Am i just messed up?


Well-known member
I don't think you're messed up. :smile: You've been going through a difficult time. But things will get better.

With the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Cancer, you are adaptable and strong. You are motivated by an unwavering need for emotional security and you have strong social sensitivity, too. At the same time, you're strongly idealistic with a significant desire to please others while you're also concerned about thinking and saying the right things. The difficulty is that this idealism, which is deeply ingrained, is fraught with contradictions. Not everything you think will please others and it may often seem to you that attending to those you care for requires you to change or set aside what you think is right. That conflict can make it difficult for you to know what to do because, when you put others' interests first, you may seem weak. Nevertheless, others experience you as analytical and insightful and that you put a lot of energy into being being appreciated, fair and balanced (Mercury conjunct Venus in Scorpio, conjunct Pluto; Virgo rising; Mars in Libra conjunct Ascendant).

You have a hard time knowing who you are and what your life's direction should be. You may be easily influenced by others at times and it often seems that you need time to meditate, dream or just get lost in gazing out of the window in order to maintain your inner balance. (Moon conjunct Midheaven; Moon opposite Neptune; Neptune opposite Midheaven; transiting Neptune trine Midheaven).

Your mother has likely been the dominant figure in your life. She has a powerful influence over your sense of yourself, your direction in life and in the ways you meet the world in terms of your personal relationships. Your father, may have died or vanished from your life when you were just a few months old (Moon in Cancer conjunct the Midheaven; North Node conjunct Descendant; Saturn in Sagittarius, 3rd house and Jupiter in 8th).

It looks like the turning point in your marriage was around the middle of 2010 and you're experiencing this rupture as a significant challenge to your personal identity and sense of yourself. Sometimes your emotions seem chaotic to you and at times you may be feel pressure from your mother in relation to your divorce. Overall, you're probably experiencing a lot of doubt and uncertainty about your aims in life as well as your hopes and dreams. This is more than just a passing mood: it feels like something much deeper, something you need to attend to, but you may not be certain of how to do that or what's important (transiting Uranus conj. DC mid-2010; transiting Uranus square Neptune and Moon, now; solar arc Uranus square Sun now; solar arc Uranus quindecile Moon; transiting Pluto conjunct Neptune).

I think that, if you can find ways to focus on your work, it will help you get through the difficulty and uncertainty you're feeling. Transiting Jupiter is opposite your natal Saturn right now, increasing Saturn's interest in order, discipline and structure, both at home and in your creative life.


Well-known member
Following on from what Peregrine Moon has said, all of your personal planets are in either air or water signs. Sun and Mars (the so-called masculine personal planets) are in airy Libra, and Moon and Venus (the so-called feminine personal planets) are in water signs, as is Mercury. Its not possible from the chart to see whether you favour air (which judges situations with reference to logical and ethical principles, and seeks to keep a certain emotional distance in order to maintain independence and impartiality) or water (which judges situations instinctively with reference to personal values, and seeks to maintain a sense of intimacy with others).

Because of the masculine/feminine inherent natures of four of the personal planets (as mentioned above) if you are a male, you are more likely to be airy, and if you are a female you are more likely to be watery. Probably your ex-partner was more airy if you favour your watery side, and vice versa. Now that you have separated from your partner, you may suddenly feel the absence of that element (air and water are two of the elements) and so it is an opportunity to find it within yourself. You may suddenly feel the gap between these two parts of yourself in a way that you didn't when you had someone to carry one part along side you.

Your need for intimacy seems to be very strong with Venus in Scorpio sextile Neptune and conjunct Pluto, and the angular Moon in Cancer closely opposite Neptune. The houses where Venus and the Moon are found (the 2nd and 10th respectively) are both connected with experiences where self-esteem can be found through being productive, so it is not surprising that you are putting energy into your business at this time.

Transiting Saturn is approaching a conjunction with your natal Venus at the moment. If you have been using work to numb emotional pain, the next month or so may somehow bring this to your awareness. It is a good time to take stock of whether or not you are connected to the sources of emotional nourishment that lie within you, but you may need to make time to do this. The tiredness could be your way of telling yourself that you need to rest and get in touch with yourself.

When transiting Uranus makes its station in square to your Moon and Neptune towards the end of 2012 and into 2013, there may be further 'lessons' around emotional independence, possibly involving new understanding of how your relationship with one or both parents has helped to shape the emotional landscape within which you now live.

Although Cancer, Libra and Scorpio are all signs which like to relate to others, the emphasis on the eastern (left) hemisphere of your chart suggests a need to take the lead in your own life rather than responding to the initiatives of others. So it could be very useful for you to be able to find emotional fulfilment in your own being. This doesn't mean that you can't have fulfilling relationships - just that your much of your energy is more readily available when you are approaching life as an individual.

I'm not sure I'm getting a clear enough handle on the paradox which seems to be inherent in this chart. But hopefully there's something useful here.
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Well-known member
can i get to a place where my inside reflects my outside? im fun and pretty and people always love me...

Yes. Yes, you can get to that place. Absolutely. I think so because you're able to say that you're fun and pretty and people always love you. That's a wonderful bunch of things to know and feel about yourself. Too often, when people feel really dragged down by life, they forget about the positive things and that makes it so much harder to feel better. But what you seem to be saying is that the way things are now doesn't seem right to you because these important things you believe about yourself aren't being validated, or they seem to be wrong, somehow.

will i have to check myself every second of every day until my annoying emotions and i are both dead??
I want to refer to what I said, earlier, about what you think (Mercury) and your need to please others, to be liked by them (Venus). You're describing what it's like when those things are in direct conflict. You can't suppress aspects of yourself for very long because they're part of you, of who you are and what's true and best for you. Your emotions are part of your reality and with your Moon at the highest point in your horoscope, there's no lasting way for you to set them aside. If your circumstances are such that you feel the only way you can be where you are is to basically amputate your heart... what's the real message in that? I think you know!

