Do I have a 'powerful' chart?

The Ram

Well-known member
I like placidus, it definitely does work. But for some people it can make the chart a bit screwy,depending on where they were born. Under placidus your first house is over 2 signs wide!

In answer to your question, a first house saturn is a mixed bag, it can be good or it can be bad. A 9th house pluto is good.

I would suggest looking at your chart in a whole sign format. Under that system youd have a 2nd house Saturn which again is not great, but Id rather have it there hidden from the ascendant than in the ascendant in most cases. You have a 9th house sun, moon, venus, mercury and north node, which is great. A 10th house scorpio mars, fantastic! And a 11th house Sagittarius Jupiter conjunct your mc, very auspicious! Under either house system your neptune and uranus are in your 12th house, which isnt great, but your other strong placements make up for that.

So yes, under whole sign houses format I would say that you do have a very strong chart. Under placidus it definitely looks a bit more ordinary. The good news is that whole sign looks to be more accurate for you.


Account Closed
Ok, the title of this thread makes me sound very egotistical, but I don't mean to come across like that! :p The other day I was reading a forum on another website that mentioned Saturn in the first house and Pluto in the ninth house as 'powerful' placements in terms of leadership etc. Is this true for me in relation to the rest of my chart?

If it were this simple we wouldn't need astrologers and we could rely completely on computers. There is no silver bullet, no simple this causes that in astrology.


Well-known member
Hi. All charts are powerful in one way or another, as long as we get away from very conventional, yang notions of what constitutes power. When we ask, 'Am I powerful', we are often really asking, 'Do I have enough power to achieve what I want to achieve?' There are some indications in your chart that suggest a possible propensity to be concerned about this. Sun is exactly conjunct Chiron, and also exactly novile Mars in Scorpio. The ruler of several personal planets, Venus, is closely semi-square Pluto and exactly semi-sextile Mars.

Jupiter culminates in its own sign, suggesting a possible desire for influence.


Well-known member
Absolutely off topic but yay we have almost twin charts only difference my moon is in cap :happy: Dont know why but this makes me somehow joyful


Well-known member

Ok, the title of this thread makes me sound very egotistical,
but I don't mean to come across like that! :p
The other day I was reading a forum on another website that mentioned Saturn in the first house
and Pluto in the ninth house as 'powerful' placements in terms of leadership etc.
Is this true for me in relation to the rest of my chart?
Would be interesting to know whether you are called on to lead others in daily life or not :smile:

The Ram

Well-known member
I actually have an eighth house mars in scorpio, and jupiter conjunct MC on my ninth house cusp! And I have a 7th house sun and venus, and an 8th house moon. But thanks so much for the reply anyway! And yes you're definitely right about first house saturn being a mixed bag... a VERY mixed bag!

You misunderstand, friend.

The house positions I mentioned are correct according to the whole sign house system, which is the original house system that astrologers used.

I would google whole sign houses and learn that system, its pretty simple and I think it would give you better insight into your chart than placidus (which is the current house system youre using, notuce how it says placidus on the chart you posted).

To put it simply: under whole sign houses all of the sign aquarius would be your first house, all of the sign pisces would be your 2nd and all of libra would be your 9th, etc etc.


Well-known member
Definitely Saturn goes a bit harsh on me at times you know with self doubt and such unpleasant feelings and I used to be called an absolute poker face before (well it has its benefits) but I think It helps me get a bit more down to earth you know- stop dreaming and get to work you idiot you dont have time to fool around :tongue:.


Well-known member
This is just an opinion cause Im not an astrologer but I think you should decide for yourself which system fits better.For instance I prefer equal to both placidus and whole sign because the descriptions Ive read about the placements that come out describe me to a further extend than the others. About Saturn especially I feel much more like a Saturn in 1st(equal & placidus) than in 2nd(whole).


