obsessed with him! going crazy!


Well-known member
Venus-Pluto opposition. Definitely. Are you Venus or Pluto?

These relationships are very karmic and feel fated, and very Deep.

In this chart I am venus,he is pluto,but if you do a chart with minor aspect my pluto quintiles his venus,too. Dont know although how much this is felt.

But as I said previously, I am interested in why the attraction only plays out especially with HIM because everyone born around his birthtime will aspect my venus..and also,if we have good chances for a relationship...
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Well-known member
In this chart I am venus,he is pluto,but if you do a chart with minor aspect my pluto biquintiles his venus,too. Dont know although how much this is felt.

But as I said previously, I am interested in why the attraction only plays out especially with HIM because everyone born around his birthtime will aspect my venus..and also,if we have good chances for a relationship...

Well there is a very good chance that he is... even more obsessed about you than you are about him! Because he is the Pluto, he is the one in Control here. :) I'd suggest that you Contact him, he is waiting for it.


Well-known member
wow, I didn't know that it is possible to be more obsessed than I am... but if he is, then he could make some effort, too, couldn't he?;)


It strikes me that you are grasping at straws that don't exist. This is not going anywhere so shake yourself. You're kidding yourself.


Well-known member
No Pluto usually wont rush after Venus.
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Pluto relationships or connections are very intense obsessed and are hard to let go.<br />
I can tell u that I was someone who wouldn't ever do anything "wrong" in terms of betraying someone who I was with. But suddenly someone appeared and I tried to run...and I couldn't.<br />
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Our whole self gets shake off and we cannot control or think. It's a magnetic field and we only act by passion really.<br />
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So there was a mars/moon CJ, sun/pluto sq, Pluto opose venus/sun in composite in 1st.<br />
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So I know what u feel.and know how hard it is to forget. It's very hard cause you feel tied up with that person and feels very karmic or meant to be.
After it I got myself together and I distanced myself from this ... />
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If you are single and he too..why don't you contact him and see where it goes? <br />
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You have nothing to lose.if you see that it wont go anywhere then you start to let go...i wish you all the best


Well-known member
I wanted to bring up this thread because I found out that we are actually both obsessed with each other but are too insecure to make the step towards each other. It is very childish, I know, but obviously, we have both very deep insecurities within ourselves but can't let go of each other. I guess because we didn't see each other for a long time we are both scared of reality and that we could be disillusioned or hurt...
Any idea what to do? How to break the spell or how to make it work? What to do when the obsession is reciprocated?



Well-known member
to add this question...do you think if I try to forget him and search for someone else, we would find each other in case we are destined to be together? Cause I can't wait any more.