USA: The Upcoming Venus Sun Conjunction Jan. 9, 2018


Well-known member
Next January 9th, January 8th for those of us on PST, Venus will conjunct the Sun at 18° Capricorn 57' 28".

This is as close as I can estimate the perfect conjunction. As Venus will be in the Same minute and second of a degree as the Sun but only for four seconds in time at one minute and twenty seven seconds prior to this one has to realize that it is not a true exact conjunction.
I had to keep "dialing ahead" the time while casting charts to find the exact minute and second of a degree that Venus entered that the Sun will also be in and then exit that degree at the same time or ahead of the Sun. I then took the total time Venus will be in that exact same minute and second of a degree of divide it by two and add that to the initial ingress to get what I am rather sure is the exact conjunction...or so close to it that I'd only be splitting hairs, so to speak, too get it any more perfect. That total time will be 19 seconds so I added ten seconds to the initial ingress and have come up with 2:01:45 A.M. EST for Philadelphia, the natal birth place of the United States.

My own fascination with Venus Sun conjunctions began a few years ago when I read that Rudolph Steiner predicted the reincarnation of Parsival in this day and age due to a completion of a 1200 year cycle of Venus-Sun conjunctions. Mr Steiner and Trevor Ravenscroft, the author, are the only two people I know of that predicted his return in time for the new milenium.
Interestingly these Venus-Sun conjunctions started conjuncting the five point symmetric matrix (a pentagram aka a "Grand Quintile") that is aligned with, and to, my natal M.C. beginning on October 29, 1998 when Venus conjuncted the Sun at 06° Scorpio 32' 31" My five point matrix has its points at, beginning with the M.C. and following the chart around clockwise, 24° Leo 16' 38", 12° Gemini 16' 38", 00° Aries 16' 38', 18° Capricorn 16' 38" and 06° Scorpio 16° 38". (Late Edit: I found from the link I provide in post #3 that these conjunctions actually started on Feb 5, 1998, as for being of significant effect on my own natal chart, when Venus and the Sun conjuncted in the 19th degree of Capricorn, the same degree they will meet in on Jan 9th {the 8th on the West Coast} 2018 and will again in 2022. ptv)(An even later edit:
I was wrong about an earlier conjunction having occurred in Feb 1998, I misread a notation on the list at the link I provide below in post #3 Venus went Direct Station that day and not conjunct the Sun)

As it is known that a perfect pentagram will reveal through the Sabian Symbols found for its five points the plot outline of a "perfect " story (Marc Edmond Jones made some serious coin selling scripts to Hollywood for many years after reascertaing the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler) The perfect pentagram constructed around ones natal charts' M.C. (one point exacctly every 72 degrees from, and including, the M.C.) reveals through the Sabian Symbols the perfect plotline of your own present existence. The one constructed to the Jesus/Yeshu'a natal chart is most sublime and I may have that info in a thread or post somewhere already, if not I'll get to that soon and I'll include the link here, in this thread, eventually.

These conjunctions to my natal M.C. pentagram have been occuring with some regularity in either the inferior or superior conjunction. In 1998 it was in the superior position, then it occured at 24° Leo 15' in the inferior position on August 18, 2007. This next conjuction will be the third point on my M.C. oriented pentagram that Venus and the Sun will have met at, but, interestingly, they will meet again in the same degree at 18° Capricorn 43' 08", again with Venus in retro in the inferior conjunction, on January 8, 2022. I haven't yet cast all the charts for conjunctions from the 1990's on forward in time but I have tentatively concluded that the remaining two points on my M.C. oriented pentagram will be hit in 2032, in Gemini and in March of 2033 in Aries although another will occur in Aries in 2037 in the superior position....which I believe concludes all the activity to my natal M.C. oriented pentagram for another 1200 years.