But the choice is not between massive repression and death. What is life, for you? What do you need to be and to do in order to live the life that you need to live?

Work is definitely helping, is there anything in there that says if i have the penchant for making a creative business like mine work out?
Yes. If you are willing and able to put in the time and hard work that you'll need, you can be successful. Pluto in your second house is dedicated to what you love (Venus) and what you think (Mercury). Pluto is also associated with wealth, though it can take time for wealth to come your way. However, your 5th house of creativity is in Aquarius and ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Those two planets basically represent change and freedom through discipline and structure. If you can work hard (Saturn), you can be successful in your creative work. Your judgment about your career focus is based on how you feel about what you're doing and your estimation of what you can accomplish (10th house in Cancer) and the Moon is conjunct your Midheaven, which can give you perception about the public aspects of your career as well as validating your emotional perceptions about it. Now, frankly, the Moon is not the most constant planet--it's always changing--and Neptune is opposing your Midheaven, which can make some of your perceptions unrealistic at times.

But if you can find some others who are in or are familiar with your line of work and whose judgment you can trust, that may make an enormous difference. Avoid trusting your intuition without verification from outside and you should be okay.

You say you're living with your mother in-law, but you're also divorcing your husband, her son? That has got to be a rough combination of circumstances!

Where is your own mother? In your chart, she seems to be the major influence in your life.


Well-known member
Hi. Peregrine has already given a thorough and positive reply, so I'll just add a couple of thoughts.

Moon in Cancer on the MC is very good at instinctively knowing what society needs. The aspect to Neptune could add to this sensitivity, or as mentioned above could mean a lack of realism. So I think the suggestion of getting feedback is a good one.

Scorpio is great at bringing to people's awareness things that tap into hidden reserves of energy. Your Libra energy will help you to shape these things into things which are acceptable and beautiful.

The bad side of yourself which you mention can be healed by tuning into feeling side. You may become emotionally reliant on people due to moon in Cancer opposite Neptune, and this, plus the Libra energy will mean that you try hard to be liked. But the Scorpion part of you perhaps resents the power which is given away through needing to be accepted.

The Scorpio energies are in the second house of resources, so you may release your 'bad' side when you feel out of control of that which gives you a sense of stability and security.

Virgo rising with Mercury in Scorpio also seems a good combination for business, since it brings thoroughness and astuteness to your way of approaching the world.

It would be worthwhile reading up about Neptune on the IC with regard to your father's disappearance from your life.

Your 'annoying emotions' can't be traded off. But they can become a source of increasing richness and depth. And they can be very much your ally in business rather than a possible source of apprehension and turbulent dealings with business associates.

As mentioned before, the rest of this year is a good time to get to know yourself better on an emotional level.


Well-known member
Re your last post. That dynamic with your mother is typical of Moon Neptune, Moon in Cancer, and Moon on the MC.


Well-known member
Hey Eight Eights. I'm not sure what everyone has said, but your chart is kind of easy to read. I'm not going to go into any elaborate detail, but I can isolate a good part of your personality. Tell me if I'm wrong . . . . :smile:

Your personality works a bit at cross purposes sometimes. You have an aggressive nature; yet it is tempered by great compassion and a good nature. You are gentile and amiable, though you have a substantial amount of energy that needs to be channeled. I recommend some kind of sport activity. I'd imagine you would do quite well in sports, but would do really well in a sporting activity that allowed you to play as a team member. You would make a great team member, because though you are competitive, "you have a cooperation inside of you." You are a team player and a leader of a team, or at least you have that potential (and I mean this outside of the sporting arena). But do play some kind of sport or exercise or you will find your emotions getting the better of you. Anger can be a problem. Channel it through physical activity.

You are well liked by people and are popular. This is partly due to your good humor. You have an excellent sense of humor, and there is a great sympathy to you that others find attractive. I am sure friends call you a lot and invite you out. This is good so long as you keep the right kind of company.

You can be intense sometimes. You are passionate but occasionally can come on really strong with people, and people sometimes say, "whoa" and take a step back. This is partly because of your vibrancy, partly because of your intense moods. You'll accomplish a lot in your life, and you'll do so in the company/help of others.

Anyway, that's just a smidge from your chart. I hope it helps, and I hope that it is not redundant because others have said the same.


Well-known member
P.S. You have a great creative side, though I am not sure you would make a great writer. Your Mars is too prominent to be a great success at that. Nevertheless, I think you would be good at trying to market creative ideas, whatever they may be.
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Well-known member
One last bit of info: your Neptune in the North shows that you've had a rough time at home. When that situation ends, try to find a large body of water (e.g. the sea) to live by. It'll do wonders for your well being.


Well-known member
Holy poop do you know me in person? I do need physical release its a huge part of my life otherwise i will whore around and flip out on everyone i know for any reason.

:lol: Yes. You have significant sexual urgency. It's good to channel this in creative endeavors.


Well-known member
Hi 88888888. It doesn't necessarily matter if the business fails. At least you won't look back wondering 'what if?' And you may learn a lot about yourself whether it succeeds or not.

All I would say though is what I mentioned above - check with yourself whether you're channeling all of your emotional energy into the business partly to avoid dealing with difficult feelings. It can be great thing for developing a business - transiting Saturn conjunct Venus in Scorpio in the 2nd house that is. But also a time when issues of self worth come up and are best looked at directly.