Should I purchase this vehicle?


Well-known member
Should I?

I did the chart in tropical and Regiomontanus houses as you please. These confuse me so I get muddled as far as translation.


Querent: Sun
Quesited: (the vehicle) 4th mars
Quesited: (the seller) 7th Saturn
Quesited: (the sale) 10th Venus

In the book called "horary astrology" by William Joseph Simmonite, he says that if Venus, Jupiter, or the north node are in the first house and are unafflicted then it is good to purchase the property.


Well-known member
I'm a noob who's curious why the car would be the fourth house. Wouldn't it be either 2nd (possessions) or third (transportation)?


Well-known member
I will agree!!
Better to look the 2th house or the 3th house (you will choose what ruler will get some people taken the 3rd and some others the 2nd ....)
good luck