What does everyone think of the new zodiac?

Sirius Business

Well-known member
In hebrew kaballah language
Psalms 84-The Lord is A sun
Yhvh=26 Shamesh/sun=640.26=640=666(the number of the sun is 666)

The end of the mayan calendar long count and new cycle will begin with a new sun(666). Imix the Dragon mother in Olmec-mayan cosmology and the chinese Dragon(2012)will merge as ONE in the year 2012 and the 6,000 year moon cycle will be over. Dragons/serpents reprisents us in fire form as "Imix" the kundalini fire serpent. The olmec Dragon and serpent are celestial energies and light codes of fire birth and the Kundalini healing wisdom. Now you start to see were Ophiuchus fits into all of this. We are currently approaching the rebirth of the Olmec Dragon serpent and the next phase of evolution for mankind on this planet earth.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
What really disgusts me is how easily so many people believed it. It is as if the ones that believe in astrology are the ones that believe anything, which is dangerous for the reputation of our art. :)
Never stop learning."A Student grows to become a teacher,but a teacher always remains a student"-(ancient proverb).

"But amen amen i say unto you,even if a righteous man hath commited no sin at all,he cannot be possibly brought into the light-kingdoms,because the sign of the kingdom of the mysteries is not within him. In a word,it is impossible to bring souls into the light without the mysteries of the light kingdom.

for this cause i have said unto you aforetime:"seek that you may find. I have therefore said unto you:"You are to seek after the mysteries of this light which purifies the body of matter and make it into a refined light exeedingly purified--(attributed to Grandmaster Isa the Essenes)

Sirius Business

Well-known member
Ok, this has got to be the most interesting thread I have read on an Astrology website. Now my knowledge on Astrology, as Astrology, is not great enough for me to comment too much. But this has been a fun read. Lot's of intelligent/intellectual folks on here (Waybread, Bob, Mark, DogGodBusiness) and some others.

People ask, why/how did you get into Astrology? For me, everything has been in reverse. For me, this is why!

Sirius I have a question about whether or not you consider the Flames of Purification you were speaking of, to partly be the Hopi Blue Star, possibly? The root for Boaz and Janchin(Atlas/Atlantis) symbolism maybe? Just asking for your(or anyone's) opinion, don't need facts, but a paper trail would be cool. Also, if it is cool I will probably send you a pm on some things.

Peace to the Gods of the Earths
Peace in Divine Understanding Born A.L.L.A.H.

For the record I am Swiss/German Ashkenazi, Irish and Scottish on my Mothers side. English, Scottish, Afro American(family lore) on my Dads, and about a 1/4 Cherokee on both. Not that any of this matters, but in understanding maybe some would understand why I would mention that.
On a lower degree(you know symbols carry a thousand meanings),the two pillars reprisent the sphynx and the Great pyramid of Giza.
Pyramid=Pyra=Fire/light Mid=Measures or median measures.The great pyramids once decoded is a giant Olmec-mayan calendar built into the structure that accurately recorded major solar events and prophecies.

Book of Enoch-"Enoch forseeing the destruction of the earth,inscribed the science of astronomy upon the two pillars". The two pillars are the sphynx and Giza pyramids.

The Giza pyramids reffer to Orion(Osiris)and alludes to "Christ's"(our) second comming in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 19:19---In that day(in the future) shall be an alter(Giza pyramids)to the Lord in the midst of Egypt(at the center of upper/lower egypt aligned with the Orions belt) and a monument at the border there of to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.

In kabballah language if you add up the word "Lord's monument" together you get 5,449. This is the exact height and inches of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
Each of the 22 Hebrew letter scripts correspond to each one of the 22 major Arcana Tarot trumps. Torah came from Tarot.Also each one of the 22 Hebrew alphabets are patterned after a specific consteallationin the sky.

The serpent is the true principle of wisdom,for it temps man into knowledge of himself(God).The tree that grows in the midst of the garden is the spinal fire/kundalini. The knowledge and the use of that spinal fire is the image of God(you). The serpent is the symbol of prototype of the Universalsavior symbolized by Ophiuchus,who redeems the world by givinghis/her(Uatchet,the Lady of flames/Eye of Ra)hueman creation the knowledge of itself(God)and the realization of good and evil.

This is why Moses/Ophiuchus the serpent holder raised a brazen serpent upon a pole(spine/milky way),forming a cross(galactic/terrestrial alignment) in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might be saved or healed.
Christ was crucified on Golgatha which means "skull"=between your two eyes(pineal gland in the brain).
John 3:14---"and as Moses(Ophiuchus)lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,even so must the son of man be lifted"

Sirius Business

Well-known member
Ophiuchus running th ecliptic,is symbolic of christ struggling with Serpens(decan star),but in the struggle he is killed when scorpio stings his foot. In the end,Ophiuchus wins by stepping on the heart of Antares(scorpios heart). You could look at scorpio reprisenting your root chakra/basic animal instincts/lower self,and ophiuchus' brightest star,Ras Al hague as the bright white light/pineal gland/3rd eye activated once the kundalini energy has been raised.

