strange union opinion?


Well-known member
The Aries Sun and the Libra Sun can be a very good match. Opposite Suns can be positive connection because you can bring each other what each might need.

But the Cap asc and Gemini asc====not an easy match. They do not see eye to eye. Gemini Asc can be too slippery, to unstable for A capricorn ascendant.


The Aries Sun and the Libra Sun can be a very good match. Opposite Suns can be positive connection because you can bring each other what each might need.

But the Cap asc and Gemini asc====not an easy match. They do not see eye to eye. Gemini Asc can be too slippery, to unstable for A capricorn ascendant.

so what do you suggest for this relation? what we should take serious on this union? sun signs or ascendants?



Does she want to take it seriously?

I dont know but it seems like she really doesnt care.I warned her a lot of time about her uncareless behaviours and diseppears immieadlty for long days.But she didint do anything, byt the way just because of these actitudes,even I am so much in love,I left her..

I couldnt get if she was just looking for some fun or something serious...Tree days passed,and didint feedback to me yet.

I just want to say bad words to her from heart


Well-known member
I think you might need to try a horary chart.

Go to google and read about HORARY charts. We have excellent horary astrologers here that could help.

I don't have a lot of faith in a Gemini rising ?libra for you right now, if she is running off with no communication.:sad:


I think you might need to try a horary chart.

Go to google and read about HORARY charts. We have excellent horary astrologers here that could help.

I don't have a lot of faith in a Gemini rising ?libra for you right now, if she is running off with no communication.:sad:

thanks for your reply.I dont know how to do an horary chart.I know theorically.If I put my natal chart,can you suggest me something?

I dont understand why I deleted her from my life suddenly...Maybe effects of FullMoon?

I am in big complications,


Well-known member
Aries Man with Capricorn Ascendant with Libra Woman with Geminis Ascendant

what kind of relation that would be?

SEEMED to me perfect....but full of lies and diseppears of the girl unfortunately and I finished after 6 months with big pain :/

and no feedback from her....

Unfortunately, without more information (such as dates of birth at the very least), it's difficult even to speak generally about what sort of relationship two people like this would have -- let alone speak specifically about why your relationship with this particular woman fell apart.

Generally speaking, Aries and Libra get along with each other fairly well - Fire signs such as Aries tend to be compatible with Air signs like Libra. The fly in the ointment is that Aries and Libra are 180 degrees apart from each other, which means they're opposites. Signs which are opposites share the same energy (in this case, cardinal energy rather than fixed or mutable energy) but in a different yet compatible element. Oppositions between two people tend to generate quite a bit of attraction -- and the closer the degree of opposition (the best example being two people who both have their Sun at the same degree), the more powerful the attraction is likely to be. That being said, oppositions are usually regarded as being a somewhat challenging aspect because they tend to generate a bit more friction than the sextile or trine. At the same time, it's actually considered beneficial to have at least one or two challenging aspects between two people in a relationship -- but too many, and one or both people are likely to conclude that this relationship is almost more trouble than it's worth.

Based on the little information you've provided, the problem between the two of you from my perspective (at least as far as astrology is concerned) would have been the Ascendant. Gemini and Capricorn see the world very differently from each other because they don't share the same energy (Gemini is mutable while Capricorn is cardinal) and their elements are not considered compatible (Gemini is Air, Capricorn is Earth). What this means is that Gemini and Capricorn are inconjunct -- and an inconjunction is considered to be the most challenging aspect of all, not one easily got over. Again, the closer the degree of inconjunct, the more intense the friction is likely to be -- and an inconjunct between Ascendants is a pretty big deal because the Ascendant plays a major role in how we operate within the world on a daily basis.