Of an interesting side note that I came across while casting the many charts that I have so far is that on June 1, 2028 at 5:00:10 A.M. EST Venus will be at 11° Gemini 28' 20" while the Sun will be at 11° Gemini 28' 19" and then one second in time later Venus will be at 11° Gemini 28' 19" and the Sun will be at 11° Gemini 28' 20" ...meaning that the exact conj. occurs between the one second of time and the next which just goes to prove just how ephemeral everything in the Heavens is...just how very fleeting a moment is.

the Sun and Venus will be conjunct in the 19th degree of Capricorn on this event and quite interestingly they will both be in the 20th degree of Capricorn just a few hours later...minutes actually. (Venus conjuncting Pluto just past 3 A.M and the Sun doing same just past 4 A.M. That is a ripe subject for whole another thread topic) The Sabian Symbol given from Dane Rudhyar's wonderful book, "An Astrological Mandala" tells us what the combination of these two stellar influences are radiating down upon all of us in the world at that moment.

Rising to the occasion when asked to assume social responsibilities ahead of one's normal development.

What seems to be implied at this stage of the cyclic process is the value of early conditioning in teaching one how to fulfill the responsibilities of everyday life in our modern society. This twentieth scene of the complete process has been entitled 'Group performance', and today it is evident that Children at an early age are expected to assume a family role which at times will strain their natural capacities. This is part of the accelerating pace of our technological society.

This fourth stage symbol evokes the possibility of meeting a certain type of social opportunity which normally may seem premature. A pattern of
ACCELERATED GROWTH can thus be established, with both positive and negative aspects. Rushing ahead of one's natural development may be damaging; yet we are living in a particularly dynamic period of man's evolution."

Thus it is saying to the world at large that we all must rise up to this occasion and make an effort to accelerate our spiritual effort to move quickly ahead along the path of spiritual evolution is direly needed at this time.

I'm going to go ahead here and give the Sabian Symbol for the 20th of Capricorn, that degree of the Zodiac that the Sun, Venus and Pluto, the PLANET (yes it is) of Transformation will all be at, simultaneously, on January 9th just minutes after the Sun Venus conjunction on the same day. It should become crystal clear to all as to why I choose too do so by the time you have finished reading this post. (ibid.)

The fulfillment of the individual's creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity.

In great cathedrals and other religious edifices the choir is normally hidden behind the altar or above the nave. It symbolizes thus more perfectly the supernal harmony of 'heaven' — or the music of the spheres. The ideal of social participation is exalted to its highest manifestation, for the choir also represents the multifaceted and polyphonic unity of the community in its transcendent state of perfect harmony. Within this harmony the individual who has overcome his egocentric separativeness and developed his higher consciousness finds fulfillment in super-personal togetherness.

This is the fifth and last symbol of this fifty-eighth sequence. It presents us with the purest form of group-harmony, the most basic yet most difficult fulfillment of the social state. At the level of the individual person this 'hidden choir' would refer to the polyphonic integration of all faculties in their most spiritual manifestations: the ideal of
PLENITUDE of being. "

While that symbolsim is for the entire world I ask you, my fellow Yanks, to keep that symbolsim in mind in light of the following extrapolated from the event chart for the Venus Sun conjuction on January 8th cast for the USA at the site of its nativity, Philadelphia, Penn.

At 2:01:45 A.M.EST next January 9th in a chart cast for Philadelphia, Penn. The Asc. will be at 08° Scorpio 56' 24", that is to say the 9th degree of Scorpio. From Dane Rudhyar's wonderful book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala" the Sabian Symbol for the 9th degree of Scorpio is given as:

Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.

In order to properly evaluate and interpret this symbol, we should realize the meaning of the teeth. Permanent teeth appear normally at age 7, when, according to some occultists, the personalized individuality of the child — the ego — takes full control of the physical organism. The teeth are used to tear down foodstuffs so they can be digested and assimilated. Social living and cultural patterns impose upon us certain habits of eating, arouse desires for unwholesome or denatured food, force us perhaps to eat in tense circumstances and hurriedly. This results in tooth decay far more frequently than should be inevitable through aging. The symbol therefore shows us how society and civilization, which may indirectly cause tooth decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage.

