Is Sun in the 12th always bad?


Hello, for most of Western Europe my Sun moves from the 11th house (in Eastern Europe and my home country) to the 12th. The descriptions are all doom and gloom, but is it really very bad? I lived in a place on my Pluto line (AstroCartoGraphy) and Sun in 12th and it was hell but I wonder whether it was the line the reason for that. I am asking because I am planing to learn Spanish for business and culture, not for living there and in the Tenerife islands actually my sun is in 1st house but in order to visit the islands or live there you need to go to the main land, Spain where my sun is in the 12th.


Well-known member
Hi Hutch,
I'm like you in that I was born in Eastern Europe, which put my sun in the 11th house, and now I've been living in Western Europe for 8 months, putting my sun in the 12th house.

I wouldn't say that it's doom and gloom at all. In fact, if anything, I've been undergoing some deep healing and mental transformations. I've become more self-aware and have removed some mental blockages that would have taken me much longer to remove (if ever) had I not moved here. I'm trying to get more in touch with the spiritual world and have met two girls here who have been enormously helpful. It's not doom and gloom. I actually am feeling quite content. More content than I've ever been in my entire life.

Remember, the 12th house is the house of the hidden and subconscious. In order to unearth any of the hidden and subconscious, it requires you to dissolve and just "be", whereas the previous 11th houses are more about your ego, which is maybe why it's harder to get one's head around 12th house matters, because the rules regarding how to govern this house are different. However, it's a good path to attain high evolution.
Chiamaria - I wanted to concur on your points on 12th House living - you are experiencing much of the positives of the 12th house, it sounds like. I have some strong 12th house configurations in my charts and am a deeply contemplative and studied person - I several degrees, several of which center on spirituality, psychology, healing, etc. and I also have been practicing metaphysical sciences for nearly 30 years, (ahem), I may be more prone to "escapism" at times, and struggle with isolation and have had struggles with confining situations, but you are right that the 12th House is a great place for study, reflection, spiritual awakenings, psychological healings, metaphysical practice, convalescence after a trial, etc.

I hope you continue to experience the more beautiful sides of the 12th House where you are living!

So, Hutch I think you don't have to worry too much about with the 12th House move. It may just be a reflection of the places you need to grow and will give you the space to do so. Just a thought. All the best with your decisions!
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