In ancient times,God-men/women(magi)were reffered to as Serpents. These missionary serpents became known in Mexico as Quetzalcoatis,Kukuculkans,Viracochas,the Djedi/Jedi(Stable serpents) of Egypt,the Adder moorish Druids of Ireland(st Patricks drove the snakes out of ireland),and the Dactyloi of Greece. Wherever the Le-Murians(Mu=Muur/moor)or Atl-antean seprents established schools of wisdom,the built temples aligned with the planent venus,the stars of Sirius,the Orion constellation,and the former pole star Thuban in Draco(the Dragon)of 12,500 yrs ago.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
The ancient egyptians looked at the Nile river(Milky way)as the backbone of the human body. The temples were placed to correspond to themajor chakras existing along this backbone. The great Pyramid is located inthe exact center of the Earth's physical landmass,spliting the landmass into quarters.
The Rosicrucians in thier symbology had a Dragon with two mouths reprisenting Nibiru.One good and one evil. The good reprisented Nibiru sparing the earth from destruction,the evil reprisented the "Dragon of old" satan that devoured the earth with it's fiery flames.

Ophiuchus holds the key to Nibiru's return. Nasa doesnt want you to know about Nibiru because they know with it's arrival comes a change of consciousness,and they want to control the next comming wave of consciousness(which they wont be able to). Our ancestors gave planets names because in african science we understood that everything has life/consciousness. Western science lables dead things(left brain thinking).

The serpent holder of revelations--"then i saw an angel comming down from heaven(Ophiuchus),holdng the key of the abyss(galactic center)and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon,the serpent of Old,who is the serpent and satan".

Sirius Business

Well-known member
The kemetian Shekemu pharaoh's had to have the serpent kundalini power activated to rule the land,and this was dispaleyd on teir forehead. They had to be a Malachim or king of Nature.
Pharaoh Ahkenaten(moses)was a tyrant that tried to force his new monotheistic religion(as a means of control) as well as side with the invading Hyksos and so was forced out(this is the true exodus).This began the fall of ancient egypt. He is regarded as a traitor by those inthe know,as he took his teachings to the forbidden lands of the North(europe).Ahknenaten built his Aten temples within the boundries of the Amen-Ra temples,this is why so-called jews,muslims,and christians to this day end thier prayers in "Amen"(they are worshipping the sun and dont know it).

Did Athens derive it's name from Pharaoh Ahken-Aten?Aten/Athens. Hmmm...

Sirius Business

Well-known member
For those of you who wish to continue to connect the dots of missing pieces of his-story,google "why was the true Identity of King David concealed?". You will see why Isreal,Brittain and the U.s are the most powerfull countries on earth.They reprisent the 5% minority that rules the world. The queen of england claims descent to King david who never existed. King David in reality was egyptian warrior king Thutmoses III,the king who never lost a battle and expanded egypts borders all the way up to the the so-called "middle east'(middle east is a new term conjured up by european's to separate it from africa).All of biblical David's battles are plagerized from the records of Thutmoses III from off of the temple of Karnak in thebes.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
What if all of the us presidents and royal families are descendents of Pharaoh Ahkenaten and his clan that was exhiled?(Obama has Bush and cheney's blood running through him),in fact,it is believed all of our presidents ancestry to can be traced back to Moorish rulers/nobles of europe(who trace thier ancestry to pharaoh's in egypt). The egyptians warned the other empires of what was his(Ahkenaten's) plans and was denied entry..except..
Ahknatwen was the one that erased all of egypts sacred Deities and replaced it with the Aten(sun),is it a coincedence that SUN-day became the day of worship for the xtians?(romans/pope).Look up Rosicrucian history(the real one). King solomon is Ahknaten as well. When Ahknaten/Moses instituted his mysteries,he gave toa chosen few of his initiates certain oral teachings which could never be written but were to be preserved by oral mouth from one generation to the next. Those "instructions" were in the form of "keys",by which the allegories were made to reveal the more deeper hidden meanings such as alchemy(turning base metals into gold),astronomy,astrology and other occult knowledge. These mystic keys to thier sacred writting were called to the so-called jews(followers of Ahknaten)as the kabballah. The gold and silver keys of "God's vicar on earth" the pope,symbolizes this secret doctrine,when understood unlocks the treasure chest of the "jwish" kabbalah.
re-lie-gion in one form or another was created by the priesthood in egypt and in Rome to civilize "other" people. The papacy is nothing but a continuation of pharaoh's rulership(although no were near as "righteous" as the original illuminated ones/Gods of the earth).
The papl medal of Pope Gregory XIII(1582)marked the year the gregorian calender reform to throw off the sheep. On the backside of the medal is a winged dragon/serpent(Ophiuchus?) encirciling a Ram's head.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
So rice grains with human DNA is now on the market(google it).smh! Talk about calcified pineal gland thinking(artificial).Imagine what food containing Human genes are doing to yours? Smh. Fruits already contain insect genes to make them more "insect repellent'...but the sheep will continue to let things happen uner thier nose because theyre distracted by internet/t.v/cell phones etc.
The world is controlled using audio and images.Mind control through your reptilain complex in the brain which gets extemely excited with images and de-cyphers meanings and symbols.

