Upcoming Saturn/Uranus opposition


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
How will it impact on your life?


Saturn currently began it's cycle of oppositions to Uranus in 2008-perfecting on the USA Election day, November 4th.
The two planets are very much at odds with one another in that they each represent concepts that oppositional in nature.
Saturn requires us to commit to the responsibilities and duties and may indeed restrict us in ways that force us to do so, whilst Uranus is said to impel us toward change and breaking away from existing structures in order to revolutionise those old Saturnian structures.
I see it as * conservative old man* vs *young rebel*.
This time Jupiter joins in on the Uranus end of the equation.
Now, Jupiter is strong in pisces so could exert a positive effect on the Uranus end of the scale. For this round, saturn is retrograde and in Virgo with not much dignity.
The sun and Mercury will be combust in Taurus-a fixed sign where neither has any power to act.
Mars is in a worrying square with that sun/Merc combustion too, advocating action, now being direct in Leo.
However Venus will be in Mercury's sign so mutual reception going on between the two even though not aspecting one another.
The moon will touch off the Saturn end, the day before the opposition perfects, then move into Libra where the moon approaches the via combusta over the next day or so..Usually this brings situations where
nothing can be satisfactorily resolved.
Venus is on the Mars/Jupiter midpoint, so there is a direct link to the first Saturn-Uranus opposition on 4th November 2008. I am thinking USA politics could be big news around that time. Jupiter's opposition to Saturn is ominous also.

This is the last of the Virgo-Pisces oppositions of this series,as the next one in July 2010 occurs on the Aries/Libra axis.
I see finalising of government policies, Healthcare,rules and regulations being finalised, tidied up on this end of Virgo/end of Pisces Saturn/Uranus opposition.A time of completion. The final Libra/Aries opposition of Saturn/uranus *changes the subject* regarding change.

I thought it might be useful to open a thread about this powerful transit as we will all be experiencing it in some part of our chart and we can discuss how we feel it's affecting our lives.
Perhaps you have already noticed a theme emerging in your life over the last 2 years while this set of transits has been playing out. I'm thinking Jupiter's involvement in this one could make things interesting.


Well-known member
Thanks for the heads up, been thinking about it as I have been having alot of transits setting off my chart. So just looking at the chart you posted gives me few ideas- One thing I haven't been doing too much of is change (this makes sense being that I am a 0 degree Libra with my stellium all round it, so yes transit Saturn is affecting me) This opposition may push me to change parts of my life.


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
What houses does Saturn rule in your chart? Will this opposition impact on your own natal planets? You have sun in Libra so maybe the last round (July27) will impact more for you.The houses the opposition occurs across in your chart will no doubt be affected.


Well-known member
I am sort of looking forward to what these transits will bring, and I am a little nervous. My natal Sun is in the 28th degree of Virgo. The exact opposition will happen 1.5 degrees away from my Sun, but for the rest of the year I will be experiencing this pull and tag game as Saturn hits my Sun (again) and then Uranus opposes it. Early next year Uranus+Jupiter will oppose my Sun, and Saturn will be far gone.

To make the matters more complicated, Pluto is squaring my Mars (Mars conjunct Sun), and Mars is also being brushed by transiting Saturn.


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
My sun is at 2 degrees libra (in h10) so I've been experiencing the Saturn transit too.It's pretty much exact as I write.
For me the opposition occurs over my H10/H4 access. Jupiter is ruler of my H4 too So I'm hoping it doesnt manifest for me as burst water pipes in the house or something else of that kind.
The Saturn transit to my sun certainly hasn't been good for my physical well being.(My sun is square my ascendant natally).
For Australians it happens the day after ANZAC day-an important date in our cultural history-I'm wondering if this year there will be a *break with tradition* as younger members of the society don't really appreciate its significance and most of the old Troopers are now dead.


Well-known member
I have a feeling that so far these transits pertain to my work and career. My Sun is in the 8th, rules the 8th, and is a part of Sun-Mars (rules 3rd)-Pluto (rules MC) stellium.

Uranus rules my 2nd. Jupiter is in my 2nd (actually I am having Jupiter return these days). Saturn is intercepted in my 7th, and does not rule anything (Cap intercepted in my 1st)

Since last September when Saturn hit my Sun first time, I've been assuming more responsibilities at work. I keep books and file taxes and all that 8th house stuff. I guess Saturn also has to do with the fact that I don't envision myself as a bookkeeper/accountant but take the responsibility for it as a part of partnership arrangement. This is not my dream career, yet, as Saturn approaches my Sun again in retro direction, I do even more of it.

As Jupiter is returning, I am being recognized for what I do, which is actually a good jump start for what I really want to do. At the same time, Saturn whispers to my shy Virgo Sun: wait, how can you be good? you don't even have a PhD in accounting!