I imagine that your Capricorn Ascendant has helped keep you grounded and at the same time has provided you with momentum since both Aries and Capricorn are cardinal signs (even though they square each other since they're not in compatible elements). Your ex-girlfriend doesn't have that. Her Ascendant is very compatible with her Sun because both Gemini and Libra are Air signs, but the fact that her Ascendant is Mutable suggests (at least to me) that this only amplifies her Air tendencies. Air signs in general have a reputation (not entirely undeserved!) for being capricious, frivolous, superficial, and somewhat unreliable -- and Geminis in particular have a reputation (again, not wholly undeserved) for not always being as honest as they should be. Aries people tend to take life very seriously, and so do Capricorns. Libra people probably take life seriously as much as any Air sign is capable of, but not as much as an Aries or Capricorn do. An overlay also suggests that your Aries Sun was probably in her eleventh house, while her Libra Sun was probably in your tenth house -- not, perhaps, the most auspicious placements for a long-lasting romantic relationship (although it could have been worse). This placement suggests that she probably treated you more like a friend than a lover, whereas you found yourself taking on the role of an authority or perhaps even a parental figure in the relationship. Some people are happy with that kind of role in a relationship...but some people aren't, and it sounds as if you weren't.

I hope this helps. I would need to have more information in the form of birth dates in order to be able to create natal charts and identify other potential sources of conflict that might have come up between you -- and even what I've said so far is at best a rough guess. In the end, the plain and simple fact is that astrology is only one piece in the puzzle and not the be-all and end-all. Your mileage may vary depending on a range of other factors -- astrology represents potentials, not necessarily outcomes.

turkish girl

Well-known member
thanks for your reply.I dont know how to do an horary chart.I know theorically.If I put my natal chart,can you suggest me something?

I dont understand why I deleted her from my life suddenly...Maybe effects of FullMoon?

I am in big complications,

You should ask one question in a one time.It is like,right now in Turkey it is 10 25 pm here,I am asking "will I pass my next exam?".After that with that time and your location create a chart.For me now it must be 13th Jan 2017 10 25 pm Turkey,that's it.

If question is regarding relationship,you must look at some main houses,for yourself 1st house,7th house is partner etc. I think as katydid said you can post it in horary section,there are really good,experienced ones.


thanks to all for your replies. Yes, turkishgirl I will do a horary chart as soon as possible and share it here.I dont know how to do it yet,I will search for it.

Gemnigirl thanks for your large text about it.Yes I need her exact details of birthtime and place...But,I dont know and I dont have contact with her anymore, I am the person who blocked her and removed from my life.but couldnt from my heart and mind.....

Aries and Libra are good for sure.... Capricorn and Gemini Ascandants probably very different and absolutely opposite in a negative way.But we also must consider what is negative and positive.

For me most important thing is confidence in life.This is something I never had to her and I never will have for her.

Better she goes to **** and I suffer. This musnt be like this.I am angry now


Well-known member
Yes I need her exact details of birthtime and place...But,I dont know and I dont have contact with her anymore

I have to conclude from this that you know she has her Ascendant in Gemini because she told you. Without her birth time and birth place, you would have no other way of knowing what her Ascendant is.

I still think it potentially could be helpful for you to provide birth date and general information regarding what country this woman was born in originally since this might enable people to construct a rough natal chart for her and possibly identify at least a couple of issues that might have facilitated some of the problems between you. If nothing else, it would show which of the houses in your chart were probably activated by her planets. There are houses which you actually want your partner's planets to activate (such as the first and the seventh) and others where you might not want that quite so much (such as the eighth and the twelfth) unless you thrive on drama. Having a partner's planets fall within your twelfth house can be particularly problematic, because the twelfth house rules the intuition and the subconscious which means that whatever falls within the twelfth house tends not to be expressed openly -- this encourages confusion and misunderstanding as well as creating fascination. As an example, your partner's Moon falling within and activating your twelfth house often fosters a nagging suspicion that your partner is hiding something from you even when he or she is not -- but the twelfth house is also considered the house of secret enemies and self-destructive behavior such as addictions, so this can sometimes be an indication that your partner has indeed not been very honest with you. At the same time, it's important to bear in mind that any deception resulting from twelfth-house contact in synastry is probably not intended to be deliberately malicious -- in fact, more often than not, it's mostly or completely unconscious and one or both people are engaging in some degree of self-deception (which prevents them from being honest with each other, because you can't tell others the truth while telling yourself lies).

The fact that this relationship ended up resulting in so much disappointment and rancor on your end also makes me wonder if one or more of her planets might have activated your eighth house -- Scorpio rules the eighth house, so any of your partner's planets which activate that house will tend to provoke a very intense response which can be either positive or negative depending upon how those planets are aspected. Someone whose partner's planet(s) activated their eighth house can experience quite a lot of pain and anger if their relationship ends regardless of who ended it. (I know this from personal experience -- one of my most painful and bitter breakups to date was with a partner whose Sun and Mars activated my eighth house, and I was the one who ended it.)