Well-known member
Ah ok, I see! I'm so sorry for not reading your reply properly.
Thank you for the new information!
I'll look up the whole house system right now!
dr. farr has more than fifty years of astrological experience and study completed
and posted an excellent synopsis of the way WHOLE SIGN houses works :smile:
on a previous thread at


(and for the past thousand years or so)
we define cusps as "borders" (coasts),
but that is not the original meaning of the word "cusp":
it means "point

such as cuspal teeth (bicuspids)
and the point of a sword
-so originally the term cusp meant the "point" of something,
and in astrology originally the "cusp" of the house meant its "point";

now, when quadrant systems were developed,
this "point" of the house came to mean its "beginning",
which later came to mean its "border",
ie, the "border" between one house and the other.

And later astrology also began using these "borders" (cusps)
for various prognostic applications
(Charles Carter came to believe that, for timing of events,
the "cusps" of the Campanus house system gave the best results,
among the various quadrant house systems)

But now notice this:

in whole sign the cusps are NOT the 0 degree "borders" of sign/houses at all,
and never were so regarded!

In whole sign, the "cusp" retained its original meaning,
not as a "border"
but rather as A POINT
-and that POINT (cusp) for EACH house, was the sensitive point of that house,
viz, the sensitive point in whole sign houses
-each house-
that is the "cusp" of each house
-is a direct projection from the ascending degree.


-the ascending degree of a chart is 18 Taurus:

what are the house cusps
(sensitive points, original meaning of the word "cusp")
in the whole sign houses of this chart?

Cusp of 1st house = 18 Taurus
Cusp of 2nd house = 18 Gemini
Cusp of 3rd house = 18 Cancer
Cusp of 4th house = 18 Leo
Cusp of 5th house = 18 Virgo
Cusp of 6th house = 18 Libra
Cusp of 7th house = 18 Scorpio
Cusp of 8th house = 18 Sagittarius
Cusp of 9th house = 18 Capricorn
Cusp of 10th house = 18 Aquarius
Cusp of 11th house = 18 Pisces
Cusp of 12th house = 18 Aries

Now it is these "cusps"
(sensitive degrees, original meaning of the word "cusp" as a "point")
that are
(and were)
used for progressions,
timing of events, etc,

and the fact is that they work for these purposes, quite well (in expert hands)

Whole sign does not use the BORDERS between houses (always 0 degree of any sign) for anything,
but it DOES use "cusps"
(points in the house, projected from the exact ascending degree)
for timing (and other) delineative purposes.

Whole sign suddenly vanished
(both in the West and in Vedic astrology)
during the same period of time
-ie, late 8th to early 9th century-
this sudden disappearance suggests a sudden turn in astrological thinking and practices,
rather than a gradual supplanting of a less effective traditional method (whole sign)
by a new and more effective method (rheotrius/alchabitius in the West,
and the closely related to whole sign Equal house, in Vedic astrology)

I quite agree with Waybread in the statement, "so what?" (if old time astrologers did or didn't do something)
For me, there is only 1 reason I switched to whole sign
-it worked better (FOR ME)
I could care less if it were the oldest house system (which it is)
whether it was invented by Badda Bing at Barney's Beanery in Bayonne, 10 years ago:

only things I consider are:
-does it seem to make sense?
-does it "taste good" to me (ie, does it "feel right" to me)

-and, if yes to the above, does it work
(producing delineations and predicitions)
better than what I have previously been doing?

Well, whole sign did all that, for me,
so I switched;
but I am not going to try to convince anyone of anything about it,
except for beginners
-to you who might just be starting out,
I would say: try whole sign first,
and see how well it might work for you...


Well-known member
Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars are in their own rulerships which make them strong. Your MC is ruled by Jupiter which typically means you will have good fortune in your career. With Jupiter conjunct the MC in its own sign, doubly so. You are very Libra with all your personal planets placed in that sign. Uranus, your ASC ruler is in its own rulership of Capricorn, this can give you a little more grit however Libra's have a hard time making up their mind about anything. In fact, you have Uranus and Neptune squaring your Moon and Sun, I believe you are very changeable and your mood peaks and dips quite regularly. I think there is an element of unpredictability about you as well. Finding work that is not routine would be suggested or something that gives a lot of flexibility and variety.

