Neptune @ 5.22 pisces:

KEYNOTE: The dedication of human beings to the service of their community, and the assurance that it will be emotionally sustained by the people at large.
Here we see at work the emotion-rousing appeal of social activities which demand the surrendering by the individual of his personal way of life, his opinions and his comfort. The socializing process is pictured in all its intensity but what is implied even more is the support that the socialized person can expect from the collectivity if he is ready to act and to sacrifice himself for the nation or the group.
This is the first symbol of the sixty-eighth series. It allegorizes the power generated by a totally accepted and enforced collective discipline, and the exaltation and mass response which he who has achieved this self-surrender to a social tradition can expect in return.

so here we see that neptune needs to re-examine the way in which she is integrating with the group... Neptune, with her all-empowering unity, has to muster up some responsibility and surrender herself before she gets lost at sea... yeah... And with Neptune being the "unconsious understanding" of what is expressed through Venus, it makes a lot of sense... it's pretty dang hard to see the forest from the trees when your busy drowning in the sea, aint it? yup.

North node @ 16.44 Scorpio:

KEYNOTE: A total reliance upon the dictates of the God-within.
In contrast to the outgoing smile of the girl in the preceding symbol, here we see the result of a deep and complete concentration reaching to the innermost center of the personality where the Living God acts as a fecundating power. This reveals the potency of the inward way, the surrender of the ego to a transcendent Force which can create through the person vivid manifestations of the Will of God.
This second phase of the forty-sixth five-fold sequence brings to us the realization of normally hidden potentialities in the average human being of our day. Faith in the Divine is shown here being concretely justified. The human person becomes a "mother of the Living God." This is THE TRANSPERSONAL WAY of existence. It is the way that leads to creative mutations. "

"This is THE TRANSPERSONAL WAY of existence. It is the way that leads to creative mutations. "

so.. the "transpersonal way" is what we are aiming for in order to release those "creative mutations"...

Neptune will be going direct in just two days...

Neptune @ 2.35 pisces:

KEYNOTE: The power to preserve records of their achievements which is inherent in fully matured cultures.
When a vast group of men succeed in building a culture with strong institutions which express themselves in significant symbols and works of art or literature, such an effort of many generations is rarely lost altogether. In one form or another, records of this culture endure or are mysteriously preserved, simply because they reveal the place and function of this particular culture in the long process of unfoldment of the potentialities inherent in archetypal MAN. It is such a concept that has been mythified and popularized in the religious idea of the resurrection of the dead on the Last Day. The symbol of petrified wood in the Arizona desert, however, tells us that the actual preservation of the records is never perfect or total. Only fragments remain, significant enough to reveal the essential archetypal form.
This third symbol of the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence brings the promise of social immortality i.e. the preservation of the enduring (because archetypally meaningful) factors in whatever man attempts within his culture. A symbol of INDESTRUCTABILITY. "

Lol, i guess while Neptune was busy drowning, someone snuck into the forest and chopped down all her lovely trees....:wink: So Neptune had to go back and pick up... "the essential archetypal form".. that which is indestructable... in order to fully understand her group integration so that her lower octave might better express those creative mutations a la "tea leaf reader"

True node at 7.45 scorpio:

"SCORPIO 8: A CALM LAKE BATHED IN MOONLIGHT. KEYNOTE: A quiet openness to higher inspiration.
The Keyword is QUIESCENCE. "

Well look at that symbol again... Neptune can hold on to those "essential archetypes" by retaining a "quiet openness to higher inspiration"

Final Return March 4th:

North Node @ 29.12 Libra

KEYNOTE: The fulfillment of man's power of understanding at whatever level of existence the person operates.

A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO KNOWLEDGE, based on universals. "

so....... Neptune had to take a leave from group-integration to pick up some "Essential archetypes" so that she might better be able to achieve the "Self surrender" that is required of "the power generated by a totally accepted and enforced collective discipline" in order to arrive at understanding "based on universals" for the collective group that can be expressed through her lower-octave companion Venus through those "tea leaf" readings...... simple enough... :w00t::biggrin::wink:

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Oops.. have the neptune event charts but i forgot to attach them... ill edit this post and add em in as soon as i can..

nevermind just scroll down there v he posted them :p
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Well-known member
That's cool, I just sat up all night, again [as I have become completely a nocturnal animal... the cat and I up all night. Travails with Charlie {the Cat}by J. Stonewreck...soon to be an imaginary book, available to minds everywhere.]

I cast for the Neptune retro event last June 7th, the direct event happening on November 13th and it's Final Return on March 4, 2014. It appears though that Neptune arrives at 5:15:15 a.m. Philadelphia time, and Venus makes it's return a little more than five hours later at 10:28:32.