At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence we see once more a hint of technique. Life in society both perverts, and repairs, destroys and rebuilds — truly a vicious cycle. Man is compelled by social needs to display

It so seems then that there is something of American society that is in sad need of repair... as that is the "WHO" or "WHAT" of this chart.

The 9th degree of Taurus then gives us the symbolic illustration of as to what the Cosmos deems the proper destination to overcome this state of disrepair or maladjustment. (ibid.)

The ability to create inner happiness in dark hours.

In northern or mountainous countries where the Christmas tree symbol took form, we find a contrast between the tree outside - bare and normally covered with snow - and the tree inside the home - loaded with decorations and gifts for the family. If we follow up the meaning of the preceding symbol, we see that snow has come outside; but the prepared and closely united group has created abundance, beauty and happiness within, overcoming the cold barrenness of the outside world — just as man had overcome, in a previous symbol (Phase 35), the natural obstacle to his progress. The Christ symbol is also included in the background — that is, the vivid faith in a transformed future.

This fourth stage symbol suggests the ever-present possibility open to man to transfigure the darkness and deprivation of the low point of a life cycle by incarnating in it an antiphonic response celebrating the ever remembered and always expected high moments of life. It evokes man's undying

It seems to me that the Cosmos is saying we have lost our Faith, or a substantial portion of it.
the Mid Haven produce the Sabian Symbol tellin us "HOW" we our to renew that faith (In a spiritual application. In a mundane application the Mid Haven produces symbolically the "WHY" of the situation.) and the M.C. is at 16° Leo 35' 15", that is the 17th degree of Leo. (ibid.)

The feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal.

Religion in its institutionalized aspect is the attempt to give a transcendental character to the feeling of community. The fellowship of common work needed for substance and security in a dangerous world is exalted in periodic rituals in which the co-workers participate. At such moments the consciousness and feelings of human beings flow into a common mold in which they become refreshed by the experience of shared values and beliefs.

This second stage symbol presents a contrast with that of the first only in that the collectively human aspect of experience is in contrast to the purely natural and fundamental character of instinctual life. The existence of a volunteer church choir implies a rather steady phase of culture and society. What is sung reflects the special way in which a particular community of human beings — extensive as it may be — interprets the deepest realities of human existence and man's longings for an ideal. The symbol expresses the idealized aspect of

So it is through bonding in togetherness through our respective Faiths...and although this nation was founded as and yet remains primarily a "Christian Nation" regardless of what religion you practice we all worship the one and the same God. (and whether you believe it, or understand it, or not, Hiduism is a monotheistic religion. Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are just three aspects of the One God they happen to call by name as Ishwara.) So we must not only revive Faith in our own respective religions we must reach out and encourage those of other religions to renew their faith in their own as well. We are all Sons and Daughters of God and we are one as a nation.

The 17th degree of Aquarius, the location of the I.C.) gives us symbolically the "WHY" of this need and the means we are being encouraged to utilize to achieve it... and by the way the 17th degree of Aquarius just so also happens to be the location of the USA's natal Moon (by the "Zero Hour" natal chart for the USA i.e. July 4, 1776 @ 12:00:01 A.M. EST Philadelphia, Penn.) and by Rudhyar's book, that is: (ibid.)

The development of the capacity to protect one-self and to safeguard one's individual rights under complex social pressures.

What seems to be implied in this symbol, considering its position in the entire cycle, is that under present-day social conditions the individual person needs protection against the ever-growing encroachments of society upon his theoretically recognized right to lead a private life free from public interference. Seen in this light the symbol stands in contrast to the preceding one depicting the power of big business and the totalitarian implications of large-scale organization. At a deeper occult level of interpretation it also reveals the need to protect oneself against "astral" intrusions and perhaps 'black magic', the more so as one ventures into supernormal states of consciousness. It is said that the Adept trains certain subhuman entities ('Elementals') to protect him. The Christian religion speaks of Guardian Angels in a related sense.

