Water dominant chart, a curse!!

I've come to this conclusion from going over mine and many others charts.

And I've found those who are water dominant in ALL the cases suffer from depression and or some form of mental illness. These folks also tend to stagnate in life unless there is a large sum of fire to propel them. But the downside I've noticed that folks with a lot of fire coming in 2nd to all that water tend to kill themselves more.

I see absolutely no use for water especially after observing folks with little to none actually capable of showing empathy and nurturing spirit, it just expresses in a different form.........the form that doesn't make one fat and needy. Plus with no water you really won't need a shoulder to cry on and take it in stride if the world seems cold. Whereas a water logged individual CAN'T and WILL NEVER get over it!!!!!

It won't cure everything and I know it seems impossible but I think the rate of mental illness, crimes passions and all these other issues resulting from emotions running high will drop drastically if we could just find a way to prevent births where the natives chart will be heavily water dominant. The water is just too murky.

Ok, that's my Monday morning advice to save the world.


New member
I think it's somewhat unhealthy to attribute mental illnesses to a particular sign or element. You seem particularly jaded by a special individual with a heavy water chart, and while I respect that you are hurt from your experiences with this person (or people), it is not good to attribute these qualities to an entire sign or placement. I encourage you to seek therapy to heal from the ways this person has harmed you, instead of using astrology as a cop out to explain their choices and your feelings. Sending love to you


Well-known member
That's true. My chart is water and 12th house dominant and Uranus in Sagittarius is the only fire placement.

I have Cancer ascendant, Moon conjunct my ascendant from the 12th side in Cancer. Sun in Gemini in 12th house, Mars in Scorpio. I have 6 retrogrades.

And it's true, I stagnate in life. I don't live but survive.


Well-known member
My sister is the most water dominant in our family, and she's also a fiery powerhouse who's maybe the most driven too.

I think her Pluto/Saturn placements help to "check" her Scorpio Sun (conj Pluto) intensity and Pisces Moon (square Saturn) sensitivity. She also has a 12th H Mars.

But I'm pretty sure she represses a lot to be that focused.