Interestingly the Horizon at the moment of the event for Neptune is 13* :aquarius: 43' 31 and the Part of Soul/Spirit of the USA natal is @ 13* :aquarius: 07' 15: and the Part of Unusual Events aka Part of Misinterpretation [Asc. + :uranus: - :moon:] for the USA chart is at 13* :leo: 33' 02", conj. the descendant of the chart

The M.C. of the event chart is 02* :sagittarius: 48' 10", as is the USA's Part of Sons, [ aka Part of Luck, Asc. + :jupiter: - :moon:] @
02* :sagittarius: 32' 52"

The Part of Fortune for the exact moment of the event is 24* :pisces: 55'
which interestingly enough is trine the PoF for the Venus final return , at, 24* :cancer: 38' and both in a Grand Trine configuration with Saturn at 23* :scorpio: 18' 58"

On that day Uranus @ 10* :aries: 52' will still be conjunct the USA natal Part of 'Fulfillment or as I prefer to title it as, 'Obligations' [Asc. + :mars: - :venus:]and although the Part of Love and Appreciation for the USA is at 11* :aries: 04' 48", it's a danm close conj. in terms of the orb of less than a quarter of a degree away

Seems that your sensing Venus' "Spotlight' was even more right on than I previously reckoned
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Well-known member
I also cast a chart for Uranus conj. the USA natal Part of Love and Appreciation@ 11* :aries: 04' 48" on March 8th, 2014 and Neptune conj. USA natal Part of Omens and Signs, [Asc. + :uranus: - :mercury:] as I prefer to call the Part is @ 05* :pisces: 52' 03", many are calling it and it's opposite formula the Part of Astrology... I'm leaning towards the Mercury - Uranus, formula for things that might have to do with astrology, this Part of switched roles between the two Planets makes more sense as having to do with being the recipient of 'Signs and Omens' where-as the other , I believe, involves an inherent ability to understand the motion of the Heavens.

On the event chart for this is an M.C. at 27* :sagittarius: 54' 01" and that is conj. the USA natal Part of Distress [Asc. + :mars: - :saturn:] @ 27* :sagittarius: 35' 43", and also conj. the Part of Peril [Asc. + R8th - :saturn:] @ 27* :sagittarius: 35' 43" ...also, because it becomes the formula for Distress also when it involves Mars as the ruler of the 8th house. If it were to involve Venus as the ruler of the 8th House, then that would mean that the Part of Mans' Marriage or what I like to call the Part of Contentment of the Soul be the same as the Part of Peril...and that would be a real bummer to have.. so, I believe having the Part of Distress and the Part of Peril one and the same, is a 'Blessing in De Skies" :pinched::biggrin::bandit::whistling:

Also posting the event chart for Neptune conj. the Part of Signs & Omens , which occurs on March 17th, 2014 and that's trippin' me out , girlfriend... it has as the Horizon Leo/Aquar. 06* 54' 18" , conj. the USA's natal Nodes at North 06* 35' 08", conj my Nodes reversed, conj. your M.C./I.C. and Princess Valhalla's M.C./I.C. in reverse... and you know what, Phoenix Venus?

...when Neptune first came within one degree of orb to this it was on April 24th and the North Node was in the 17th of Scorpio, conj. my Part of Destiny and transiting Uranus was conj the USA's Part of Fulfillment or what I prefer to call it as, the Part of Obligations [Asc. + :mars: - :venus:] @ 10' :aries: 09 04" at the time ... right when I had that dream about the petite, red headed gal in the rain, wearing the same kind of hat as I was ...yada...yada... "WWOW DDOUBLE RRAINBOW" moment, here... :andy::w00t: :sideways::geminiimg:

Neptune went retro on June 7th @ at 05* :pisces: 22' 27"
The M.C. of the event chart cast for Philadelphia has 04* :aquarius: 36' 46", conjunct the USA natal Part of Speculation aka Behest [Asc. + :jupiter: - :neptune:] @ 04* :aquarius: 51' 24"

...and conj. the USA natal Part of Economy, aka Part of Commerce, Agriculture, [Asc. + :saturn: - :venus: ] at 04* :leo: 02' 54"

...and also conj. the USA natal Part of Organization [Asc. + :pluto: - :saturn:] @ 04* :leo: 16' 25"there's another formula that is claimed to be this, but I'm VERY partial as to this formula because it is produced said Part conj. Hillary Clintons natal M.C. and Saturn conj. the degree and dallied on it the summer of 2007, I believe it was... it is said that was when she lost the front runner status and steam in the presidential primaries.

...although...that other Part is from the formula Asc. + :pluto: - :sun: and it is also known as the Part of Miracles or the Part of Gavel{?} but Phoenix Venus and others helped formulate an alternative take [especially, as the title for the opposite formula jibes too!} and that is the "Part of Sublimation of the Ego to the Spiritual" and, regardless it is for the USA natal @ 06* :scorpio: 25' 01" and Saturn was conj by within a deg. of orb @ 05* :scorpio: 35' 20"

lots more to note...but I'm burnt out ...9:25 a.m. O'vale, Calif.

Here are the charts ...

There was a point this morning around 3:30 a.m. when after studying these for about, almost, all of a day and almost all of a night, I could see the enormous beyond scope of belief only to be matched by the complexity of herself, UNIVERSE, we are a part of, and, the near magical way it borders on miraculous from our point of view, here on Terra, aka Mother Earth, synchronistic perfection it truly is ...and can actually see when we attune ourselves... like diving into some calm mountain lake during a Full Moon, while meditating... or something like that...

