6th House Saturn Return Stories anyone?


Hey Guys,

I have a bit more time until my Saturn return. My Saturn is in my 6th house in Aquarius conjunct my Sun and Mercury. There's other aspects but these are the main ones.

I mainly want to hear your stories of having a Saturn return in the 6th house. I'm interested in what went down in your life.

Tell me your stories


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I have natal Saturn in the 6th in Libra. It is conjunct Neptune in Libra, and the Sun at zero Scorpio.

My 1st Saturn Return was one of the very best times of my life. I met my husband during my Saturn return. For me it was 'love at 1st sight.' :love:

It took him another 6 months or so to have the same realisation. :cool:

In some ways, at that time, I had to 'grow up' and get more serious, if I wanted this new relationship to work out.

My work situation was not a good one for establishing a romantic relationship. I was working as a cocktail waitress in a nightclub, 4 to 5 nights a week. Typically slept in late then went to work from 7 pm to 2 am, and then used to go out with coworkers afterwards on some nights.

When I met my new boyfriend, I wanted it to be a serious, committed situation.
So I found a new job, with regular day time hours, working in a metaphysical book store. Took a big cut in pay at first, but eventually began doing Astrology charts out of the store, which increased my pay. Then began an Astrology class, which helped also.

Tr Saturn was going back and forth over my Saturn and then my Neptune, then Saturn, then Neptune , then the Sun. So many areas of my life were impacted, mostly in a positive way, but only after some difficulties and struggles.

Igt was hard to give up the huge cash tips I was used to, from my waitressing job. And it was fun, with very little boring responsibility aspects.

Then I traded that lifestyle for a 9 to 5 bookstore job. So very different.

But it freed up my time to pursue my new relationship---and right now I can hear him snoring on the couch--37 years later. :tongue:

My 2nd Saturn Return was not as positive, overall. We had foundation problems with our old house, and the insurance company ruled against us, when we tried to claim it was from a recent earthquake. We were stuck with a large bill, out of pocket, to repair the issue.

And we were audited by the IRS, for the 1st time ever, and lost. Again, we took a big financial hit. Saturn rules my 8th house, which deals with those kinds of financial shenanigans. :bandit: