Transits for Attraction/Sex Appeal?


Well-known member
This past month Ive been asked out by many men, asked on dates even marriage, asked to be taken home, etc, my phone is ringing off the hook from guys I barely even know or even talked to. Really these events are out of the ordinary in my life. Maybe my head's just expanding? I don't consider myself a stunner or anything like that. I have however been feeling sexier than normal lately and that could be coming across without me really being aware of it.

Theres an attraction with some of the guys, but unfortunatley I do not feel like proceeding in any type of relationship with any of would be so much easier if there was that connection...friends at most is the way I see it. :/

I looked at my transits and wonder if these may be the culprits that helped bring about the change...

transitting Uranus square natal Venus/Neptune
transiting Pluto in the 8th house
transiting Mars conjunct natal Jupiter and opposite natal Mars/Sun
transiting Venus opposite natal Uranus

Anyone else with similar experience?


Well-known member
Interesting. I can think back to a time where this happened to me in 2006 nonetheless! I had neptune square venus too with uranus sextile mars. I had not done anything different nor did I feel particularly sexy, however it was crazy! I had guys that were way up on the food chain asking me out! I feel the same way as you!


Well-known member

great moments while Uranus was trining natal venus
but even when uranus was squaring natal venus

however they form a close conjunction natally so they cannot be separated
i 'm anxious what the uranus opposition to this conjunction will bring


i've seen neptune- the higher octave of venus- working the same way too.