How the houses in your chart are activated by your own planets might tell us something as well. A Capricorn Ascendant means that your Aries Sun most likely activates your fourth house, which would imply that you invest a lot of your emotional energy into family and take relationships more seriously than she does -- because as someone with a Gemini Ascendant, her Libra Sun most likely falls into her fifth house suggesting that she invests a lot of her emotional energy into simply having fun.
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Well-known member
definitely man although your sun signs match up at the end of the day your ascendants dont they are very conflicting energies its most likely you went about life in a down to earth view and she did in a superficial way that caused tension between the two


She just called me told me all the lies she told me while we were together....I told just F.ckk Off....I am so angry, sooooooooooooooooooo angry
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Well-known member
Well, I compared your natal charts -- and lo and behold, as I suspected, three of her personal planets (Sun, Venus, and Mars) fell into your eighth house. As I said before, eighth house connections in synastry tend to be very intense -- with the result that if and when the relationship ends, the eighth house person's feelings of love frequently transform into equally passionate feelings of hostility and bitterness because the wound cuts so deep (and this is true even if the eighth house person was the one who ended it). To further complicate matters, her Moon fell into your fourth house of family -- another very emotionally intense connection. You tend to take life very seriously, never mind relationships -- you have Saturn conjunct your Ascendant. I notice that you also have Neptune in the twelfth house conjunct your Ascendant, which makes you very sensitive as well -- as it happens, I have that myself and I know that it's not all that easy to live with.

Your Sun fell into her eleventh house (the house of friendship), your Venus and Mars in her ninth (the house of philosophy and travel), and your Moon in her twelfth. Your planets fell into less receptive houses in her chart than her planets did in yours -- as I hardly need to tell you, the overlay chat suggests that you were more emotionally invested in her than she was in you. The interesting piece is that having your Moon fall into your partner's twelfth house is not an easy placement -- it tends to facilitate feelings of confusion, of never knowing quite where you stand.

What I see in her natal chart does suggest that she probably has some issues and difficulties with romantic relationships which have nothing to do with you. For one thing, she has her own Moon in the twelfth house natally AND it's afflicted by her natal Saturn in opposition. Anyone with a planet in the twelfth tends to have difficulty expressing the energy of that planet openly -- sometimes even to themselves. In her case, that expression is impeded even more thanks to Saturn. What I see here is a woman who's more sensitive than she lets on but who doesn't want to examine her feelings too closely and who is deeply ambivalent about letting other people see them as well. She also has Neptune in the seventh. The house where Neptune falls in your chart is the place where you are overly idealistic, where you can be deceived (either by others or yourself), and where you martyr or sabotage or victimize yourself -- and the seventh house is the house of long-term partnership. Her natal Venus in the fourth is also afflicted by a square with while part of her wants a close intimate relationship, there's a lot of ambivalence about it as well. Getting the picture? In all fairness, however, your natal chart has a couple of hiccups of its own. For one thing, you have Sun square Pluto and Venus square Pluto -- and Venus square Pluto gives you a tendency to want to control your romantic partners. I know this from personal experience -- I have this in my own chart. I eventually learned to realize how I manifest this -- very subtly, through people-pleasing -- and I've had to work at resisting this tendency.

With regard to both the overlay and composite chart, I see quite a few positive aspects which are considered very significant for romantic attraction suggesting that the chemistry between you was probably quite potent. However, I also see quite a lot of squares and inconjuncts and oppositions in both the overlay and the composite as well making this relationship as painful as it is pleasurable.


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Well, I compared your natal charts -- and lo and behold, as I suspected, three of her personal planets (Sun, Venus, and Mars) fell into your eighth house. As I said before, eighth house connections in synastry tend to be very intense -- with the result that if and when the relationship ends, the eighth house person's feelings of love frequently transform into equally passionate feelings of hostility and bitterness because the wound cuts so deep (and this is true even if the eighth house person was the one who ended it). To further complicate matters, her Moon fell into your fourth house of family -- another very emotionally intense connection. You tend to take life very seriously, never mind relationships -- you have Saturn conjunct your Ascendant. I notice that you also have Neptune in the twelfth house conjunct your Ascendant, which makes you very sensitive as well -- as it happens, I have that myself and I know that it's not all that easy to live with.

