Moon domicile but under Sun's beams


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Domicile and Combust

What happens?

What does it mean?

Is it mixed debility? Or does the Moon keep strength because it is it's domicile?

Thank you.
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Well-known member
New moons are good if the question involves keeping a secret. Other than that, no. The moon is too weak at new to bring most things to a satisfactory conclusion, and in my experience, being in good essential dignity does not override that.


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The Moon in this case is 5 degrees behind the Sun, both in the 11th house of Cancer.

It's a relationship reconciliation question, no immediate consideration of secrets (none on my part!).

The Moon isn't a primary significator in either case so I won't worry about it too much.

I found this:

'The debate on how combustion affects a planet in that planet's own sign (e.g. Venus combust in Taurus) is an ancient one. Treat it exactly as a mutual reception: the planet has power over the Sun by dispositing it; the Sun has power over the planet by combustion. So the combustion does not harm the planet; the idea of not being able to see or be seen still remains, however'.

Frawley in The Horary Textbook (p60)
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