Sirius Business

Well-known member
The 12 month calender is unnatural and the 13th month/sign ophiuchus was removed on purpose to throw you off.


Dr. Arguelles explains, "It is the artificial timing frequency that is governing the whole of globalization or global civilization and that is the 12:60, irregular 12 month calendar, 60 minute mechanical clock. Within the 12:60, time is money. Absolutely everything in this society is prorated as money according to the clock. The clock came to perfection in the early 17th century, not too long after that the first stock markets and banks were created. With an irregular and irrational calendar, we are programmed for irrationality: irrational laws, irrational customs. This is the cause of the human deviation from nature. As long as we are living on this timing frequency we are going to go farther and farther away from the universal natural cycles. As we go farther away we get out of touch with our own nature and we get out of touch with the Great Nature."

Dr. Arguelles continues: "Within 200 years, everyone in Europe and the colonies was using it: the 'calendar of colonialism.' By the beginning of the 20th century it was used by every nation on the planet, because all banking activity (such as mortgages and interest rates) is based on it. Every law created by any government in the 20th century is based on this calendar... All authority granted to this calendar is actually an allegiance to a late medieval Christian timing device. The authority of this device is held by the Vatican, geographically the smallest political state on the planet, yet given full political protection by the major Western powers (the G-7: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, plus Japan)...

"In Europe itself, the Gregorian calendar succeeded at the precise moment when the final mechanization of time was being achieved. By AD 1600 the twelve-month year and the 60-minute hour had become the standard of time. Thus, accompanying and giving form to the very origins of modern materialistic science was the final codification of the third-dimensional timing frequency, the 12:60. Needless to say, the authority and impact of this timing frequency was never questioned much less realized. Though men like Kepler and [COLOR=#739912! important][COLOR=#739912! important]Galileo[/COLOR][/COLOR] were persecuted by the Church, they did not question the authority of the calendar. And so it has been with virtually all men of [COLOR=#739912! important][COLOR=#739912! important]science[/COLOR][/COLOR] to accept without question this calendar by which they live."

Sirius Business

Well-known member
The gregorian is the calender of colonialism.


The current world standard calendar is the 12-month Gregorian calendar, in which the months have an unequal number of days (28,29,30, and 31) and do not correspond to any cycle of nature. This is the only standard of measure used today that has unequal units! As an arbitrary division of the solar year, this calendar although illogical, unscientific and artificial, remains the central unquestioned institution of our modern society.

We must consider that the calendar we follow affects our minds. Any child can tell you for example that the date is "Friday, September 3, 2004." But what does this really mean? Does this same child know what day of the week October 3rd will be? Or what day of the week August 3rd was? Does the child understand that she is actually declaring it has been 2004 years since the birth of the Christian savior? Has she been educated that August is named after Roman emporer Augustus Caesar, or that the prefixes Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec - meaning 7, 8, 9, and 10 are erroneously referring to the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th month? The flawed model of time we pass on from generation to generation is conditioning our minds to accept disorder and irregularity as natural.


Well-known member
Sirius, may I put what Mark's saying in a different way? To me, one cannot "be" without "knowing", God is an all-knowing being. He is as He Knows, so I'm not going to dismiss knowledge as dust. However, there's some validity to Mark's criticisms and I'd think that for an intelligent person like yourself it's fool hardy to dismiss criticisms simply because they might not fit the history as you see it.

Namely, you have a lot of knowledge but if I'm to be frank, even after reading all of it: I cannot comprehend it, I can read the words and I know how to pronounce the words you're writing, but it is not translating into the mind. This is primarily because your posts are sadly much too long, they're filled with TOO much information.

See, how after I'm finished with a paragraph I move about two lines downward? This makes it easier for you to read and it makes the knowledge that much more concise and then we can grasp it. And as soon as we grasp that knowledge, we can then discuss the past, present and the future.

But this discussion will be fruitless, if the information presented is not presentable. I and I think we all wish to learn and grow into a higher conscious, but in order to do that, we must know.


Well-known member
eagle has landed, return of the gods, usa and spiritual signs also

In the year 2012 this country will have been 236 yrs old. 2013(the new age)it will have been 237 years old. The moon is 237,000 miles from earth,"The Eagle has landed".