At this second stage we see the individual able to master natural energies which he enlists in his service, so he may pursue his individualized work of destiny in security. This is another aspect of the relationship of individual-to-society. Individuals of course do also seek to rob or injure other persons, but the state of affairs resulting from a society glorifying competition, ambition and success at any cost is largely responsible for individual violence. The more creative the person, the greater his or her

May I repeat the first sentence of the text, in excerpt, to emphasise what this is truly all about?
Quote: "...under present-day social conditions the individual person needs protection against the ever-growing encroachments of society upon his theoretically recognized right to lead a private life free from public interference." Unquote.

It is through a revival of our respective Faiths that we can succeed in re-establishing our rights that have been ignored or enroached upon and secure them for the future and, hopefully, for future generations as well. (Like we need to go through the oppression of the despotism we have all been subjected to these last 50 years or so, what?)

The N. Node at the time gives through the Sabain Symbol found for its degree in the Zodiac the overall reason for all the ephemeral activity at that moment as it always does. The North Node is always the indication of how we are to be spiritually evolving. The N. Node at that moment will be at 15° Leo 17' 13", that is the 16th degree of Leo and is but one degree before the M.C.
From Rudhyar the symbolism is given as: (ibid.)

The surge of life and love after a major crisis.

The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long 'night of the soul'! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is 'Release' — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.
This is the first stage in the twenty-eighth five-fold sequence. It is a sequence that reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these 'peak experiences' can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises —

Do I really need at all to comment on this? If we all follow the instructions given us here in this chart by bonding together in spiritual unity it will be a brand new, bright and sunny, day dawning here in the United States. A "joyous new beginning" for us all. ...maybe a bit of a bummer for the despots, though.

Finally ( as far a my thread here is going to take this. You all can extrapolate as much as you further wish to from this chart...and I encourage all to do so that wishes to....although I am giving you the core gist of it right here. Mosdt of you will likely find this is all you need to know.)
lets look at the Part of Fortune derived from this chart (dirunal formula always, regardless of time of day, thank you. WhY? Because it's the only true method to employ. Reversing componets changes the Part into the Part of Soul/Spirit) The Part of Fortune found for this chart is at 13° Leo 08" 17", that is the 14th degree of Leo. It symbolically provides us with the means to employ either in action, cultural identity or mental concept by which to achieve the most fortuitous circumstances by which the benefits of this chart can be best achieved (ibid.)

The yearning for self-actualization.

Behind the many rhythms and drives of individual existence, beyond the child, the adult and the old man, stands the soul seeking always to manifest itself through the personality. This is the transpersonal urge of the spirit, expressing itself in many ways during the whole life span. But most avenues are blocked, and the soul waits until it can wait no longer. Then comes the dramatic release, which may mean a joyous carnival or madness.

The fourth stage of this twenty-seventh sequence brings a transcendental clue to the technique of living: Let the soul speak out! Allow the power of the true tone of your being to manifest itself smoothly, easily, unobstructed — or expect a variety of consequences.
LET the soul manifest!


Sun conjunct Venus event chart Jan. 8, 2018

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Well-known member
I added the event chart to the above post. I apologize for having forgotten to do so. I also apologize for the reason I no longer have an image host and thus the chart is only available for viewing by forum members. All others can take the data I provided and cast one for yourselves at
Apologetically, ptv
EDIT 1-30-2018
As I once again have an "Image Host" I removed the minuscule chart attachment and placed a chart image at the end of the post above.
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Well-known member
At the following link there is a pretty good explanation of the Venus Sun conjunction cycles and a listing of every Venus Sun conjunction from the beginning of 1900 through 2050.

