Should I Pursue Computer Science?

new horizons

New member
Hi all,

A little bit of background info: I initially went to university for a creative major. The expenses were too much for me to afford/plus having really bad depression so I ended up dropping out a year before graduating. I managed to find some work in that field, however I've been feeling incredibly burnt out and felt this career path wasn't meant for me.

I've been thinking about going back to school, trying to see if it's possible for me to pursue Computer Science - since I've always had some interest in it. But I've been having some hesitations considering it's an entirely different occupation and requires a great deal of math (which I'm not great at).

Is it a good idea? Thanks for your help!


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Well-known member
I think the idea of going into computer science is causing you a whole lot of stress right now. If you're not looking forward to studying computer science, maybe it's best to delay your decision for a while, or choose another field.

The sun (you) makes a nice sextile to Jupiter (rules 9th house of higher education.) But Jupiter is in its fall, and besieged (between Mars and Saturn.) The moon (your emotional stake in the matter) squares Jupiter, usually indicating that things won't work out as well as you hope.

You don't mention what creative field you are in, but I wonder if it is one that would benefit from some additional computer background, such as graphic design, animation, or electronic music. It's always good to increase your skills in computing, without necessarily having to commit to a university degree in a field that doesn't draw on your experience and strength.