Relationships and Astrocartography


Premium Member
I was wondering if it was possible to see the flavor of a relationship through Astrocartography.

I have ICVenus line running through "his" birthtown. "He" has MCPluto running through my birthtown. Would this show a flavor of the relationship... as Venus opposed Pluto? And who would be the Plutonian person? The one with the line or the one with the birth town?

In the natal Charts, I have Pluto opposing his Venus... would the above confirm that or instead the opposite and balance out that energy?



Premium Member
This line of question got me thinking... I live in Colorado, and you can see from the dot on the map below, I have no lines within 300 miles. I have lived here since being 5 and have never dated anyone that is from Colorado. I did date lots of foreigners (thought it was my Jupiter apex from the luminary t square) but the world map shows Europe and the Middle East like cross hatches of lines... I wouldn't be able to turn around in GB without hitting a line!

On the map below I have listed my "major" relationships... (hey, with an Aquarius Venus there could have been more). The lines really do speak of the flavor of the individuals I was involved with. The kid's father was the most deceptive person I have ever even heard of... lies including his religious upbringing, changing legal name 6 times, nothing was true that came out of his mouth. Ah, so Neptunian of him. 2nd Husband (Saturn line) forced all responsibility of everything, especially financial upon me.

Anyone else out there with this same kind of pattern of lines matching up, please please post your chart and let's see.



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