Your Sun fell into her eleventh house (the house of friendship), your Venus and Mars in her ninth (the house of philosophy and travel), and your Moon in her twelfth. Your planets fell into less receptive houses in her chart than her planets did in yours -- as I hardly need to tell you, the overlay chat suggests that you were more emotionally invested in her than she was in you. The interesting piece is that having your Moon fall into your partner's twelfth house is not an easy placement -- it tends to facilitate feelings of confusion, of never knowing quite where you stand.

What I see in her natal chart does suggest that she probably has some issues and difficulties with romantic relationships which have nothing to do with you. For one thing, she has her own Moon in the twelfth house natally AND it's afflicted by her natal Saturn in opposition. Anyone with a planet in the twelfth tends to have difficulty expressing the energy of that planet openly -- sometimes even to themselves. In her case, that expression is impeded even more thanks to Saturn. What I see here is a woman who's more sensitive than she lets on but who doesn't want to examine her feelings too closely and who is deeply ambivalent about letting other people see them as well. She also has Neptune in the seventh. The house where Neptune falls in your chart is the place where you are overly idealistic, where you can be deceived (either by others or yourself), and where you martyr or sabotage or victimize yourself -- and the seventh house is the house of long-term partnership. Her natal Venus in the fourth is also afflicted by a square with while part of her wants a close intimate relationship, there's a lot of ambivalence about it as well. Getting the picture? In all fairness, however, your natal chart has a couple of hiccups of its own. For one thing, you have Sun square Pluto and Venus square Pluto -- and Venus square Pluto gives you a tendency to want to control your romantic partners. I know this from personal experience -- I have this in my own chart. I eventually learned to realize how I manifest this -- very subtly, through people-pleasing -- and I've had to work at resisting this tendency.

With regard to both the overlay and composite chart, I see quite a few positive aspects which are considered very significant for romantic attraction suggesting that the chemistry between you was probably quite potent. However, I also see quite a lot of squares and inconjuncts and oppositions in both the overlay and the composite as well making this relationship as painful as it is pleasurable.


Thanks for your post...As I understand this was not really correct girl for me,RİGHT?

Do you see any future in this relation? What I should do?

I officially left her and happened 4 days and no feedback....and yes I suffer....


Well-known member

Thanks for your post...As I understand this was not really correct girl for me,RİGHT?

Do you see any future in this relation? What I should do?

I officially left her and happened 4 days and no feedback....and yes I suffer....

I subscribe to the idea that just because the synastry between two charts is challenging, that doesn't mean that these two people are "not really correct" for each other. Relationships between two people in which the challenging aspects are as high (or very nearly) as the favorable ones create a lot of drama -- and simply put, some people WANT that. It could be that some of these people grew up with this -- they feel comfortable with this because it's familiar. In fact, your partner's natal chart with Mars in the fourth house suggests that she actually might be one of these people herself -- and with both Venus and Mars square Pluto in your natal chart, my guess is that you find that you end up experiencing drama in your relationships (mostly in the form of power struggles) whether you want to or not. Relationships like this can be very exciting, but they also tend to be very stressful.

A relationship in which there's a lot of attraction but also a lot of challenge can help one or both people involved grow and evolve emotionally as well -- provided that this is what they really want and that they're willing to put the necessary effort into it. I think this was definitely true in my case with the man I spoke of whose Sun and Mars activated my eighth house. I think that being with him -- or to be more specific, breaking up with him! -- forced me to learn some important lessons and to mature spiritually in what I consider some very significant and positive ways which I might not have otherwise. (I frankly think relationships which involve the water houses -- the fourth, the eighth, and the twelfth -- in one or both people are particularly prone to this because activating one or more of these houses triggers intense emotional needs and feelings and in the case of the twelfth house, needs and feelings they might not even know they have.) Our overlay chart had a lot (really, a LOT) of strong positive aspects -- but even that wasn't enough to keep up together. At least for me, the breakup (which was my choice) was abrupt and painful and bitter and unfortunately necessary -- I did learn a lot from it but the price was high, because nothing that valuable ever comes easy or cheaply. That being said, in my opinion and experience, Neptune conflicts (which he and I had and which you have with this woman) can be even more difficult to deal with than Saturn conflicts -- because Saturn will never lie to you, whereas Neptune can and frequently will lie to you.