I certainly haven't checked it all for accuracy, or at least for corroboration with the Swiss ephemeris at astrodienst... as astrodienst has proven their corruptibility to me on more than a few occasions I question anything they presently give as honest data but I find little to no reason for them to fudge the data on what they have for these Venus Sun conjunctions... nor do I intend to check it all as that would be an overwhelming task for one person but what I did check was the same as I had ascertained from astrodienst and is more accurate than the 21st century ephemeris I have in printed book form by Astrolabe. Astrolabe is off by a day and often a degree from what I found...more accurate than wrong, but still how can one put trust in such a source?

On the other hand I don't recall ever having such complaints with the 20th century ephemeris I have by Neil F. Michelsen. I do recall seeing one for the first half of the 21st century by him and do hope that it is still in print as I would like to get a copy for offline work and backup...and I seriously doubt there is any question of corruption involving Neil's work.

The link I mentioned above:


Well-known member
So, I only just realized that the complete series of conjunctions of Venus and the Sun with the five points of my M.C. oriented pentagram is about a 40 year process.
I find that very interesting as the number 40 is about as spiritually significant as the number 72, if not as much or even more so.
As there are 72 potential pentagrams in the 360 degrees of the Zodiac it would appear that one person in 36 will experience this same such phenomena in their lifetime as I presently am ...that is if we are lucky to live so long as to see it through to completion.
I will be 83 years old when this cycle effecting my own natal chart is complete... again...if I should live so long?
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Interesting. Thanks for sharing piercethevale.

The link you provided states that five successive "inferior" conjunctions form a pentagram, so it's definitely noteworthy to track the ones contacting your MC pentagrams.

According to the site a venus path = 8 years so fourty years also equals five venus paths.

I'm curious as to how you think this will play out for you. Did you notice anything significant regarding the previous conjunctions to your MC pentagram?


Well-known member
Interesting. Thanks for sharing piercethevale.

The link you provided states that five successive "inferior" conjunctions form a pentagram, so it's definitely noteworthy to track the ones contacting your MC pentagrams.

According to the site a venus path = 8 years so fourty years also equals five venus paths.

I'm curious as to how you think this will play out for you. Did you notice anything significant regarding the previous conjunctions to your MC pentagram?

Oh yes, definitely... although in retrospect, as at the two previous times I wasn't aware of these M.C. pentagrams.
On 10-30-1998 the Sutter Street Saloon was about to close its' doors forever the following day. It was at that establishment, that I had frequented often the previous seven and a half years, I honed my skills doing astrological compatibility analyses for many friends and patrons and acquired a greater understanding of synastry. It was also where I met most of the key players that contributed in one way or another to the discoveries and understandings that lead to my writing and publishing a book.

I also was given notice of a great deal on a one bedroom cottage in Folsom that I moved into a month later. The first solo residence, all my own, I had ever had up to that time. It would be the scene of much drama the next two and a half years that I lived there. It is right at that time that my life changed so noticeably from what it had been all my adult life...I might even use the adverb "drastically" as to how so it changed. I met MIss X during the time I lived there and even proposed to her that following Summer. Then the proverbial matter really hit the fan and everything went topsy turvy for a number of years to follow.

The next conjunction was in the middle of August in 2007 and was in my 4th month of residency in my present apt. I had managed to talk my yogi friend, Suryakant, to move in the month before. It was a welcome change from living in the transient hotel we both had for a few years prior. A very welcome change as it has the best view of the American River of any dwelling for miles and miles around. Nothing between the East wall of the apt. but the nature preserve of a State Park and the river below. I began the process of writing my book just the month before.

I was visited by the "sprites" only a few weeks earlier, in July, for the third and fourth times...managing to catch them on film. It was a very enthralling time, a very satisfying time, spiritually. I had begun reciting two Surya (Sun) shlokas in May that Suryakant had taught me and my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner, was writing me and giving me unsolicited advice and information as she was having spontaneous visions concerning me that were most illuminating. It was the time I learned of my past life in Braeton over 1200 years ago and allegedly being acquainted with the Arthurian Court.
Those were indeed very heady times as well.