"There can be no doubt,we declare that God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens,namely,the new stars in Serpentarius(Ophiuchus)and cygnus,to show the great council of the Elect is to take place--- 1614

As an American sol astrologer the only galactician and descendent of american pioneers in 1600's with name Adams, among presidents etc, (I have developed the celestial zodiac, sol and spirit signs) - my comment on all sirius business -

It may be there is much to say, but don't take it too sharply or seriously. After all, it is just the outer world, the effects as such illusionary, even the stars as well. The way to God is within. Myself once was a rosi-cross and shaman, etc, but now it is simply to let this be, America eagle or with all simply a soul channel or vehicle as we all are, so the point....let it be. and it will be.

to acknowledge, with a view that "THIS AM I" - more neutral, less ego self. This is a different way of seeing the I am. My sign to share here is as a psidek gemini- the charioteer messenger. I would suppose I am one of those mentioned by sirius (My uranus is conjunct Sirius and USA sun). Sirius is the usa star after all, isnt it? I am a Capellan, among those of the bright stars of the north.

The psidek (360x harmonic) is as (the sign of the worldly connection of spirit) it illuminates for each of us how this is personally or worldly, a purposeful point in the chart. The American psidek is Aquarius (of course) a world symbol of freedom and liberty, even if American also are often too high bound and self important to work this out universally. Christianity does as much we versus they as the muslims radicals, so that is our effect. But the movement is on the table.

The current progressed USA Psidek is Leo for these 3 years. The Obama point of critical leadership. Things unfold as they must through the cycles. 2013 brings the USA to psidec Virgo, and as we see and know a need for purification, virtue, ethics, healing, but also drought problems of resource and economic, it is working towards environmental earth solutions and re-organization necessary. Yes, we know none can defend terrorism or war on the basis of self defense or god on our side. When will we learn? Polaris does not become the exact north star until 2100, so it may be that long till we navigate to true north.

to the writers here, yes, when we write we must also be aware of how much others can comprehend or value. Clarify ideas for others then clarifies them for us.

To find your psidek - find the sun degree of the 360x harmonic. The progressed psidek is the 360x of the current progressed degree of the sun

best; pan
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Well-known member
Ive heard this 13th sign nonsense for many,many years,and it quite often comes from people who are trying to disclaim astrology,and im told about it by people who are new to astrology.
If we were to use this daft system it would mean that the majority of the system we presently use would have to be replaced in my opinion,
The 'aspects' are based on a 360 degree circle which has a direct connection to the 12 signs of 30 degrees each,are we to have 27.6923077 degree semi sextiles? and all the other numerical nonsense such a system would create?!
STREWTH!,theres a lot of malicious idiots out there who havnt got a clue what there messing with.I would much prefer to see practicing astrologers improve there skills by getting better at interpreting charts by sticking with whats been tried and tested for a long time.I suspect many havnt perfected this before they dabbble with completely rewriting the book.
In the future if a person whoever they are, tells me that theres a 13th sign and cant even list the 12 signs in their natural order i think i might do something ill regret.....lol.sorry for losing it,but seriously as far as im concerned ive learnt over many years that we cant know the truth about astrology without practicing it and learning the art very well.And consequently scientific types for example need to be more scientifically honest by admitting they dont have the ability or knowledge to read a chart and so therefore their opinions count for zilch.Here endeth the rant:)


Well-known member
The 'aspects' are based on a 360 degree circle which has a direct connection to the 12 signs of 30 degrees each,are we to have 27.6923077 degree semi sextiles? and all the other numerical nonsense such a system would create?!

Aspects don't change in 13 sign. It is still 60 degrees. Behaviour of planets change. Behavior of angles and houses change.


Well-known member
Aspects don't change in 13 sign. It is still 60 degrees. Behaviour of planets change. Behavior of angles and houses change.

The way i learnt the aspects they have a direct connection to the signs.consequently the most commonly used aspects,semi sextile,sextile,square,trine,inconjunct,opposition are all increments of 30 degrees and have a similar nature of the same sign reading from the ascendant.ie 30 degrees has a quality similar to taurus,60 degrees to cancer,90 degrees to cancer etc.


Well-known member
I'm reasonably certain that the astronomers who dredge this up every five years or so aren't conversant with Rudhyar's work. And were they going by spatial, we'd end up with a lot more than 13 signs, I fear.

It's yet another misunderstanding and conflation of constellations and zodiac signs, and astronomers wanting to ring mum and tell her to watch them on the news at 6, I think. And the astrologers who get rattled by it are the ones who haven't studied even basic astronomy.That confounds me more, truthfully. I understand debunkers not wanting to stoop to actually researching what they debunk, but for an astrologer not to know anything about celestial motion mechanics is beyond me.
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