Any indicators of sadness?


Well-known member
Yeah that's a good point Dhundhun. If you count Mars since its within 2 degrees of the 1st house, that's 6 planets in the first house which is virtually unheard of. I have read that when such a massive stellium exists in one house it tends to supermagnify the qualities of that sign in the person. So all the qualities of Capricorn/Saturn a million times. So really its no wonder that there a huge amount of seriousness or melancholy here as that is the Saturnian affliction. Luckily Capricorn natives are said to grow younger and to 'lighten up' as they get older so hopefully that will slowly ease off. :)


Well-known member
Indeed we do!

I read somewhere once that Capricorn women were the 'Sleeper Sign.'

Most Capricorn women find it hard to relate to the typical Capricorn description until around about the time of their Saturn Return when our confidence in ourselves is tested by our sign's ruler. We begin to mature into our natural gifts and learn to keep them for only those that are deserving of them. We protect and nurture ourselves like no other sign. We are the rocks of the zodiac. Solid and enduring.

We tend to grow backwards because unlike other signs, we are born with a heavy sense of responsibility. Instead of working up to it, we learn to work down from it. We learn how to play as we learn to let go which is the inherent Capricorn woman lesson. This is not only in spirit but in physicality. Consider that Capricorn is concerned with preservation and we see how we can maintain our youth well into our old age.

When I was a facebook user, I once posted a photo of myself at 18. Everybody was blown away by the fact that 11 years later I looked exactly the same. People still think I'm only about 23. Also as is typical of Capricorn women when and if they do actually hook up with a partner, mine is significantly younger than me as well. He is serious and responsible but helps me remember to stop and actually enjoy life.

Anyway, sorry this wasn't meant to be a rant about Capricorn women, but there it is. Don't worry too much. If you are feeling suicidal GET HELP. If you are just facing a round of the blahs, just go with it. This too shall pass as the saying goes.


Well-known member
Yeah well said Munch. I have capricorn rising and Saturn is my ruler, so and i fit that description very well.


Well-known member
Hey Julia, i know its scary feeling all these uncomfortable feelings and I know telling you not to be hard on yourself is easier said than done. Try looking at yourself as you would another friend. Would you be that hard on them? would you want them to feel like **** even though they're just doing their best? Of course not. So why do that to yourself? I have found that doing a little visualization helps - close your eyes and imagine meeting up with your inner child - you as a small vulnerable child. Allow her to tell you all the things that bother her, allow her to really let it all out and then comfort her. Give her a hug. Tell her she's just fine as she is. Be your own best friend.

I also found that getting close to animals and nature really helped me - because it slowly made me realize that youre just like them - another creature on this earth - perfect just as you are, without having to accomplish anything, or be someone, or look a certain way. Im really sorry if any of this sounds useless or impossible to you, I wouldnt suggest it if I didnt really get some help from it myself, and Ive been through the suicidal pits of hell in my life. I know irrational feelings can be scary and unsafe, and while i dont want you to get lost in them or fall into harms way, sometimes running from them too much can make them seem scarier than they actually are. Try and observe them just as sensations like you would observe how a certain bit of fabric feels or whatever - without labeling them as good or bad. Just feelings swirling around in your body. Of course if you can and when you feel up to it, try to move towards the things that give you joy too. Follow your heart when it has good days. If you feel better and more encouraged around your friends then enjoy that.

Theres no easy solution to these issues- its a journey that can rarely be understood or appreciated until its long behind you. And i dont see your chart to be gloomy. Theres great stuff there. I just think your destiny demands a lot of you in terms of real transformation and developing self belief against all odds. Dont hesitate to reach out for support even on this forum. You are not alone :)

