bhav chalit or lagna chart


Active member
can anyone give me the reference to the original ancient astrology text where it is mentioned that planet rasi will be seen from D1 chart or rasi chart and bhava/aspects will be seen from bhav chalit.
Let us say someone has venus conjunct mercury in libra in 12th house(native is scorpio lagna) in lagna chart and in bhav chalit venus is in 11th house but mercury remains in 12th house, the result/aspects venus and mercury will give/have in its mahadasha/antardasha will be according to which house position(11th or 12th)? can someone clarify?


Well-known member
No, there is not any ancient text bifurcating both rasi and bhav chalit charts. See, there is a difference in both charts. Rasi chart can predict taking planets as per their longitude. Taking bhav chalit chart, if any planet is in starting degree or in last degrees, may shift to another house. Here, prediction may be different than rasi chart chart. Also, for perfect bhav chalit chart, 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th, 5th and 11th, 6th and 12th houses have different degrees from oppsote houses instead of rasi chart.

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
You may consult Hora Ratnam. It distinguishes aspects of life in which bhav charts should be used. You can also consult Sripati-paddhati Chap one. Some details can be seen in my (Dinesh S. Mathur) recently published (by Sagar Publications) book Aspects, Combustion, Debilitation & Dispositors.
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Before jumping on the conclusion that which chart will give right answer (assuming the fact that predicting is the whole purpose of knowing about the chart to be used or placement to be used) Planets on the verge of change like 1-2 degree or 29-30 degree would be different in bhaav chalit chart and D-1 but before judging the fact that prediction will change there could be other reasons too.

Questionable time of birth(variation by few mins is quite obvious)
Ayamsa being used (after all it is change in degree)
Bhaav Chalit by Lagna or moon

Just a point to ponder before reaching a result which chart is right to be used above points might help in understanding and judging

can anyone give me the reference to the original ancient astrology text where it is mentioned that planet rasi will be seen from D1 chart or rasi chart and bhava/aspects will be seen from bhav chalit.
Let us say someone has venus conjunct mercury in libra in 12th house(native is scorpio lagna) in lagna chart and in bhav chalit venus is in 11th house but mercury remains in 12th house, the result/aspects venus and mercury will give/have in its mahadasha/antardasha will be according to which house position(11th or 12th)? can someone clarify?