Traditional Views on Manipulation of Currency


I have been thinking a lot lately about "fiscal fiction" - which I first learned about from an old boss in the early 90's, by show and tell.

She ripped off the company we worked at for about 100k and because it was mortgage, real estate and advertising company - no one wanted to out her - because everyone mentioned would have had some culpability on some other fiscal fiction.

Enron and such.

What are traditional indicators to look at for defraud-ment, rip-offs, boondogging and such in a mundane chart regarding money truth and lies about it?


Premium Member
In mundane astrology, the country's assets are still 2nd house.

For the types of fraud, eg. Lehman Brothers collapse and the economic crisis of 2008, you could look at the Aries ingress chart for that year, second house ruler, examine condition, yaddah yaddah yaddah.

dr. farr

Well-known member
The Lot of Mercury is a possible choice as a significator; also Mercury/Saturn and Jupiter/Saturn connections; afflictions to lord of the 2nd house, afflictions to the Lot of Truth; Dragon's Tail in 2nd house, 12th house,or conjunction/parallel with Mercury, Jupiter; secret activities are often shown by the 12th house (planets in, or if no planets in, the ruler of the sign on the house); malefic star conjunctions/parallels with cusp of the 2nd house, lord of the 2nd house, Mercury, Jupiter, cusp of the 12th house, lord of the 12th house.