Hot "n Sexy....


Well-known member
Well, I promised myself I would give up on the love questions, but I just couldn't resist. When will I be in a relationship?

March 7th 2007
Brooklyn, NY[Kings County]


Well-known member
Hi Pisceskitty,

If you have asked this question several times lately (I don't know) you may find you get roughly the same answer you got last time, or the chart will simply tell you to stop asking! A good horary chart will reflect the clarity of the querent's desire: have you recently split up with someone? Are you actively looking for someone new? Are you just casually wondering if someone will come along? What kind of relationship are you hoping for: casual? Committed?

The best way to learn to read a horary chart is to have a clear idea of what you're looking for first (e.g. significators, houses, etc.), try to answer it yourself, and then ask for help when you get stuck! :p How about if you give it your best shot, tell us what you think is happening in the chart, and we'll wade in afterwards?

Best wishes,