Late/troubled/non-existent love life?


Am just wondering if anyone could give any glimpses into my 'love life' from my natal chart.

Is there anything blocking it? Making it destructive? Is it a matter of late blooming? (30 plus) Or does it seem non existent?

Am 30 now and have had one serious relationship for a year in my mid 20s. Have had my share of casual sex and periods of no sex. These have at times involved very unhealthy/destructive connections and patterns.

Entering my 30's - am doing some work on myself and wondering if perhaps my 'love life' is just not something that is meant to be in this terms of settling down into a healthy long term relationship/marriage.

Or that maybe it will happen late in my life?

Be grateful for any insights, thank you :)


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I'll share what I came up with, but I'm a huge Astrology noob so take what I say with a few grains of salt.

In terms of late blooming/delay, Venus in your Gemini 10th house is opposite Saturn in your Saggitarius 4th house. Saturn is the Lord of Time, and if his energy is opposing your Venus's energy, its possible that would indicate Saturn's timetable being an important factor in relationships for you.

If you're entering your 30s, you're conceivably nearing/experiencing your Saturn Return, which is a pretty big deal Astrologically. It may shake things up for you.

Further/deeper details would need to come from someone more experienced than I am.
I wish you luck and happiness during your Saturn Return!


New member

the ruler of your 7th house is Neptune, which is in 5th house, retrograding.
This could indicate that you attract people, that are shy, passive and rather reacting than active and approaching. Retrograding could also mean that you indeed meet your partner later in life, but not necessary.

You most probably prefer your love affairs with some fun loving and artistic company and people with good skills of self-expression will impress you. You also might like active love affairs, where you and your partner do sports or creative things together.
The art is playing quite big role here, and I would like to say that there's a signs for creative love in your chart. Maybe you act as a muse to your lover, or other way around.

I'm pretty sure that you attract Pisces type of people to your life. I'm pretty confident to say that at least one of your lovers were an artist, such as musician, painter or poet. Pisces natives are naturally artistic, sensitive, deep thinkers. People that are partly in other dimensions or just flying sky high with their fantasies. Sadly, some of them might struggle with problems, such addictions, delusions or even mental problems. You might also see your partner in much better light than what they really are and get fooled by them. You might experience deceit or dishonesty in love, but other way around, who of us doesn't face these?

You might see repeating patterns in your relationships, where you became the caretaker of the other person and they became very depency on you. You're very caring person by nature and might need to learn to hold your ground and protect your boundaries before your relationships can work balanced and satisfying.

Anyway, your ruler of the 7th house is in your 5th house. I think this is great position for marriage and kids!I would say this is stong indicator that you will marry and have children with your spouse. I don't see any heavy aspects or other reasons why you would not marry.

Only thing that I found, is that Mercury from 11th house in Cancer does opposition to your Neptune, ruler of the 7th house.
You might analyse your relationships to death?
Do you recognize yourself rationalizing your love affairs and relationships?
Or maybe you rather keep them as your friends than start a romance incase you might lose them if the romance does not work out?
Mercury is the ruler of your chart since you are Virgo rising, so this might have some affection. Anyway, Mercury is benecifial planet, so even an opposition cannot break the sweet serenade of Neptune in the 5th house.

I would still like to point out that there´s some major transits for you going on right now that you might wanna consider.

You have Neptune transiting your 7th house at the moment and I think that's excatly why you feel like there's no luck for you in love.
It's kinda okay, because the other option is to fall in love with somebody, pretending to be something they are not, with pretty grave consequences.
I would advice you to be careful with all the contracts this time and generally have healthy scepticism with all kinds of offers you get.
This might get more actual to you once Neptune will cross your DC which happens in April 2020. Neptune will exit your 7th House only in 2025. I would say that the most actual influences of this transit you will feel in April 2020 and then it will slowly start to waning down. But. I would still keep in mind that this is a strong transit for you and you might wanna read yourself about Neptune transits.

Oh, this is my first post so I guess I got little bit carried away. Hopefully this is helpful for you and please, share any of your thoughts about the topics I brought up. Would love to hear if any of it sounds accurate at all!

And, I use Whole Sign House system, just to let you know.


Thank you Lacanthect! Much appreciated.

