Will I get into the University I want?


Well-known member
Hi... I was hoping for some advice. I cast a chart a few weeks ago, and, although in my opinion the result is semi-positive, it gives no clear answer and I fear I am being too biased. I would like to hear your opinion.

No strictures that I can see. Ascendant is Scorpio, I am mars. The university is represented by 9th house moon. The moon is in detriment, although for mars this would be exaltation, a positive perhaps? The sun is in the 9th house, and so also represents the university. This is currently making an applying sextile to Mars.

The 3rd house rules lower education, and I assume this goes for my A Levels too. The third house is Capricorn, and so mars is the ruler. It is strong in Virgo and in the 10th house. I do hope this means I got good results! Notice that the moon will make an exact trine with Saturn on the third house cusp. Maybe this represents me receiving the results. Also, the 4th house end of matter is Aquarius, in the 29th degree. It indicates that this is a critical time for me, and the matter is of importance.
Jupiter is the natural ruler of higher education, and it's ruler, pisces, is intercepted in the 4th house. It's applying (trine) to Mars by mutual application. (I think... since it is in retrograde)

I think the last aspect the moon will make is a conjunction with the true node, a benefic point. So I am hoping that this is going to be a yes, but again, I feel I am being too biased.
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