Ps. Not everyone is supposed to know early on in life what they want to do that gives them a grounding purpose. Sometimes it takes years. But I believe everyone has a talent...a calling. Pay attention to what draws your interest, what makes bells go off and follow it. Trust it. What shows you are drawn to, what books etc, everything you like holds clues to who you are. There is always something . Self esteem comes from honouring yourself. Try doing something often that might seem a little scary at first. Challenge yourself to walk through fear - start small. It will give you the confidence you need
Like you said,this is not easy to accomplish.I've learnt to expect a lot from me,since I do have those capabilities and I feel best when I know I am able to do what I want to,if I lack the confidence then the fear of failure overwhelms me.And with that fear I don't try my hardest,cause I feel like I'll fail even if I put my soul into it.
I'll try to be softer on myself,I've already stop "crucifying" me for most things that happen.I guess punishing myself isn't really the way to go.After all it's not like it'll be the end if I don't do something the right way one day.Nor do I need to get better in just one single day,I have to accept that it'll take time.Anyway,I just want to learn to love myself for who I am and try my best,there must be a few good things in my that are a rarity and people will appreciate it right?
Perhaps I am so strict to myself because I don't really feel satisfied with who I am...I've always admired a certain type of person and I've tried to reach to that which I admire,but I feel like I have failed.I really don't like my shyness,why can't I feel instantly comfortable around people?I really like people and wish I had it very easy to speak to them,cause sometimes I feel like I can't because I am afraid I'll appear uninteresting and boring to them or I'll say something stupid and they'll reject me.So having failed living up to what I wanted has left me with very bitter feelings about myself.I mean seriously...I am pretty envious of a girl I know with these traits.I cannot understand it...
So...I think I have learnt a few things this difficult year,perhaps relying more on myself.All those years I had mom to rely on,but because my sister went through depression mom was more focused on her,and I was keeping my problems to myself,so having to deal with them alone was pretty sudden and overwhelming.But I hope things get better from now on.
Yes,it is a bit hard for me to make that visualization,after all it doesn't work for all people,but I have been a little more compattionate to myself than I was like a year ago.

Couple of other things you may find of interest. You are born 7/1 . My numerology research tells me that the day you're born (7th) describes what you're like in your earlier life (roughly before 28). People born on the 7th are incredibly intuitive sensitive people and can be easily bruised by being subjected to the energies of others. They are literally emotional and psychic sponges and need to spend some time alone to recharge and shut out the world's overwhelming noise. They also need to protect themselves with their thoughts against negative people. Also they should look to find satisfaction by channeling their creative and artistic INSPIRATION constructively. This is probably the most consistent indicator for a propensity to melancholy i have seen but it helps if you're aware of it.

The month you are born in on the other hand describes what you will be more focused on the next part of your life right up until around 69. January or the number 1 is the number of leadership and expressing your individuality. It can be suggested that the sensitivity of the number 7 early in life is preparing you for your destined task to stand alone, independent of others and despite any thoughts to the contrary, possess the capacity to lead. What you're going through now could be seen as a strengthening process.

Also, not sure if this interests you but I strongly believe in animal dreaming - messages conveyed from animal spirits. I shuffled my animal card deck and picked out the same card for you 3 times in a row. Skunk - the animal that teaches us about self respect. Funnily enough it is card no 7 in the deck! It teaches us that what we believe about ourselves is our greatest protection. It shows us to project self-respect and walk tall thereby creating a position of strength and reputation that is sensed by those around us. Skunk demands respect by attracting others with their charisma. On the other hand, they stink out and repel anyone who seeks to take energy from them without recycling the gifts they have given. It can also come with a subtle warning to be responsible and respectful of your sexual energy. The message is, project respect!

If any of this doesn't ring a bell please ignore it. But i figured no harm in putting it out there since you asked. :)
This is interesting stuff,not easy to find(I think)
Lol,that sounds like a Pisces description...haha.But anyway,I do enjoy drawing to be honest.I am very easily influenced by people,I can take on their way of talking or their moves,which *****...I don't want to feel like a chameleon...As for my dreams do come true.Maybe it is just coincidence?I can't know for sure yet.

The month of the leader huh?If anything I wouldn't want to know that I am to walk a lonely path,XD.Why should it be lonely?I've always dreamed of finding my soul mate,so that's kind of...disappointing,haha.But you never know,just because it says so doesn't mean it will definitely happen.

I don't dream about animals for some reason.While I do like them,I don't have a very strong relationship with them like some other people have,I also don't have pets so I am not very close to them.
Now that is a very interesting case...yes,I do lack self-respect but I believe in also being humble.I don't generally like people who act like they own the place or their vibe is that kind,XD.Nor the too much pride vibe.Of course I may be misunderstanding...


Well-known member
You have very strong stellium in first house (of six planets). In this case normal rules of Astrology does not apply. This is an strong exception. Maharshi Bhrigu ( has described strong exceptions in Bhrigu Samhita(, but at his times, trans-saturnians were not there. Mordern times, no one has addressed such exceptions.

Keeping in mind, I have explained little about you in earlier posts. I won't repeat those feedback again.

Good luck.
Thank you,I'll just go back to my threads and re-read yours to refresh my memory.

