Middle East


New member
Radu - please check out these 3 links:

The morning attack began at 8 AM, when Hizbullah launched a heavy barrage of Katyusha rockets and mortar shells at IDF positions and communities along the northern frontier. One rocket scored a direct hit on a house in Shtula. Magen David Adom said they had treated six people. Both soldiers and civilians were wounded; they were evacuated to Nahariya hospital.


July 12, 2006: Hezbollah attacks Israel with Katyushas, crosses the border and kidnaps two Israeli soldiers. Three Israeli soldiers are killed in the initial attack. Five more soldiers are killed as Israel launches operation to rescue the soldiers and push Hezbollah from its border. Hezbollah launches rockets into towns across northern Israel.


HonestReporting is the champion of accurate reporting of the Arab-Israeli conflict. With so many reporters tilting their stories for political objectives or due to intimidation and pressure by non-democratic regimes, HonestReporting is exposing such bias against Israel and is the watchdog attempting to keep them honest.


And something you probably already know:

Nicholas Campion's Book of World Horoscopes describes the basic situation: "in the atmosphere of crisis, and an invasion by the Arab Legion at dawn on 12 May, the Jewish leaders arranged a meeting to proclaim independence at 4.00 pm on 14 May in the Tel Aviv museum... The meeting began precisely at 4.00 pm, as arranged, when [David] Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister, struck the table with his gavel. The audience then rose spontaneously and burst into the Hatikva, the anthem of the Zionist movement. It is clear that Ben-Gurion himself regarded 4.00 pm as the critical time... Ben-Gurion finished reading the independence statement and manifesto at 4.24 pm. The scroll of independence was then signed by the 24 members of the National Committee who were present and the meeting concluded at 4.32 pm when Ben-Gurion spoke the words 'Israel has been born!' ... The horoscope in Mundane Astrology is given for 4.37 pm on 14 May, based on a slightly different version of events..."



Well-known member
I must say that it's been very interesting reading through this thread. I have some very strong beliefs that I won't get into here. However, until now I never thought about how this situation was being influenced by astrology. Thank you!