Married on Void of Course Moon

My ex just married his mistress/childhood long-distance friend last moon under a VOC moon. I wanted to get someone's thoughts on if if would last. Just a little background: He and I have a child (under 1 year of age...yes! you read that right. Our baby isn't quite one year old yet as he IMMEDIATELY walked out on our child and me for this out-of-state-friend -turned lover-now-wife! :sick:) He has uranus in the 7th btw. And uranus is currently transitting my 7th house. Anyway, I guess I digressed. The VOC moon. What are your thoughts on marrying during one of these?

dr. farr

Well-known member
I consider the VOC Moon generally a negative indication for inceptions of any kind (beginning of events), however there are other, much more important inceptional indicators than the VOC Moon; for me, VOC Moon at an inception means that things will not turn out as expected, that unexpected things will arise/develop, over time.
However, these unuexpected (or unusual) developments might be positive as well as negative.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Of course it does! Just Moon VOC at an inception tends to significantly amplfy the degree of "normal" unexpectedness, which is always connected with the uncertainities of life.