Yeah that's a good point Dhundhun. If you count Mars since its within 2 degrees of the 1st house, that's 6 planets in the first house which is virtually unheard of. I have read that when such a massive stellium exists in one house it tends to supermagnify the qualities of that sign in the person. So all the qualities of Capricorn/Saturn a million times. So really its no wonder that there a huge amount of seriousness or melancholy here as that is the Saturnian affliction. Luckily Capricorn natives are said to grow younger and to 'lighten up' as they get older so hopefully that will slowly ease off. :)
But since so many planets are in the 1st house,don't I get some of 1st house's qualities too?Or am I wrong on this one?
Another thing,I also have Saturn as a singleton if that counts.So my Saturn is enhanced,plus it is in the sign of Aquarius...

Indeed we do!

I read somewhere once that Capricorn women were the 'Sleeper Sign.'

Most Capricorn women find it hard to relate to the typical Capricorn description until around about the time of their Saturn Return when our confidence in ourselves is tested by our sign's ruler. We begin to mature into our natural gifts and learn to keep them for only those that are deserving of them. We protect and nurture ourselves like no other sign. We are the rocks of the zodiac. Solid and enduring.

We tend to grow backwards because unlike other signs, we are born with a heavy sense of responsibility. Instead of working up to it, we learn to work down from it. We learn how to play as we learn to let go which is the inherent Capricorn woman lesson. This is not only in spirit but in physicality. Consider that Capricorn is concerned with preservation and we see how we can maintain our youth well into our old age.

When I was a facebook user, I once posted a photo of myself at 18. Everybody was blown away by the fact that 11 years later I looked exactly the same. People still think I'm only about 23. Also as is typical of Capricorn women when and if they do actually hook up with a partner, mine is significantly younger than me as well. He is serious and responsible but helps me remember to stop and actually enjoy life.

Anyway, sorry this wasn't meant to be a rant about Capricorn women, but there it is. Don't worry too much. If you are feeling suicidal GET HELP. If you are just facing a round of the blahs, just go with it. This too shall pass as the saying goes.
I actually hope even after my Saturn return I don't feel like a matter how that sounds!XD
I cannot talk about saturn return as I have more then 10 years till that time and I have no experience whatsoever.

My sister is 27 and people mistake her for 18 or 20.)she's a Capricorn too)Till last year people would tell me I look I get comments that I look younger...XD.That is to say in real life not pictures.Just yesterday,a girl asked me what grade I went in and I told her I'll be in the last year of high school and she was surprised,thought I was younger.I have heard it a few times more this year too...who knows maybe it is true after all.

Thankfully,I am not suicidal I believe,if I were I'd already gone nuts.


Well-known member
Yeah look maturing takes time and appreciating who you are as a unique individual also takes time and is just a part of life. Not everyone comes into life roaring with confidence and exuberance. Some of the most ingenius and talented people have come into this world much like you - sensitive shy and unsure. It takes time and for Pisceans life can often feel like a fish out of water and practical matters can seem a bit of a challenge. But like anything, things were not naturally good at get better with practice.

Its natural at a young age to be a bit of a chameleon and explore different ways of being, its also natural for the developing ego to envy others and not feel completely comfortable with oneself. Try not to worry too much if you can. Shyness is a beautiful trait and can be very alluring and mysterious in itself, its wonderful that we're not all the same or life would be so boring.

I didnt mean leadership was a lonely path - sorry if i didnt explain it properly. Of course that isn't the case. I just mean it takes courage and learning to stand on your own two feet in order to be a leader. And you'll do just fine, just let yourself ripen naturally, nothing that happens ovenight lasts anyway. try and find those things in yourself that are strengths, you will know they're there if you dont already. enjoy your artistic talents and try and see the beauty of your sensitive side. Once again, its so nice that we all have different natures.

For example I have developed a strong connection to animals, which is why i mentioned it. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to feel this. besides we change so much over time. When I was your age I was a mess. I couldnt' figure out who i was, I felt emprisoned by my family's expectations of me and felt like a complete failure when I couldnt live up to their expectations. I felt a lot of depression and futility about life and i shared those feelings with only one or two people in my life that could understand. But things dont stay that way for ever. you learn and you grow through pain and loneliness and with awareness you can - over time, learn to love yourself just as you are. There are many encouraging books out there too that can help you feel not so alone. And in doing so your true talents and gifts start to shine just as creation intended. More importantly you start to see how life helps you along the way once you start following your dreams. I am now 34 and am finally in my element and not so overwhelmed when difficult feelings arise (and they always will from time to time, thats life!). HOpe some of this helps. love queeny


Well-known member
Just to clarify, when i said 'Piscean ' i meant there is that in you, since Pisces is ruled by Neptune which is close to many of your planets in your rising and this can add a powerful sensitivity to you
I feel it's more T Neptune conjunct natal saturn here as it's classical depression aspect....