And dear god yes, the Saturn Return has well and truly shaken things up :surprised:

I was even lucky enough to have my Saturn Return go retrograde over my it has been a double whammy. One of relentlessly smashing down my entire life, belief systems and any sense of self through a chaotic and completely disillusioning couple of years....not to sound dramatic lol but yea, sweet god it has been rough

Am coming out the other end though, slowly! but it will take another couple of years to fully process the lessons.

And it's good to know now that my love life is on Saturn's timetable, it helps me to understand my chart that bit more...and to hand it over to the Lord of Time.

So thank you for your insights and good wishes!

Any one else have any further input?

All the best,
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Well-known member
Neptune is about to enter your 7th house, so this is a timely post. Neptune will certainly bring people to you while its transiting here, but be careful about letting your guard down with the wrong people. Be sure you aren't putting out any cinderella vibes or savior/savee vibes to the universe. Whatever happens, this loooong transit will teach you so much about yourself by reflecting back to you through others.

Your Venus is also getting this Neptune transit, so all of this is very important in regards to your love life, and you may feel despondent right now. Don't lose hope. This transit feels relentless when it's happening but it too shall pass.
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Well-known member

When pluto hits the cusp of your 5th house, a serious relationship is likely to form. It's really important that you try to break out of negative patterns in yourself, so that you can avoid attracting a destructive partner. Mars in the 7th in square to saturn can show cruelty in your partner or yourself. Also aries rules your 8th house of sex, with its ruler mars in involved in the square. Which could indicate sadomasochism of some kind involved in your relationships. It's crucial to be very discerning in who you partner up with, especially with pisces on the dsc though. So take your time to really get to know someone before making any kind of serious commitments to them.

IMO There is no reason you can't have a serious relationship and or marriage; natally speaking.


Well-known member
I was wondering whether your relationships tend to have tension between your emotional needs and desires with your partner because you have the moon opposite mars. If this is not sorted then it would cause break up because they are both square saturn and uranus which speak of the need for this to be worked out otherwise the relationship will be blocked because it is not a workable structure and impinges on your independence. You have venus on your tenth house cusp so your working relationships maybe the ones that progress into relationships or maybe you just love your job.


Just getting a chance to properly reply to these now.

Wow - thanks to everyone who gave a response. Much appreciated :)

illusia89: Thank you so much for your first post on my first thread! Have just joined also myself, so wish you well. There were a few things you mentioned that were spot on. And you didn't go overboard at all, loved all of what you wrote and found it really helpful.

The one serious relationship I have had so far, was with a Pisces. He wasn't an artist but did work with shamanic healing and was kinda of quirky but dominant. However, I myself am an artist.

I do find that Pisces type people are the ones I seem to most easily connect with in terms of love, friends etc.

Yes, in terms of care taking and putting down boundaries, that is something that has really stung me and damaged me in the past...and something I really need to work on. I can attract very damaged/ing people in all areas of my life. I myself was one.

And nice to know you don't see any heavy aspects blocking marriage!

In terms of the major transits, it's quite interesting about Neptune. Starsarearound mentioned this also and so have begun doing some reading about it. Very grateful to learn about this and will continue to read up on it.

Will have a think about your questions. I can certainly be prone to over analyzing...relationships and other aspects of life. And I think there is definitely an element of not letting things get too serious, or even start at all out of over thinking or rationalising and basically just,as you said, fear of it not working out. There is a block there at times for sure.

StarsarearoundThank you so much for your post. It has been extremely helpful! Have started reading up on Neptune transit 7th house interesting :andy: But yes, this is why I love astrology, the more I am learn about it. I can now work with this energy as best I can and just hopefully be aware of it as I navigate things. But wow yes, it will be a loooong transit.

And its funny, cause if it is just leaving my 6th house....that would explain some other stuff going on at mo,

A lot of the what I am reading on it transiting the 7th seems to be quite...negative! Is it possible that this could be quite spiritual also? Attract 'soul' friends and lovers?

Ashriia Wow yes, thank you! This is all really good to know. And you are spot in in terms of the types of partners/sex. There has always been some sort of sadomasochistic element. And that element can be attractive both consciously and unconsciously :unsure:

So yes, there are still some negative patterns there. Have done work on them in the past but interestingly enough have started therapy again around some of these issues. So wow yea, thank you, really spot on.