I don't look at Libra's as a "powerful sign" generally speaking. They are more pleasant peacemakers and can sit both sides of the fence so to speak. Of course this is mitigated by looking at the chart in it's entirety as well as sign and house placement. You will have to give more background about yourself. Are you creative in some way or good at sales? Do you like to travel? Are you in school? What are your aspirations?

Ok, the title of this thread makes me sound very egotistical, but I don't mean to come across like that! :p The other day I was reading a forum on another website that mentioned Saturn in the first house and Pluto in the ninth house as 'powerful' placements in terms of leadership etc. Is this true for me in relation to the rest of my chart?


Well-known member
You're welcome! I just noticed your Pluto is also in it's own rulership!! 5 planets in their own sign/rulership!! How fortunate!

Nothing wrong with wanting fame! Do you want to become a teacher or perhaps an interpreter? Funny, knowing other languages would be great for being a tour guide. LOL! I didn't like traveling much when I was young and hate traveling for work but I LOVE traveling for pleasure.

Thank you so much for giving me such a comprehensive reply! Hmm, I'm currently studying languages (French and Irish) in University. Ironically though I don't enjoy travelling that much; I think that has something to do with having natal Pluto in my ninth house. I'm not gonna lie, it often crosses my mind how much I'd love to be well known in regard to my career, and I'd describe myself as an ambitious person with a decent amount of self-motivation. I feel delusional to a certain degree saying that the idea of fame appeals to me... but it does! And yes, you couldn't be more accurate about my mood constantly peaking and dipping and being very Libra- I'm indecisive to my core! I can barely decide what to eat for breakfast in the morning xD


Well-known member
by the way
For beginners
it is necessary to be aware that there are frequently differences of opinion amongst astrologers :smile:
that one of those differences of opinion involves RULERSHIP

for approximately two thousand years
RULERSHIP TABLE worked well and continue to work well today
as a coherent system


many are of the opinion
that it is simply not possibly to cram newly discovered planets
into the existing balanced framework
without seriously and irreparably destabilising the rulership tables
rendering them nonsensical

dr. farr has studied astrology for more than fifty years and sums up the situation as follows:

no, I do NOT consider Neptune, Uranus or Pluto to be dispositors ("rulers") of any sign

-but yes I do consider them to be affinitive to certain signs and dissonant with other signs:

for me, if X planet is in, say, Aquarius,
then I consider SATURN to be dispositor of that planet,
I consider Uranus to have a relationship to that planet as well
(because of the affinity of Uranus with Aquarius),
but NOT at the same level
(the level of dispositorship) that Saturn has




Well-known member
They are powerful because they the 5 planets are in the sign that it rules.

Honestly I have no idea what I wanna be yet! My indecisiveness shining right through :p Haha, hopefully I'll be like you and take more to travelling when I'm older and wiser :) Actually, would you mind me asking, what is so fortunate about having 5 planets in their own sign/rulership? :)


Well-known member

Honestly I have no idea what I wanna be yet!

My indecisiveness shining right through :p
Haha, hopefully I'll be like you and take more to travelling when I'm older and wiser :)
Actually, would you mind me asking,
what is so fortunate about having 5 planets in their own sign/rulership?
Rulership is only one of several different forms of dignity that a planet may have
dependent on location, some planets have no dignity at all :smile:

For thousands of years, only seven visible planets were recognised in astrology
then in March 1781 the planet Uranus was discovered

since then, modern astrologers have had disagreements regarding which sign 'rules Uranus'


it is clearly not possible
to cram Uranus into the existing planetary dignities table
without de-stabilising Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius

some modern astrologers assign co-rulership of Aquarius to Uranus
so that Saturn co-rules Aquarius with Uranus
not all modern astrologers are of this opinion

Then when Neptune was discovered September 1846
some modern astrologers speculated that Neptune ruled Pisces
but some astrologers disagree for the reasons already mentioned

Then Pluto was discovered February 1930 less than 100 years ago
and some modern astrologers speculated that Pluto rules Scorpio
but some astrologers disagree for reasons already mentioned