This can be very difficult transit. Saturn represents the reality but Neptune represents a different reality. This is a time when your beliefs may be questioned and found inadequate. As you become increasingly disoriented, you will probably question what is real and what is not. Often this transit coincides with a great disappointment leading to disillusionment, self doubt and lack of self confidence. Fear is also a common problem at this time, especially irrational fear with no obvious basis. it feels like structures upon which you have built your life, and have come to depend on, are no longer dependable.

Neptune Transits Through Your Second House:
Watch your money. The big problem is not other people. It’s you. When Neptune hits you, you don’t want to deal with reality in that area of your life. At this time, there will be a tendency to let finances drift or get involved in nebulous schemes to increase wealth. Here is something that other books won’t tell you. Neptune can have the same effect when making a stress aspect to the cusp (beginning) of the 2nd House.

This means that confusion can hit your finances when Neptune is 90 degrees away in another corner of the chart, or when it is entering your 8th House (180 degrees away). The thing to do is to make certain that your money is somewhere safe and secure way before this transit starts. Schedule some time, on a regular basis, to check your finances. And make sure to stick to that schedule. This is important because, when Neptune hits, you won’t want


Well-known member
So I'd also like to ask...does the Pluto in Capricorn of 6 degrees affect me now.Or it is to be expected to affect me later on in the future?
I'd be very grateful for any answers provided.


Well-known member
Hey Saturnian, Pluto is affecting you and I in a similar way, in the sense that it is currently still transiting both of our 12th houses and will be approaching our ascendant in about 5 years. As I understand it, it means at the moment, life is challenging us to face our deepest fears and to clear out any old karmic stuff that no longer serves us. This is in escence preparing us for the massive positive life changes that are set to happen when Pluto hits our ascendant and starts transiting our first house. It is these changes that will set in motion a whole new way of life in a sense - living who we truly are :)


Well-known member
Hey Saturnian, Pluto is affecting you and I in a similar way, in the sense that it is currently still transiting both of our 12th houses and will be approaching our ascendant in about 5 years. As I understand it, it means at the moment, life is challenging us to face our deepest fears and to clear out any old karmic stuff that no longer serves us. This is in escence preparing us for the massive positive life changes that are set to happen when Pluto hits our ascendant and starts transiting our first house. It is these changes that will set in motion a whole new way of life in a sense - living who we truly are :)
I hope the changes are positive and that they are worth it that we have to go through the difficulties of the 12th house.
Originally Posted by pisces_girl
Your Part of Fortune is at 14º 30' Pisces. Ruler of Fortuna is Jupiter (I use traditional rulerships), which is in the 9th from Fortuna and conjunct the MC (using Placidus). I'm pretty sure this is considered a very promising configuration.

This is only correct using Traditional astrology, in modern terms Neptune rules pisces, not jupiter :whistling:

Yes I can read.Otherwise I wouldb't be able to answer to the rest of the posts(obviously).
Now I am starting to get it,so is supposed to be good then.
Thanks for your input.
If you want to research the differences try here..
House systems Traditional v Modern
Traditional astrologers using ancient outdated information (unproven) that hardly seems relevant in a modern world
It'll take a while cause my environment at home doesn't help at all to develop these feelings.My family is all Earth signs so of course they'll belong more on the practical side,what is real,somewhat fearful of the world etc. and this is been passed on me.I find my home environment very depressing and not encouraging at all.I feel much much better among my friends who are far different than my family members.I feel more inspired by them and for me they are somewhat like relatives
with TAurus/venus IC, venus conj Asc is fired up by conj to mars and quieter conj with sun, (i have this one) it suggests you really are a 'gentle person inside' The only thing I can see about home problems is Scorpio/pluto MC, is one parent very controlling and demanding of you??

But since so many planets are in the 1st house,don't I get some of 1st house's qualities too?Or am I wrong on this one?
Another thing,I also have Saturn as a singleton if that counts.So my Saturn is enhanced,plus it is in the sign of Aquarius...
yes you will 'take on' some Aries traits of 'me first' attitude. Saturn is exalted in libra and saturn singleton does take on more importance, espec since it only has one aspect ie: square pluto, which will in time bring about raging ambition, which whilst young feels frustrating but as you age you WILL come into your own as they say....

did you move house ages 3 & 8? just looking at your solar arcs, as you are not 100% sure of your birthtime. In reality no is born at the o'clock, half past, quarter to and past. Even I rounded up my sons times, it's so easy and natural to do this. Remember 4minutes in time = 1' on Asc.

Your emphasis on friendships is shown by 3scorpio planets in 11th house EQUAL house, scorpio MC and pluto in 11th shows *major focus* of attention and pleasure. Moon here suggests you want nurturance but also give it out.

