If Pluto is on house 1, should I not participate on pilgrimage today?


Premium Member
You are ruled by Saturn, the walk by ruler of the 3rd, Mars.

Horary doesn't tell us if we should do things; it tells us if we will do things. This doing in the future is reflected by an applying aspect between the significators. In this case, there is no applying aspect between Mars and Saturn.
Your secondary significator, Moon, does not aspect Mars either.

Whether or not you will like something is reflected by the reception between the significators. In this instance, you/Saturn, do not receive well, or like, the walk/Mars because Mars is in the sign of Saturn's debility, Leo.
In the case of Moon, the reception is poor from Mars.

I think that you most likely will not participate in the pilgrimage because you will not like it.
The chart does not speak to what you should do.

There is lots to learn about horary. First you need to know the basics of astrology: the meaning of the planets, signs and houses. Are you new to astrology or just horary?


Well-known member
tech speaking it can show if you should or should not do
that mainly lies within receptions and aspects

so lets say

you want to go to paris
Should i go to paris

Lord 9th is strong and there is reception that it projects to L1 - looks good
then L1 is weak and sits somewhere where it is not positive - it means that the querent is not in spirits but then L1 aspects a positive planet - at the end querent might have a good time

let's reverse it

L1 is in good shape
L9 is bad shape
Querent WILL NOT have a good time because L9 has nothing to offer

see PM box for an example


Well-known member
Added to the other replies, horary can also say what the outcome would be if you follow a certain path or take a certain action. So, would it be a good idea?
The 3rd house, the walk, contains Chiron, so you would find the walk challenging and tedious.
With no connection between saturn and other planets, though, you wouldn't suffer from it, for example sprain an ankle, etc.
Moon here void of course takes no action, added to no aspects between the significato, so in fact we see you won't be going on the walk at any rate!
Pluto on the ascendent rules the midheaven of how you are viewed by others, so you didn't want to make a poor showing by going.