Transiting Jupiter in the 7th and relationships


Well-known member
Jupiter is transiting in 7th h as you can see from my chart.
Perhaps may sound as an inner voice calling to renew the crave for relationships.
Still I feel despondent about it.
I come from a long series of setbacks from the past at length through the line of time, as well as some closing from some time, and perhaps something of my character that is undesirable.
I have much to battle inertia and this bad "custom" and hopelessness, which include the worry I will decide to never be with someone, perhaps too much 1st house upsetting stuff.
I inhabit in a little town, and feel as every opportunity is lacking. I have to work about this feeling. What do you think about it?


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Well-known member
Jupiter is transiting in 7th h as you can see from my chart.
Perhaps may sound as an inner voice calling to renew the crave for relationships.
Still I feel despondent about it.
I come from a long series of setbacks from the past at length through the line of time, as well as some closing from some time, and perhaps something of my character that is undesirable.
I have much to battle inertia and this bad "custom" and hopelessness, which include the worry I will decide to never be with someone, perhaps too much 1st house upsetting stuff.
I inhabit in a little town, and feel as every opportunity is lacking. I have to work about this feeling. What do you think about it?
Jupiter spends one year in each sign and takes twelve years to orbit sun :smile:
and so
twelve years ago
Jupiter transited your 7th as well
recollect whether there were any notable events twelve years ago
relevant to relationships of all kinds
keep in mind that 7th house relationships include business relationships
and also legal matters


Well-known member

This brings up the principle that the planets don't force anything on us. If you're not ready for a relationship you won't put yourself in the place where one will start and grow. Sometimes relationships just do not flourish until we are in the right environment for it. I had to move 2200 miles from my family and once I arrived in my current city things unfolded pretty quickly. Something to consider since you say there is not much opportunity for you where you are now.

Regardless of where you live, consider what aims are worthwhile for you. What do you want to spend your time doing? What work options interest you long-term?

With Saturn up high in your chart now (parallel/conjunct Midheaven) and since this is a longer transit, you are being called to improvements in your life overall that depend on your effort as an individual working towards a goal. That may be how to move into a better environment in a different place (as Uranus is moving towards conjunction with natal Uranus) along with what kind of work in which you are willing to invest your effort and time. Saturn and Pluto's transits will continue with that emphasis, Pluto for a few years longer. So these questions may be unavoidable and precede efforts in relationships. Indeed, your efforts there may lay the foundation for later success in relationships.


Well-known member
The meaning of my satellitiums I had found to be to put too many eggs in that basket.
Well, I don't want to live a sociopathic life because of these aims either.


Well-known member
Dietetics is one of my interests. My will is to create a bio shop, so that people form or strengthen the proclivity to eat more healthy. And it is new stuff around my parts. Influence my country's people eating habit is my aim.


Jupiter I believe can also bring lessons to learn with expanding your heart. Just because you may feel stuck in a certain environment or might not possibly be able to 'begin' a new relationship - Jupiter comes along to the 7th and asks you to open your heart. It wants you to expand, to think, to explore these feelings of what you value and what you want in relationships. :happy: I have jupiter natally in the 7th and it's definitely saved me from not commiting to people who I knew deep down weren't right for me. Also has taught me a few lessons over the years!