I notice that part of you continues to hold onto some hope that you might still be able to have a future with this woman. This appears to confirm my speculation (based on the charts) that at least on your end, the attraction is very powerful. I think whether there is hope for the two of you -- or any couple, really -- depends very much on what the two of you want individually as well as collectively, how honest you're willing to be with yourselves both as individuals and as a couple about the challenges you face (which can be difficult when Neptune is involved), and how much you are able and willing to change while still maintaining the boundaries that you need in order to maintain your own well-being. However, on the whole, I'm not terribly optimistic.

You've already said that one of the reasons why you broke up with this woman is because she has lied to you but you didn't specify what she lied to you about. From the sound of it, she's also either denying or justifying her own behavior (which suggests that she's lying to herself as well as to you) or else feels expresses little or or no regret over it and/or sees no reason to change. As it happens, I ended the relationship I mentioned before because I found out that my partner had been lying to me from the day we met -- they were lies of commission rather than omission (meaning that he told me things which turned out to be false rather than merely withholding pertinent information) and they were about fairly serious issues. I don't think anyone should invest themselves emotionally in a person who has a habit of lying, because lying eats away at the trust which is the core foundation of an intimate relationship -- you're not going to open up and get close to someone whom you have reason to believe you can't or shouldn't trust. There were aspects in your overlay and composite charts which indicated that deception is a risk factor in this relationship. In order for the two of you to have a decent chance at a future, she would need to make a commitment to be honest regardless of what reasons she might have for wanting to lie. Like it or not, she's the only one who can decide whether to do that or not -- even if she wants to change, you cannot make her do it. With natal Venus square Pluto in your own natal chart, there's part of you that very much wants to control her and get her to change...but treating other people that way implies that they're possessions or prisoners or puppets and not really people, which is not productive. In order for this relationship to have a chance, I think you would need to accept the fact that you'll probably always be at least a bit more emotionally invested in this relationship than she is -- as I pointed out before, her personal planets hit you in very vulnerable houses but you don't have quite the same level of impact on her. You would also need to be patient with her and let her have space when she needs it (which you might not want to do) because her chart suggests that deep down, she's ambivalent about really getting close to another person even though she wants it. Finally, something which I strongly urge you to do for yourself -- as someone who has both Neptune and Saturn conjunct his Ascendant (and whose Sun is squared by his Neptune) -- is to work on viewing the world less through the lens of Neptune and more through the lens of Saturn especially in your dealings with other people. Both Neptune and Saturn have a very strong emphasis in my own chart -- I know how hard it can be to find a balance between them, because in most respects they could not possibly be more different from each other, but I think you're better served letting your Saturn be your primary guide with Neptune acting as an adjunct rather than the other way around.
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@GeminiGrrl I appreciate your time and effort that you made for me...Yes my feelings are very intensive unfortunately,even I am the person who left her and got clear all her lies.She in the end had to explain all lies to me and requested for perdone.....I am still in love deeply,but will never apologize her.
I am sure she will be with someone soon and also tell a lot of lies to other person as well...

Because when someone lies to other people,also they lie to theirself!!!!!!!! This is so cruel.Lies are so cruel truly and I dont like them.

It is very difficult to find someone good.....And it is really how interesting our charts effects us in this way....How a person can enjoy to lie? must have some phisicological problems....

I left her many days ago and no feedback.Most probably she will find me tomorrow to she lives in other city and tomorrow have her free day then probably she will find me somewhere and will make me believe on her shitty lies....

What I should do? I only want to go with this girl if she will never lie to me and will be honest to me always and only be with me and also a possiblity for marriage with her......

Most probably she will not change herself,as if she has these planets on her chart,then no will change.Then if she comes, I definetly will make a speech to her and quit this till forever.But what to say? She doesnt believe in astrology neither....( Altough my vedic astrologer found all her lies....)

I am down really sentimentally, I try to quit to think her but not really possible......
