New Moon (Cancer) Conjunct Natal Ascendant

This year in July new moon at 20° Cancer will be on my ascendant. It will happen on 13th July, 2:48 UT. The orb of conjunction is very small ‒ 0°24'.

What can I expect from this transit? My guess (and, being a beginner, I don't have much experience in predictive astrology) is some kind of transformation, a new beginning having something to do with identity and self. This is only a general idea. Does anyone have more specific details about this transit?

I didn't know whether this is a significant transit or not. At first I thought it was a great coincidence and a one-time thing, so I checked a lunar calendar and it already happened before, but never with such a small orb. Also, it seemed significant because I'm a Cancer ascendant, so Moon is my chart ruler and it's in 1st house in my natal chart. Other than that, transit Pluto is in opposition to the natal ascendant, which also has something to do with transformation of self.

I attached my natal chart with transits and a table with aspects between natal planets and transit planets.