And with the Neptune transit like Starsarearound mentioned, and now this Pluto hitting the 5th cusp, will definitely be discerning about the next relationship before committing.

Good to know though that you don't see any issues with serious relationships/marriages forming. Just need to be careful about who I form them with now lol

Curiousabout77 Interesting yes, thank you for your post. Do you mean that I find it difficult to have and maintain a relationship due to my need for independence? This was definitely part of the issues with my one LT relationship after me moved in together. 4 months later I moved out...

And I suppose, I would be quite independent in ways, maybe even more so than I think in terms of actually being in another long term relationship and what that might bring up for me around independence. In other ways though, I would have to be careful in terms of being too co-dependent also, so its a weird mix really.

Thank you all again,

Free2fly :smile:
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Well-known member
I think illusia89 hit the nail on the head by saying it might be okay that you are single now because otherwise you may be headed for big disappointments and heartbreak as Neptune crosses the 7th. I personally know about this one because I’m mid Neptune 7th house transit myself. I wouldn’t say it’s been all bad, and I’ve certainly grown as a person...but it’s not the best time to solidify a serious relationship that is healthy and above board. It is possible, sure, but keep those eyes open every step of the way.


Well-known member
I don't think it is necessarily about you being too independant, i think it is more like a dance. I think the squares between moon, mars, saturn and uranus mean that if a balance is not achieved with your emotional needs and desires the relationship will fall over like a three legged chair. When a slow moving planet hits these squares it will probably reveal to you what you need from a partner so as time goes by you will better know what you are looking for and what these aspects to you.


Starsarearound Thank you yes from what I have been reading up about the neptune transit, it very much seems to be about keeping our eyes open every step of the way. And truthfully, I know I would not be ready for a relationship right at this moment in time. There is some work I need to do on myself. But it would be nice to have one at some point over the transit timeline....or else be single for the next 15 years! :unsure:

Wishing you well for the rest of your Neptune transit :smile:

Curiousabout77 OK yes, thank you, I got you now. I have a general understanding of those squares you mentioned, but will look into them more. Am really glad for getting all this feedback and information. Let's me know am on the right path in terms of doing the work on myself at the moment - so am better able to achieve that balance when I do enter a relationship.

Been so helpful to get all this, thanks guys.


Well-known member
Getting to know yourself is a great idea because then you will get a better understanding of what you want and don't want which will make it less likely to waste time in situations that are not right for you. Especially where squares are concerned because you got to understand the energy so that you will feel good in your own mind which can only make relationships better for you.


Well-known member
I agree with the others, that you have upcoming relationship opportunities.

One thing you might want to do, in preparation, is to look into your natal aspect, of Mars square Mercury.

Your Mars is in Aries in the 7th of relationships, ruler of the 8th , intimacy/sexual liaisons.

It is squaring Mercury/Chiron in Cancer in the 10th.

Google 'mars in Aries' and 'mars in the 7th' and 'Mercury square Mars' and Mercury in Cancer.

If you can read about that particular natal aspect, it may help tremendously in future potential relationships.

Mercury square Mars can send mixed messages to others. You may seem hot/cold to others, who might be interested in you, but they don't understand you or what you want?

Mars square Mercury indicates a native who says one thing but does another. It can be an internal conflict that plays out in your relations. Maybe you attract one type of lover, but actually dislike that type.

Mars in Aries is assertive/aggressive/masculine energy. It conflicts with the Mercury in Cancer, which is more feminine, receptive, emotionally sensitive than that angular Mars.

So perhaps you , yourself, vacillate between two types of energy shown to others.
It may be confusing. :innocent:

I may be describing it wrong, as you know best how it plays out in your life. So read up on it as best you can and get it in order in time for your new, upcoming relationship opportunities. :love:


Well-known member
This post was helpful as i have Neptune transiting (midway) through my 5th - and I realized that it could cause confusion in the dating life (as well as decision to have kids when it first started the transit in the house) - it makes total sense. Glad I came across your post!

I also have Jupiter (husband) at 29 degrees/critical degree - be glad it's not in Capricorn .. it can mean that your significant other could be cheap! :)
I suggest you to become aware of your own fighting nature. Mars in 7th house. It might be the one of other reasons why you are having problems with it. Be able to make your own decision about anything. Do not let any violent behaviour control you. you will realize what is right person to you.