The challenge is not to let fears and self-doubt ruin the good influence offered to me.

We'll see what Uranus, my money ruler, brings to the picture :)

But right now I can't think of what it may mean on a bigger (bigger-than-me it is) scale.
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Inside Out Orange

Well-known member
Ooh ... that falls upon my natal Pluto (28Vir21) which is in my 5th house. I'm not sure what to expect as Saturn/Uranus is a bit of a push-me/pull-you type aspect. All sounds like power struggle in the creative areas (e.g. love, sports, children). Most likely the latter of these.


Well-known member
Saturn is my chart ruler- with a rectified 28 Cap rising- using Placidius -Saturn rules 12th and 1st.
It sits natally in my5th. Speaking of Sun in 8th-I also have Sun in the 8th along with Mars, Pluto, Merc, and Uranus. I don't wanna dwell on it too much. Past year-theres been themes of Life and Death - New beginnings out of dead ends. The opposition is again in my 2nd 8th. The Uranus going thru my 2nd has been an annoyance with money- I was a bit prepared expecting this-by taking a resource job which has its ups and downs and unexpected conditions anyways. The hard part dealing with the stress of work and its physically problematic as well as mentally stressful lately for me too- Saturn stationed right on my natal Mercury. So the thought of updating the resume has crossed my mind yet I feel stuck and due to that Uranus-& Saturn Worried. Also taking care of aging parents, mom being very depressed due to my brothers unexpected death last May 26th- so the anniversary of his death-is approaching--Who knows- I just feel shaky about it- and I get a feeling of unstability in general


Well-known member
What houses does Saturn rule in your chart? Will this opposition impact on your own natal planets? You have sun in Libra so maybe the last round (July27) will impact more for you.The houses the opposition occurs across in your chart will no doubt be affected.
My brother that died --his birthday was July 29th so yeah I think your right thats gonna be an intense time

Inside Out Orange

Well-known member
On a generational note, I think the opposition is quite powerful for those born during the previous opposition (1965-68). Probably more so for those born at the latter end of it who have Pluto & Uranus placed late in Virgo.

Circumstantially those people are in their early 40s, they have their children, their homes, their lives set. Parents are reaching old age and beginning to show their frailties. The difficulties of the world economic climate, being at an age where getting laid off is a possiblity, it must all create some level of fear and difficulty for them.

Inside Out Orange

Well-known member
Having made that comment yesterday one of my friends born mid-Dec 1966 is really struggling along over the past two years. Parents dying, siblings getting cancer, friends divorcing, constant friction with husband etc, etc.

When I looked at her chart I found among other things she has the following natal planets and transits occurring in recent times ...

- Mercury 27Sco ... square Nept, square Chiron, trine Uranus.
- Mars 3Lib ... conj Saturn, squ Pluto
- Jupiter 3Leo ... conj Mars rx
- Saturn 23Pis ... natally the Sat/Uran oppo
- Uranus 24Vir ... so getting the recent effects
- Neptune 22Sco ... sex Saturn, trine Uranus
- Pluto 20Vir ... the Saturn/Uranus oppo last Jan

No wonder she's struggling ...


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
so sorry to hear about your brother. My friend who died on xmas Eve was born in the age group you refer to, InsideoutOrange.
I think we can learn a lot about astrology by observing what happens in these upcoming transits. Lots of my friends and clients are experiencing many difficulties at the moment.


On a generational note, I think the opposition is quite powerful for those born during the previous opposition (1965-68). Probably more so for those born at the latter end of it who have Pluto & Uranus placed late in Virgo.

Circumstantially those people are in their early 40s, they have their children, their homes, their lives set. Parents are reaching old age and beginning to show their frailties. The difficulties of the world economic climate, being at an age where getting laid off is a possiblity, it must all create some level of fear and difficulty for them.

That would be me.

I have this in the 9/3 axis. N Uranus is at 22* virgo 9th and N. Saturn is 12* Aries in the 3rd.

I also have Pluto at 19* and Venus at 13* virgo in the 9th and chiron in the 3rd house but at 29* pisces.

Life hasn't been to unbearable 2 things that are going on my teenages is getting into all sorts of troubles. Really upsets me. and the other is I've been without a job for about 3 months. Otherwise life is good.


Well-known member
this whole transiting has been difficult. I am 11 feb 67. Saturn in virgo - Icant think of anything good to say. so will be interested to hear other's hopefully more positive experiences.