I'm going to be looking forward to this third conjunction this January... a bit apprehensive about it considering the Sabian Symbology of the event chart for my relevant conjunction


Well-known member
I also discovered this past evening, thanks to the list of Venus Sun conjunctions given at the link I provided, that the M.C. oriented pentagram of the natal chart, that I contend is, that of Yeshu'a/Jesus was in sync with the Venus Sun conjunctions during the period from September 5, 1939 to April 8, 1969. :surprised::joyful:

It began with a conjunction at 12° Virgo 24' in '39, was so again in the same degree on September 6, 1943. At 24° Scorpio on November 17, 1946. At 00° Cancer 47' on June 22, 1956 (the occasion of my late fathers' 36th birthday). At 07° Aquarius 00' (which I will need to cast a perfectly accurate chart for so as to see if it was indeed in the 7th degree or had slipped into the 8th?) on January 22, 1962 and on April 8th, in '69, at 18° Aries 36'.
The ones in '39 and '62 were superior conjunctions.

Also there was a conjunction on January 26, 1966 at 05° Aquarius 57' in the inferior position that will need a chart cast for also. That is likely an accurate assessment by that listing, at that link, but it could possibly have happened in the following degree and regardless it is within a one degree orb of conjunction anyways.:smile:


Well-known member
I discovered something else that is noteworthy from that list of conjunctions and that is on Sept. 6, 1943 Venus went retrograde at 12° Virgo 32'. The USA natal charts' Part of War (Asc. + Mars - Pluto) was at 14° Virgo 48' 51" at the time of its' birth but due to the recession of the equinoxes 147 years, 2 months and 2 days later it would have been right about 12° Virgo 24' 50" give or take so many tenths of a second of a degree.

Venus went direct 21 days later on the 27th of September at 04° Virgo 21" and the USA natal charts' Part of Daughters was at 06° Virgo 53' 39" at the time of our nations birth and with the given rate of recession at one degree every 71.5 years the Part of Daughters at that time would have been at about 04° Virgo 53' 37" ...give or take a tenth of a second of a deg. or two. As it was retrograde it also passed over, and then again on the direct return, the Part of Ancestral Heritage and the Part of Sons. Ancestral Heritage at natal was at 11° Virgo 48' 10" and the Part of Sons at 10° Virgo 26' 14" and the recession adjustment is right about -2° 24' 01" - 02" at that time.

Note Jan 1, 2018
The above is in error. The hypothetically needed adjustment for the procession of the equinoxes must be added to and not subtracted from a natal position.

I'm less supportive of this theory now than when I wrote the above but I still have an optimistic interest in the research.
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Well-known member
Here's another item of interest.
These Venus Sun conjunctions will start taking place conjunct the M.C. oriented pentagram of the USA's natal chart on October 22, 2022 with the first point being that at 29° Libra 27'.
So far I've ascertained the dates of three more conjunctions to the natal pentagram that follow.
They are on August 9, 2035 at 17° Leo 02', on January 1, 2042 at 11° Cap. 12' and again on January 1, but in 2046 at 11° Cap 17'.
The first three conjunctions are all "superior", the last is "inferior".

As the list at the above link only covers up to, and including, the year 2050 I'm currently casting charts for every conjunction date that is predicted to follow to find out when the points in the 24th degree of Pisces and the 6th degree of Gemini will be conjunct also.

I have done three additional dates but they are not dates in which Venus and the Sun will conj. one of the M.C. oriented pentagram points. Just for the record, for those that like to keep score (and these are as near exact as it is possible to come up with... so they are worth noting and keeping)

August 5, 2051 (and I assume astrodienst is using Daylight Savings Time for the USA in August 2051?) at 1:57:20 A.M. EDST @ 12° Leo 51' 16" superior. and on May 25, 2052 at 6:00:17 A.M. @ 04° Gemini 56' 56" inferior.
The third date I've ascertained the data for is on May 22, 2060 at 10:12:39 P.M. @ 02° Gemini 46' 17" inferior... and there will be quite the stellium in Gemini at that time with the Planets Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all in the Sign of Gemini along with the Sun and Venus and Vesta will be at 00° Cancer 13' at that time.

