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Main Rulerships of 10th House :smile:
Employment, profession or trade
also employers and those in command. Honour, prestige, reputation
power, control, dignity, glory, acclaim, advancement
- the worldly position, career or life-interest that attains these.
Likelihood of success relative to one's station in life.
Fame, infamy, notoriety - the public eye.
Unfavourable publicity if afflicted.
The Sun, Jupiter or Venus, if well aspected, indicate professional success,
Saturn indicates responsibility or, if badly afflicted, disgrace and ruin.
Those in dignified positions such as royalty and nobility: kings, princes, dukes, earls, etc.
The government or those in office.
All forms of authority in decision-making or those who enforce authority or law
- the police, courts, judges, magistrates, commanding officers
a boss at work, etc.
The ruling in a law court, judgement.
The desire to achieve and give out to the world
- whereas the lower midheaven indicates the roots of our existence
from which we emerge
the midheaven indicates that which we manifest outwards
into our community and the fruits of our labour.
Ancient authors recognised its influence on many matters
including marriage and children.
Traditionally it is the house of the mother