Why do i desire recognition and fame?


Well-known member
Can someone explain me why i desire fame so much? And why i want to know more people and be warm and open? :andy: (i'm born at night)

http://i.imgur.com/Q67KrGa.png This is my Tropical chart


Rasi chart (natal chart)

Lagna: Virgo, receiving aspects from Mars and Saturn
Moon: Libra, receiving aspect from Jupiter
Sun: Aquarius, together with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu

D-3 chart / Drekkana (decanates):

Lagna: Taurus
Moon: Aquarius
Sun: Aquarius

D-9 chart / Navamsa:

Lagna: Cancer
Moon: Aquarius
Sun: Scorpio


Lagna: Hasta
Moon: Swati
Sun: Dhanishta

Edit: I already made a post about indicators of fame in my chart, but apparently i have a bad chart but i don't know why i still want it.


Well-known member
Hi. I think its reflected in the tropical chart mostly by the angular Venus and Saturn - with Venus ruling the asc from Capricorn - and Jupiter conjunct the Venus/Saturn midpoint and opposite the mc/asc midpoint. Also, Jupiter is in the 5th house conjunct Sun and Mercury.

Moon in Scorpio may want to have influence in order to protect itself or help redress power imbalances in the world.


Well-known member
Hi. I think its reflected in the tropical chart mostly by the angular Venus and Saturn - with Venus ruling the asc from Capricorn - and Jupiter conjunct the Venus/Saturn midpoint and opposite the mc/asc midpoint. Also, Jupiter is in the 5th house conjunct Sun and Mercury.

Moon in Scorpio may want to have influence in order to protect itself or help redress power imbalances in the world.
Ok thanks for the reply, quite interesting!


Well-known member
No problem. If this is an issue you're trying to resolve, I'd suggest focusing on Saturn setting in Aries.


Well-known member
Hi. I think this part of your makeup is especially significant in the issue you raised in your opening post. If you focus on Saturn setting in Aries - experientially rather than intellectually - I think you will get some useful insight into the issue as a whole.

An insecure Saturn may try to compensate by seeking respect and recognition, and when in Aries there can be a strong competitive edge to this seeking. The descendant represents the experience of being someone who is in relationship with others. Energies on the descendant colour our notions of how people should relate to one another. At the moment, your experience of being in relationship with those around you is strongly coloured by a need to compensate for your Saturn/Aries insecurity. But if you really look at that need, you may come to see things differently.

Saturn is about constantly questioning how we integrate into to the collectives of which we are part - prompting us to see clearly the frustration and futility that comes of trying to do so on our own egoic terms.