Now, I have changed my technique of ascertaining when a transiting influences make exact aspects to natal charts, recently, as I am now convinced that natal charts must be adjusted for the recession of the equinoxes. Thus by July 4 2062 the adjustment will be pert near exactly -04°, but I do presently believe there is a secondary influence, a subtle one but an influence nonetheless, to the true natal position in the exact same sign and degree by any transiting influence as it does affect the Divine precept that is linked to the Tropical position of that degree which is represented in symbol form and revealed by the Sabian Symbol for that same natal Tropical Zodiac position.

I have to figure that these, exact to the natal position, conjunctions are the more significant as for the reason the other four points of the M.C. oriented pentagram are merely phantom influences, in that there is no actual object composed of matter at that point, unless one just happens to be so due to coincidence, but the precept for that degree, that the Sabian Symbol represents, and is embedded in that Zodiacal degree will be of an determining influence throughout ones' life. Just as every Astrological Part or Lot is symbolically active and relevant to the realm of influence of that Astro. Part, these pentagram points are also relevant and active of influence.
I'm still studying the matter as to determine conclusively which position is the most significant and, or, the most influential as well... but they are both definitely to be of consideration to all natal charts.
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Well-known member
I've been reflecting on the triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus, and Pluto coming up that will occur in January in the 20th degree of Capricorn.

The fulfillment of the individual's creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity. "
That keynote summation is awesome...keeping in mind that Rudhyar designated the degrees Capricorn 16° - 30° as "SCENE TWENTY: GROUP-PERFORMANCE" when you read what follows in the text of his interpretation of the symbology.
"In great cathedrals and other religious edifices the choir is normally hidden behind the altar or above the nave. It symbolizes thus more perfectly the supernal harmony of 'heaven' — or the music of the spheres. The ideal of social participation is exalted to its highest manifestation, for the choir also represents the multifaceted and polyphonic unity of the community in its transcendent state of perfect harmony. Within this harmony the individual who has overcome his egocentric separativeness and developed his higher consciousness finds fulfillment in super-personal togetherness.""

January 9th isn't so very far off and the sooner we include ourselves in efforts of community unity the sooner we spread the practice and be followed by sharing the awareness of what the symbology of said event is, and why it is deserved of such attention.
It doesn't take a clinically trained pysch-analyst to immediately recognize a sore need for such symbolism actually manifest in the world presently.

"Finding fulfillment in superpersonal togetherness"... wow.
This upcoming holiday season will be one of particular import and influence on the future of mankind.
Find the way of the Peacemakers' ...we can walk it together. Reach out in need or in help but do reach out.
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Well-known member
I've been reflecting on the triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus, and Pluto coming up that will occur in January in the 20th degree of Capricorn.
The fulfillment of the individual's creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity. "
That keynote summation is awesome...keeping in mind that Rudhyar designated the degrees Capricorn 16° - 30° as "SCENE TWENTY: GROUP-PERFORMANCE" when you read what follows in the text of his interpretation of the symbology.
"In great cathedrals and other religious edifices the choir is normally hidden behind the altar or above the nave. It symbolizes thus more perfectly the supernal harmony of 'heaven' — or the music of the spheres. The ideal of social participation is exalted to its highest manifestation, for the choir also represents the multifaceted and polyphonic unity of the community in its transcendent state of perfect harmony. Within this harmony the individual who has overcome his egocentric separativeness and developed his higher consciousness finds fulfillment in super-personal togetherness." "
January 9th isn't so very far off and the sooner we include ourselves in efforts of community unity the sooner we spread the practice and be followed by sharing the awareness of what the symbology of said event is, and why it is deserved of such attention.
It doesn't take a clinically trained pysch-analyst to immediately recognize a sore need for such symbolism actually manifest in the world presently.

