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270-page Sidney Powell "Kraken" document:


President Trump nativity would have been called "An Imperial Horosocope" by the court astrologers of the Roman emperors (prior to the 4th century CE)


A Solar Eclipse conjunct his Moon is extremely fortunate time...he will be shining like a full moon & his personality (Sun) will be highlighted.:biggrin:

He might get awarded the 279 Electoral Votes at that time (which he won already but they denied it) to bring him the re-election win or possibly a decision from the courts which will be in his favour.

I wasn't aware of this upcoming eclipse in Dec & appreciate the posting.

"......Astrologers must issue their prediction no later than 7am Tuesday November 3rd Eastern Standard Time (EST) or 12:00 noon November 3rd Universal time (UTC) Any prediction issued after the opening of polls in Washington DC will not be included.

Note: The List of astrologers that made a prediction for either candidate is followed by links to articles by astrologers who make interesting commentary on the election without seeking to make a specific forecast. There are also some astrologers who after analysing everything see a lot of factors cancelling each other out making the election too close to call.

Donald Trump Win : 60
Joe Biden Win: 52

The list includes 24 astrologers who correctly predicted the 2016 Presidential Election.
19 of these astrologers predicted a Trump re-election in 2020.

Only 5 of these astrologers predicted a Biden win in 2020.

Prediction on 2020 Presidential Election -2020-Mark Cullen

I am issuing this prediction just before the polls open

in Washington DC for the 2020 US Presidential election
on Tuesday November 3rd 2020.
In large part I just feel I want to put my views on record
whether they are proven correct or not.
I think its important we put our techniques to the test.

Looking at all the astrological testimony

I feel the astrology is consistent with Donald Trump
being re-elected the next President
after a very protracted and controversial process.

The ingress charts and opening of poll chart seem to favour Trump.
On the bigger scale Trump’s strong synastry
to the 2000 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction indicates
he may well be the last hurrah of the earth triplicity Presidencies.

Addendum: Natal chart Controversies
I have found it somewhat surprising

that so many astrologers have accepted the times
of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump as given in Astrodatabank.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s chart in particular is only rated A in Astrodatabank ‘...from memory...’

The Astrodatabank source notes state:

''...Marion March quotes Celeste Longacre for 8:30 AM from him
in "...Welcome to the Planet Earth," 4/1987'...'.
So the time given
is not even a direct recollection of the birth time by Biden
given to that astrologer.

I am generally suspicious of birth times without authentication
from a birth chart rounded off to the hour or half hour.
Moreover, I have observed completely contradictory delineations
of Biden’s transits based on the 08.30am time given.
A possibility that has not been given much attention in 2020
is that both camps are in fact wrong
since Biden’s chart could plausibly be earlier or later
than the time given.

Donald Trump
While Astrodatabank now simply gives Donald Trump’s chart
an AA status based on a birth certificate
that came to light many astrologers are unconvinced by this time
and use an earlier time.

The earlier time used on Solar Fire was 09.51am.
Astrologers like Bill Meridian still support this time.

Alternatively, the astrologer Alphee Lavoie has proposed
a 10.12am time for Trump.
A completely, different controversy over Trump’s time of birth
is derived from the AA time of 10.54am.

Several astrologers have pointed out that
Trump only needed to be born literally seconds later
to be Virgo rising.

The earliest advocates of this position
are the traditional astrologers Sharon Knight (United Kingdom)
and Steven Birchfield (Norway)
who proposed this in their prediction
Trump would win the 2016 election.

Since then several astrologers have taken up this position.

Amongst several factors Sharon Knight suggests
Trump’s marriage partners are better signified by Jupiter
than Saturn
