Solar return - packed 7th house


Hi All,

I'm new to the topic of solar return and trying to make sense of mine. I am recently separated from my 11 years partner. I have also fallen for someone who is married. He is very much a Venusian type (Taurus sun, venus in the 1st house), Although he gives out signs that he is interested, we have never even come close to anything other than friendly interactions.

My solar return for the years 2019/2020 heavily emphasizes the 7th house: Venus conjunct the DC almost exactly and sextiles Uranus in the 3rd house; the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Mercury all fall in the 7th as well. Mars opposite Pluto in the 1st house and Moon opposites Saturn in the same place. The ascendant is Sagittarius and Jupiter falls in the 11th house.

I have seen conflicting information on the web about it. Some say that this emphasis on the 7th is an indication of a committed relationship; others, that these are problems in a relationship. Well, since I have recently separated and I and my former partner are in good terms I wonder if it might refer to that or is it really a sign that I will begin a relationship with someone special?