Career Reading?/ solar return

Hi there!

Can I get a career reading? I got a job as a developer, something new for me. Wondering how it might go, I don't have much passion for it, but maybe that will change later.

I have my transit chart and solar return chart attached here.

In SR, I have moon right on the midheaven in a grand trine with Jupiter and Uranus. How is this for career?

Jan 30 T.jpgtransits
solar return 2019 2020.jpgsolar return


Well-known member
Sorry-- just one more question. Do you have a correct birth time? It matters because the principal career point in a horoscope is time-sensitive.


Well-known member
The main career info that pops out about your chart is Uranus-Neptune conjunct your MC.

I have Uranus conjunct my MC, as well, and I think it carries two meanings. One is that a good career would involve a field that Uranus rules, such as science, aviation, or even modern astrology! Being a developer in a technical fields is also appropriate, because Uranus also rules things electrical and futuristic.

So my first question would be, is your job dissatisfaction due to your present profession, or does it relate to your current employer? Changing employers in your field should be a lot easier than going back to school to develop credentials in an entirely new field.

The other meaning of Uranus is "sudden change" notably involving a status quo. If you can find a career with a lot of variety built into it, that should suit you better than a job that seems routine. The danger is that you may feel the need to change your career status quo so often that you end up with no real career record indicating stability. Uranus conjunct the MC can just mean itchy feet, not a sustainable career, per se.

Neptune's influence on your MC is comparable. Neptune in the 9th might suggest a career developing technical advances in Neptunian fields like film, television, and probably electronic games. It could mean a job involving overseas travel. Or it can mean nice ideas that fizzle out when they lose their initial excitement.

With your moon in Pisces, Neptune and Jupiter in the 9th house, and Mercury-Pluto in Sagittarius, a job that asks you to travel overseas-- or that specifically is about overseas travel (like shipping, international trade) might appeal to you. Ditto with something relating to the oceans.

Just realize that you may be hard-wired to feel the need for frequent change, which is something to build into your career goals. Otherwise you may leave behind a pattern of short-term appointments.
The main career info that pops out about your chart is Uranus-Neptune conjunct your MC.

I have Uranus conjunct my MC, as well, and I think it carries two meanings. One is that a good career would involve a field that Uranus rules, such as science, aviation, or even modern astrology! Being a developer in a technical fields is also appropriate, because Uranus also rules things electrical and futuristic.

So my first question would be, is your job dissatisfaction due to your present profession, or does it relate to your current employer? Changing employers in your field should be a lot easier than going back to school to develop credentials in an entirely new field.

The other meaning of Uranus is "sudden change" notably involving a status quo. If you can find a career with a lot of variety built into it, that should suit you better than a job that seems routine. The danger is that you may feel the need to change your career status quo so often that you end up with no real career record indicating stability. Uranus conjunct the MC can just mean itchy feet, not a sustainable career, per se.

Neptune's influence on your MC is comparable. Neptune in the 9th might suggest a career developing technical advances in Neptunian fields like film, television, and probably electronic games. It could mean a job involving overseas travel. Or it can mean nice ideas that fizzle out when they lose their initial excitement.

With your moon in Pisces, Neptune and Jupiter in the 9th house, and Mercury-Pluto in Sagittarius, a job that asks you to travel overseas-- or that specifically is about overseas travel (like shipping, international trade) might appeal to you. Ditto with something relating to the oceans.

Just realize that you may be hard-wired to feel the need for frequent change, which is something to build into your career goals. Otherwise you may leave behind a pattern of short-term appointments.

I would say that I have not found my passion, which is the obstacle I face.

How would you say my transits look for the upcoming months? I have Saturn hovering over MC, and soon it will enter 10th house of career. It creates a lot of trines/sextiles to natal planets, so that looks good.


Well-known member
Saturn can indicate difficulties if poorly aspected, but if it's well aspected, it is a time when you can take practical concrete steps towards your career goals.

But think again. I suggest that you have some things in your life that you feel passionately about, but just didn't see how you could make a career out of them.