What does my chart say about my career and mental health?!


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Given the fact that i also happen to be an Aquarius sun (and have plenty of Aquarius in my chart) i see how my sense of "rebelliousness" manifests itself through my love for expressing my political views through music so would it be possible for me to combine these things and actually succeed? Because it's the only thing that feels like "me" but i can be very emotionally impulsive (yet feel the need to be super logical all the time, it's a mess) and i have no idea whether it's a misdirection/delusion. I know that i loved all kinds of art (ballet, music, dance) as a little kid too though.

I also have a lot of mental health struggles (I'm bipolar type 2 and similarly to Kurt Cobain use my hypomanic episodes to write music and express the sad emotions and hypersensitivity that get even worse during my depressive episodes through music) and it seems like art is my only way "out" and what makes me feel "sane".

Well the obvious thing that sticks out is that you have no Water in your chart! You absolutely struggle to feel which probably has drawn situations that force you to feel. Of course the other side of this is that you feel absolutely everything as decompensation - thus contributing to the bipolar episodes. Progressions also help with this as planets move into other watery signs - you will gain more experience in this realm. Therapy could bring the feelings you have shut away into consciousness for release as well. Art therapy may be something you might enjoy exploring.

This does not mean you're doomed. It means by being aware, you can find ways to constructively work on your emotional/feeling self. Journaling could be good - along with poetry, songwriting, etc. as an outlet to express yourself positively.


Well-known member
You have not pen down any birth detail except your planetary randomness.
Write your birth details for your queries.