Ruler of 10th house in 11th house

Your professional success is related to your participation in some organization, group, union, or club. The support you receive from your friends will be crucial and because of this, you have to consider sociability as an important part of your life.

let's not forget sun conj neptune, has no clear image espec in teenage years. sun conj uranus, seeks excitement something that will involve your pride, ego and is different, but will also add impatience.
So I'd also like to ask...does the Pluto in Capricorn of 6 degrees affect me now.Or it is to be expected to affect me later on in the future?
I'd be very grateful for any answers provided.
It will be a while off yet before pluto gets to your asc and it takes 18-24months to complete this. Look for the retrograde hit for major timings of changes.

I notice T Saturn is fast approaching a square to natal mars, this may well cause delays, frustrations and stop/go situations. then of course it starts on your stellium. Square to venus suggests a friendship or relationship may end, find yourself short of money and want to withdraw socially a bit...


Well-known member
with TAurus/venus IC, venus conj Asc is fired up by conj to mars and quieter conj with sun, (i have this one) it suggests you really are a 'gentle person inside' The only thing I can see about home problems is Scorpio/pluto MC, is one parent very controlling and demanding of you??
My sister used to mother not so much.But my first years were mostly spent with my sister because my mother was working and so she was acting somewhat of a parent.Not anymore,I've been keeping her to a distance.
As for gentleness,I do truly believe I am on the inside although I show it very little on the outside,but then I am also sensitive don't know if that has anything to do.I just don't like hurting people.

yes you will 'take on' some Aries traits of 'me first' attitude. Saturn is exalted in libra and saturn singleton does take on more importance, espec since it only has one aspect ie: square pluto, which will in time bring about raging ambition, which whilst young feels frustrating but as you age you WILL come into your own as they say....
I do have some childish traits like Aries and can be selfish over stupid things,but when it comes to important things I can wait and compromise with other.

did you move house ages 3 & 8? just looking at your solar arcs, as you are not 100% sure of your birthtime. In reality no is born at the o'clock, half past, quarter to and past. Even I rounded up my sons times, it's so easy and natural to do this. Remember 4minutes in time = 1' on Asc.
When I was like 3 and a half I moved to a different country.I moved houses again when I was around 10.Well I am guessing I was probably born in the first three minutes after 7.Like 7:01 or 7:02 or 7:03.I tried to get an accurate time but couldn't.

Your emphasis on friendships is shown by 3scorpio planets in 11th house EQUAL house, scorpio MC and pluto in 11th shows *major focus* of attention and pleasure. Moon here suggests you want nurturance but also give it out.
Hm...I do give a lot in friendships because I truly believe in it and find it wonderful,generally relationships not friendship alone.I am people oriented I guess.As for those planets being in the 11th,hm...I don't know.I was used to them being in the 10th and did find them quite accurate.
Yes,I do want nurturance and am always willing to give it to others first.I am the type who comforts others but unfortunately I find it a bit difficult the other way around.

let's not forget sun conj neptune, has no clear image espec in teenage years. sun conj uranus, seeks excitement something that will involve your pride, ego and is different, but will also add impatience.
It will be a while off yet before pluto gets to your asc and it takes 18-24months to complete this. Look for the retrograde hit for major timings of changes.
Hm...I simply hope I do get a clear image soon of who I am.It's not like I am enjoying this phase...

I notice T Saturn is fast approaching a square to natal mars, this may well cause delays, frustrations and stop/go situations. then of course it starts on your stellium. Square to venus suggests a friendship or relationship may end, find yourself short of money and want to withdraw socially a bit...
We shall see about his,I don't know yet.Time will tell.I'll keep this updated.
Hm...I do give a lot in friendships because I truly believe in it and find it wonderful,generally relationships not friendship alone.I am people oriented I guess.As for those planets being in the 11th,hm...I don't know.I was used to them being in the 10th and did find them quite accurate.
Yes,I do want nurturance and am always willing to give it to others first.I am the type who comforts others but unfortunately I find it a bit difficult the other way around.
hmmm sounds like 11th to me
Main Rulerships:
Traditionally known as the 'house of Good Fortune', the 11th house has rulership over friends and friendship, supporters, benefactors and those that help us directly or behind the scenes. It is the house of beneficial fate, positive hope, trust, praise, comfort, goals and ambitions
Main Rulerships:
Employment, profession or trade; also employers and those in command. Honour, prestige, reputation, power, control, dignity, glory, acclaim, advancement - the worldly position, career or life-interest that attains these.