"Finding fulfillment in superpersonal togetherness"... wow.
This upcoming holiday season will be one of particular import and influence on the future of mankind.
Find the way of the Peacemakers' ...we can walk it together. Reach out in need or in help but do reach out.

Very interesting to look at this date.
I would warn that Pluto-Venus-Sun is hardly peaceful.
Id rather expect tremendous uproar in the vein of Weinstein and the unraveling of Hollywood and Media culture.

Perhaps we will collectively wake up to turn off the tv :w00t:


Well-known member
Very interesting to look at this date.
I would warn that Pluto-Venus-Sun is hardly peaceful.
Id rather expect tremendous uproar in the vein of Weinstein and the unraveling of Hollywood and Media culture.

Perhaps we will collectively wake up to turn off the tv :w00t:

I've thought about the negative possibilities implied by the mass conjunction and I do shudder to think of the way those energies combined could unleash upon the world.

Trying to point the way down the Lighted Path here...
...un-plug your tv now, anyways....

david starling

Well-known member
I've thought about the negative possibilities implied by the mass conjunction and I do shudder to think of the way those energies combined could unleash upon the world.

Trying to point the way down the Lighted Path here...
...un-plug your tv now, anyways....

I unplugged it about three months ago, on what I interpreted as the subliminal advice from my cat. I trust animal instincts.


Well-known member
I unplugged it about three months ago, on what I interpreted as the subliminal advice from my cat. I trust animal instincts.

My car physically unplugged my modem last week.
I thought it to be going a tad too far

...danm download speeds have been horrendous ever since.


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Well-known member
Keep in mind that the Moons' North Node is pointing to the answer as to for "why" in light of the "Bigger Picture"... especially considering that Pluto is involved and it being the influence of masses... a "generational influence", surely, but much more than that. It is a planet that produces the "World Servers" or it may be the more accurate to say that it is that which "introduces" the "World Servers" onto the stage.

The North Node will be in the 16th of Leo, lets keep in mind that so many of the Sabian Symbols of Leo incorporate the Sun into the symbology.

The North Node is saying that it can be as like a "brand new day". Rejoiceful and full of Sunshine :biggrin:


The surge of life and love after a major crisis.

The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long 'night of the soul'! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is 'Release' — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.

This is the first stage in the twenty-eighth five-fold sequence. It is a sequence that reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these 'peak experiences' can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises —

david starling

Well-known member
In the early 1980s, my dog wanted me to take him for a walk, but I was waiting for a T.V. show to end. He pushed it over and broke it--never could get it repaired. Won a new T.V. in a raffle about 5 years later (no t.V. for 5 years, except for sporting events at friends' houses, and no internet). That's the one I unplugged. Very old fashioned, picture tube type. Always thought of television as a "guilty pleasure".

david starling

Well-known member
Keep in mind that the Moons' North Node is pointing to the answer as to for "why" in light of the "Bigger Picture"... especially considering that Pluto is involved and it being the influence of masses... a "generational influence", surely, but much more than that. It is a planet that produces the "World Servers" or it may be the more accurate to say that it is that which "introduces" the "World Servers" onto the stage.

The North Node will be in the 16th of Leo, lets keep in mind that so many of the Sabian Symbols of Leo incorporate the Sun into the symbology.

The North Node is saying that it can be as like a "brand new day". Rejoiceful and full of Sunshine :biggrin:


The surge of life and love after a major crisis.

The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long 'night of the soul'! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is 'Release' — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.

This is the first stage in the twenty-eighth five-fold sequence. It is a sequence that reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these 'peak experiences' can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises —

As a Pessoptimist, I hope you're right. Doubt now, celebrate later! Thanks for the hopeful imagery.