I have lost two friends to cancer. Nov 07 and May 08. It was interesting I joined the board just before this all kicked off dealing with a sun opp transiting saturn in leo. Ive had ongoing but fortunately minor health problems.

however my friends who passed over a 1953(gemini sun) and 1976 (virgo sun) had a lot worse of it that I have. Just to keep things in perspective

it has been about healing and health.

also about responsibility (saturn is all over my progressed chart).

also about letting go of control and going with the flow. which is a bit of an anomaly. but I think it is that saturn vs uranus.
I think for sure this will result in a new take on life.
it has certainly deepened the natal pluto conjunct uranus.

so in summary not looking forward to saturn move back into virgo. ho hum :whistling:


Well-known member
Well....The Saturn Uranus opposition is coming from my 6th/12th axis, Uranus rules my 12th and is placed in the 6th, and Saturn rules my 10th house of career and placed in the 11th. My MC is 2 degrees Capricorn and Uranus will start squaring it soon while at the and eventually conjunct my 4 degree Aries ASC. Saturn direct and RX has been opposing my ASC on and off and squaring my MC. Pluto has been doing the same thing, but we are not talking about that in this thread. Can you say transformation and restriction?? I have been out of work for a year now, have been experiencing some health problems, and have a problem with a friend who is Aquarious. Seems kind of text book appropriate for 6th/11th house and my Saturn MC.


Well-known member
same as vista, the saturn/uranus is on my 6th/12th axis, uranus will be opposing my sun in the 12th (28 degree virgo) while saturn retrogrades back over it, thank goodness it stops short of opposing my moon again! uranus rules my 11th house (venus & mars placed there) and is placed in H2 tightly conjunct jupiter. hehe, $$$$?? i do have jupiter transits coming up as well as uranus and jupiter conjoin...a girl can dream... :)

i have been wondering what this is going to bring, just in the past month, i have been "let go" by my employer to transfer to a sister company since they found out about me and a manager dating. when i saw i had a uranus transit coming up, i had a hunch this was going to happened and it did! does that mean this isn't what i was "waiting" for or i'm not getting off that easily, since it wasn't too unpredictable? :unsure:

anyway, i'm hoping it's nothing too serious concerning my health, since i have the potential to have some serious complications, i'll just have to wait and see.


Account Closed
Oh my...

Not this again. The last time these two opposed each other, Saturn was conjunct my IC and Uranus conjunct natal Mercury conjunct MC. Then, while
Saturn was leaving my 3rd house, opposing natal 9s, it messed up college, delaying it for a year, and as he entered the 4th, I took up new responsibilities at home (minding my sister's kids to let her go to college).

And it's on it's way back? This time Uranus is tightly conjunct the MC. At least Jupiter will temper him, and Saturn has no business causing difficulties for us now that he has less dignity in the opposition.

Things were just beginning to look good again. It's taken me months to recover. I'll post any effects as it marches forward... :cool:


Well-known member
Girlcat, it sort of fits. The 12th can be about secrets or things hidden. Typically it is things hidden from you but it is the ruler of secret affairs. Uranus tends to allow secrets to come out particularly as it passes from the 12th to the 1st I think.
Timing of the aspect is the key. You would want a few degrees to exact.

I was born in 59 ..thus I am not sure I am in the generational effect. Saturn and Uranus in my natal chart only form a relationship through Venus and mars...
so I am not sure what will happen...

Pluto is sitting at my MC opposite my Mercury. Saturn and Uranus will be sitting in my 6/12 respectively. Uranus will trine my fifth house at 26'44 Cancer. It is not as exact as I would think would be a trigger to events. Jupiter will oppose moon and square sun.
My progressed chart has the Saturn uranus pair sitting on the 6/12 axis.And Mars transiting my progressed sun.

I can tell you right now there is a lot going on. At work I have had to change many things mostly connected to just intensifying structure in all areas from security to budget.
I have been diagnosed with Rosacea and most recently spent tthe weekend in the hospital with my daughter with a MRSA absess.
Gosh I see Uranus is inconjunct the 6th house cusp and trine the 5th house cusp within just minutes of exact. How odd.
I will follow closely as my solar this June has the pair of Jupiter and Uranus in tight aspect with Saturn opposing.
Has no one started a thread on the aeroplane crash and the death of the Polish President. If so can someone direct me to it. I think it has a lot of bearing on the Saturn-Uranus opposition and Uranus still being in Pisces and the nature of the accident itself. Saturn has retrograded back to Virgo (29) it could be classed as a critical opposition. Pluto rules deaths in Capricorn (government). It depends on your orbs, but for me the t-square (Sat-Ura-Plu) is in aspect now and obviously will get tighter. I can't find a thread, but I will probably find one after I have posted this :biggrin:. I just blabbed on another thread how navigation was easy Lol.

Inside Out Orange

Well-known member
Personally I'd be inclined to ignore Pluto in a t-square with Saturn-Uranus as at 6 degrees that's quite a big orb.

However the President did have transit Pluto inconjunct his natal Mars in Gemini? Would that be death through an accident in the air? Additionally yesterday Pluto was inconjunct Mars in Leo.