And the timing of all this stuff about Neptune conj. the USA part of Omens and Signs just when you showed up , P.V. , and "GOT IT!" and "BIG TIME" ....

sometimes, I just so blown away by it all...


  • Neptune retro June 2013 Phila..jpg
    Neptune retro June 2013 Phila..jpg
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  • Neptune direct November 2013 Phila..jpg
    Neptune direct November 2013 Phila..jpg
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  • Neptune Final Return Phila. March 2014.jpg
    Neptune Final Return Phila. March 2014.jpg
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  • USA natal Part of Love conj Uranus March 2014.jpg
    USA natal Part of Love conj Uranus March 2014.jpg
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  • USA natal Part of Omens conj. Neptune March 2014.jpg
    USA natal Part of Omens conj. Neptune March 2014.jpg
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Well-known member
It's the result of doing a synopsys on the mass affect of a series of retrogradations among the all the Planets in a years period.
It's that when i analyze a single planets workings for that amount of time and see the relevance to world events and get kinda spun away by it...multiplied four, five ...sevenfold or more and still get such a stunningly synchronistic and symbolicly rlevant to, not only the events of the times, but also in a symbolic 'Tenor" to such an astonishing percentage of probability to be cause to go giddy with it...

getting 'GIDDY WIT' IT ... I am...:eek:

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Yeah, venus has been coming up to a conjunction to my natal neptune and part of catastrophe.. conjuncting ole catastrophe today, so i caught a giant whiff of her too, ptv... definitely of the "double rainbow what does it all mean the sky is falling" variety. just between you and me, her perfume is super strong lol :)

It is all very synchronistic... and makes you really get a perception on what it means that everything in the universe, from the smallest microscopic particle to the stars galaxies and grand multiverse, is all the same.,. all connected.. the beauty of it all..

Having my part of destiny conjuct part of signs/omens... i agree with your interpretation of that part.

in fact, if i recall correctly, the chart for the upcoming neptune direct event chart has the mc loosely conjuncting my destiny/ omens @ 12.42 and 12.49 sag...

i wanted to get a post up about that chart specifically before tomorrow... I've been super busy today so we shall see :)
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
you know ptv, i had been having quite a few of those "ahha double rainbow" moments these past few days now, ever since around the time this thread started. it's funny because it didn't even surprise me that you noticed something too, i knew you would. :love::kissing::innocent:

So the neptune direct event chart for tomorrow has some interesting aspects going on, a bunch of mini grand trines. One of those mini grand trines is with neptune/asc - pluto/venus - merc/nn

Venus is at 7.51 cap and pluto is at 9.43 cap. Smack dab in the middle of those two points is the USA's part of "contentment of the soul" @ 8.56 cap and part of repression @ 8.42 cap

The north node @ 7.45 scorpio is conjunct Yeshua's part of omens/signs @ 7.50 scorpio

The midpoint of the north node/ Mercury conjunction is conjunct Yeshua's part of harmony @ 5.29 scorpio

And the ascendant & Neptune are conjunct Yeshua's part of "ancestral heritage" @ 1.51 pisces.

The descendant of the chart is conjunct USA's "part of change" @ 2.50 Virgo. (the symbolism of this point is pretty promising "two guardian angels")

The POF for the chart is conjunct Yeshua's Part of Luck @ 16.57 Cancer.

Check out the symbolism for the POF:

KEYNOTE: The life urge to actualize one's birth potential.

What is pictured here is simply the process of germination. As it unfolds from the sundered seed the plant pierces the crust of the soil and reaches up toward the light. This is a dynamic process turned outward, in contrast to the more static or introspective process of integration-through- understanding depicted in the preceding symbol.
Germination is the crucifixion of the seed. The seed becomes the germ, just as the Tibetan student meditating silently and peacefully on the Mandala is followed by the Christian Crusader - and, at a materialistic level of productivity, by the engineer-technologist intent upon transforming the globe for the greatest possible enjoyment of the greatest possible number of human beings.
As usual, the second stage of the five-fold sequence establishes a contrast with the first. Action polarizes meditation. The expanding process of self-actualization – which may mean nothing more than ego-expansion through conquest – contrasts with the introspective study of the structural relationship between, and the meaning of, the various energies and potentialities of one's nature (svarupa in Sanskrit). The Keyword is GROWTH.

If that doesn't spell out... DESTINY... in majestic form, i don't know what does!!!! :whistling:


Well-known member
quote. P.V, "
It is all very synchronistic... and makes you really get a perception on what it means that everything in the universe, from the smallest microscopic particle to the stars galaxies and grand multiverse, is all the same.,. all connected.. the beauty of it all..

Having my part of destiny conjunct part of signs/omens... I agree with your interpretation of that part."

Like I said, MAD SKILLS... you were "Born to Do It"

Interesting about the North Node and Yesh'ua's Part of Omens as the nodes are in a double Bi Quintile-Semi Quintile configuration with the chart M.C./I.C....

whoa... dare I say it? Doub....

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