Rahu as Atmakaraka?


Well-known member
Please clarify few points:
1. Is everything in your career sudden.
2. do you talk proudly about your achievements or gains.
3. You take extra work and repent latter and neglect your health.
4. You do multiple jobs at a time.
5. Do you keep judging your father or his actions and disagree with him at many times.
6. During 2007-08 any problems or events related to mother siblings?


Well-known member
Please clarify few points:
1. Is everything in your career sudden.
2. do you talk proudly about your achievements or gains.
3. You take extra work and repent latter and neglect your health.
4. You do multiple jobs at a time.
5. Do you keep judging your father or his actions and disagree with him at many times.
6. During 2007-08 any problems or events related to mother siblings?

Interesting questions:

1. I dont have a career as I am about to start new studies for realtor license at some point. Been battling health issues for years. But I will say, any small jobs I have ever had, have been short (few months, up to a year) cause I would lose interest. And in my mid-20’s, the managers were very keen on me working my way up from the start, but I was never interested enough to stay.

2. I may not have had enough events occur to talk proudly of but when I do well in anything, I do find an urge to be boastful. In an innocent way =D

3. I do try to be there for people in need. Over the years I noticed that when I do this, they tend to want more from me. As if they dont know how to stop ‘taking’. I have learned to say ‘NO’ but it’s tough because somehow their eyes glaze over or they think I’m in the wrong. So I’m always doing more work than I should. My ex-partners have dubbed me working Cinderella at some point lol, at everyones command.

4. I haven’t had multiple jobs at once since I havent had many jobs but I do like to multitask. Maybe those jobs were too monotonous for me.

5. My father lives away for vocation so i dont see him often but yes our thoughts do not align and because of this I may be critical of him.

6. Im not entirely sure about my moms sibling. She only has one older brother who lives in the States and she doesnt share their details often. Many things could have happened over those years. If you meant related to me, I remember they visited one year and my uncle badgered me about not being able to travel or visit them and how I shouldnt be a recluse. I was silently very irritated at that because I knew of my own long standing health issues which made it impossible at the time. That’s the only unpleasant interaction ive ever had with him.

All this time, Ive been told I had a Venus AK, and honestly I never could relate to it. I don’t have too many issues with relationships other than incompatibility of mind. Im very selective with friends/partners and enjoy my time away from people. No unusual overindulgent nature, unless I’m misinterpreting what Venus AK would have meant for me. I’ve always been the oddball of my friends, I found things like outer space and mysterious topics fascinating. From a young age, I have always pondered my place in this universe, brought on by a tough childhood.
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