Question about the HOUSES


Well-known member
I have a question. What matters more, the solar houses or the houses after my rising sign? I've noticed that planets and aspects that go through my solar houses are more accurate then the houses from the time I was born. Or are they both right but I only notice the influences that go through my solar and my rising houses are more silent? For example right now the planets are in Gemini, New moon in Gemini in my solar 2nd house, I just got a job and I'm earning money now, and in my other houses from the time I was born they fall under my 3rd and fourth house aanndd nothing is happening for me there in that sector.. so can anyone explain this for me?



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Well-known member
I personally use the whole sign system. In other words, your whole 1st house is in Pisces along with the North Node. Your whole 2nd house is in Aries. Your whole 3rd house is in Taurus along with the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury. Your whole 4th house is in Gemini along with Venus and Chiron, etc.