Faith star.


Today, exactly at 02:31:24 AM, something incredible happened.
This is true, and I want to share it.

I went in a previous sleeping relaxation state aprox. at 01:23 AM this same day. I didn´t went asleep, because I was just relaxing in my bed watching an ink documental on the history channel, and because I had to do the routine before sleep yet [You know... ...The routine before sleeping is impotant]. Progressively, I was leaving my state of vigilance and starting to get incoscient, but yet with the resistance of falling asleep. So I was almost sleeping, but I was being able of getting all the information of the enviroment anyways.
So, while I was semi-sleeping, I was dreaming with all the information that was coming up from the history channel.
And even seeing the images of the documentary like images of a dream [With me almost sleeping], it happened that I learned about the horrors that the Shangai tunnels were hidding since the ancient times.
Things about opression and forced work [Because the ink documental had ended while I was in this somnolence].
But particuliarly, something about sexual slaves. I learned that: The women that were in captivity, forced to work as sexual slaves, were not being dominated by pyisical forces. They were being dominated with fear induced by psycological harm. The opressors placed tree trunks in the doors [For making them feel trapped], and somewhat they were achieving that the same women accepeted their captive nature adding it to their integrities, making them slaves by their own actions.
I confirmed what I learned in the "dream" when at waking up I saw, in front of my lied down posture, a Shangai documental mentioning precisely something about the sexual slaves.
I "woke up" with a trange feeling. I felt like it was a fear night, feeling bravery at the same time.
I thought about what I learned for a while, and then I felt like looking at the stars.
I came out from my house for going to the garden. It was cold.
And I had fear. Fear to the unknown. Fear to the dark corners of the garage.
Then I wanted to find Canopus [You know, the star].
I searched in the sky, feeling this fear.
Until I said this: "If you have faith, doubt will go away".
I liked it.
I saw the stars saying this a couple of times.
And when in the exact moment I felt secure and I thought the word faith in my mind, a meteor flyied below and very close to a bright star that I was looking at.
And then I said that this star is the "Faith star".

I have been searching like crazy in the web for seeing which is the name of the star, but I cannot find it.
It´s at some degrees the left side of the orion belt, looking to the northwest. It´s bright, maybe fixed and a little yellow.

This is the exact moment of the meteor: Meteor.

What do you think about this?


Well-known member
Hi Squapius,

I think the dream is quite significant, but maybe the significance is not 'literal', e.g. maybe there isn't a star called the 'Faith Star' in the skies, but the significance is deeply, deeply personal. Perhaps it doesn't matter 'which' star it is; perhaps what matters is the message that your dream gave you, which is 'have faith, and doubt will go away'. That is a very powerful and beautiful message, but you must carry this message in your heart.

I found this article on the Web. Maybe it will help. I would also suggest trying the NASA pages as a start. Astronomy journals may also have some information.
But I would recommend taking a closer look at your dream: what is the significance of women being held captive in tunnels? What is it about this that bothers you so much (besides the obvious sexual/political/human rights abuses, I mean)? What is it about your journey out into the dark, and seeing the star that says, 'Have faith', that is so important?

Here is the article, but I think the most wisdom will come from looking for the 'inner' meaning, rather than the 'outer' meaning.

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Hey, Archergirl!
So good you replied!
The information of the documental going to my dream [The things about the sexual slaves], had not a close relation to the discovering of the faith star and they are not so important to me.
The idea of captivity and sexual slavery is surely awful, but it didn´t impacted me so much. I mentioned my almost inconscient learning because I think it´s very interesting and intriguing...

...I want to have the faith star always in my thoughts, because is a wonderful heavenly body.


Well-known member
Well, I definitely think that it is all linked: hearing (in a semi-sleeping state) about awful things happening to people, and then going out into the darkness and feeling afraid, and then finding the 'Faith Star' and seeing a meteor flash by:...all of this is important, and the 'links' between them should not be overlooked.

From a shaman's point of view, the shooting star is a very powerful sign, and I hope you will consider that you were blessed with a very powerful message from Spirit.
