Trouble at home


Well-known member
I'm not sure that the horary board is the place for these questions. But here is the short/long answer:

In your own chart, the 4th house is the house of the father, and the 10th house is the house of the mother - pay special attention to the domicile rulers of those houses. If you were born at night, also look to Saturn for the father and Venus for the mother; if a day birth, look to the Sun for the father, and the moon for the mother.

Look at how any of these factors come into play with your ascendant and ascendant ruler. The point of the ascendant represents you in your chart.

For siblings, the third house and Mars both have some signification.

For black magic, curses, secret enemies, etc., look to the 12th house.

If it were your own chart, you would probably want to look at a solar return, the profected year chart, and a time lord technique like circumnambulating the profected ascendant through the bounds, but if you're just starting then that's probably an overwhelming amount of information to process.

If you were to do a horary chart, you'd draw up a chart for the moment and place you ask the question, e.g., am I under a curse? is my (whatever relative) trying to hurt me?

Horary has its own rules for interpretation, you can find some in the horary technique sticky at the top of this forum.

I do wish you the best, but it's all kind of complicated stuff.

Could you just ask the offending party or parties why they are throwing away the food you just prepared? Do they speak with you at all?


Well-known member
OMG you guys are hilarious! I said that moon goes retrograde! ROTFLMAO cause ppl started sounding like this is 13th century!


Well-known member

About those Lind of questions, i think it would be better if u search in your Arêa for people who do some other kind of divination art like tarot, psysich readings?

I had this kind of situation in my own family, and it was an elder man, who ' incorporates' some entities that discovered a 'work' jade by a neighbour, which was years algo friends of ouro family, who paid someone to curse my parents. And it was made with cemetery 's earth. This was made years ago,and since then The fact is that se lost all of a lifetimes work,from day to night, and not even onde thing goês right since then.
Obviously for those who believe in these kind of things, The best is to go to someone who knows this type of things, and havê a reading. You will know that its not scams if The person doing reading doesnt ask u any money,or if asks,its symbolic.

I hope u all are ok