Try Not To Be White


Well-known member
Coca-Cola, in an effort to cover itself from lawsuits, has subjected its employees to Woke anti-white training. It has payed a consultant to brainwash employees with racism directed against white people.

"Try not to be white", says the consultant.

To be less white is to be--

-be less oppressive
-be less arrogant
-be less certain
-be less defensive
-be less ignorant
-be more humble
-break with apathy
break with white solidarity

This type of double-talk is very poorly disguised racism in the name of being "anti-racist". The Woke trainer is saying what white people are. What you are if you are white. This Woke trainer is a racist deseminating racist information. It is a Hate-Whitey festival.

The Woke trainer is saying that white people are oppressive, arrogant, too certain, too defensive, ignorant, lacking humility, unwilling to listen, apathetic, and hopelessly locked in white solidarity.

By now, it is obvious that Woke means racist. Hating white people is cool, hip and sophisticated. These people are a sack of poison.

What would happen if black people or Jews were subject to this pool of poison? In any other context this filth would be recognized for what it is. Racial Hatred.

People who talk and think this way are shameless racists who hate White People very stubbornly. If you are white, you are in considerable danger from this. The Left has presented it as progressive.

Cary, what they are teaching their employees is if you're white (or cis-male), you aren't entitled to instant privilege and you shouldn't put down non-white (and female) coworkers because of their skin color or biological sex/gender.

Coca-Cola isn't saying whiteness is evil (or if they plan on a similar class on male privilege, being male is evil neither), they want to put an end to the long held false belief of white superiority (and again, male superiority in comparison, plus toxic masculinity) and white supremacy/fragility are big problems at work.

I have a mild form or high-functioning autism, and at the grocery store chain I work for, most of my associates knew about my neurological disability when they get to know me for a long time and they treated me with much respect.

Then again, if I was African-American or biologically female, instead of being a white male (however, I have a Native American grandfather on Mom's side, and a lower-middle class background, though in 41 years of my life, I felt I went down the socioeconomic ladder for many reasons), would I get treated worse by co-workers, superiors and customers, despite bigotry isn't allowed at work?

In my orientation courses when I was first hired 12 years ago, they say we have to avoid the taboo topics of politics, esp religion (not to discriminate and offend religious groups) and other controversial subjects at work (our scheduled shifts and business property). Coming from a family that has Baptists, catholics , Jews, Muslims, Mormons and myself agnostic, I learned to be very tolerant.

And finally, the issue with sexual harassment during the #metoo era we're in (a repeat of the 1990s changes in corporate culture to put in bans of dating and fraternization of opposite and also the same sex), should there be a "Try Not to Be Male" seminar for Coca-Cola and other corporations to be social responsible?


Well-known member
More about Malcom X (1960s era leader in the Black community) who preached violence unlike Martin Luther King Jr. who preached the exact opposite - and practiced in his own life, both Buddhist ethics & Jesus teachings -

I follow the precepts of MLK and not Malcom X btw - but I found this very interesting, as a confession coming out this month-

Was it under the auspices of Hoover at the FBI? Appears to be so, and Hoover was a very hateful individual and many wonder if he didn't order the assassination of MLK as well:

J. Edgar Hoover - founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director for another 37 years until his death in 1972,_J._Edgar

Speculation about the assassination and whether it was conceived or aided by leading or additional members of the Nation (aka Nation of Islam) , or with law enforcement agencies, have persisted for decades after the shooting. A controversial figure accused of preaching racism and violence, Malcolm X is also a widely celebrated figure within African-American and Muslim American communities for his pursuit of racial justice. He was posthumously honored with Malcolm X Day, on which he is commemorated in various cities across the United States.

Hundreds of streets and schools in the U.S. have been renamed in his honor, while the Audubon Ballroom, the site of his assassination, was partly redeveloped in 2005 to accommodate the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.


Coca-Cola is doing corporate sensitivity/tolerance/diversity training to put an end to a certain kind of caste system still alive in American society: white race privilege. In Southern CA, we have a large Hispanic/Latinx/Mexican-American population who also encountered racism and pressures to culturally assimilate to a point they don't really know or speak Spanish in some cases. Even if they adopt Anglo-American culture, they remain "brown" people (lots of indigenous and some African ancestry is common in Mexicans, as well a few Chinese/Asian and Arab/Lebanese) or perpetual foreigners, esp. Mexico is a hour/80 miles away from me.

This is the typical anti-white racism that we hear all the time. There is no white privilege. It is a fiction to smear the white race and to pump the system for treats that you don't deserve, nobody deserves. Show me white privilege. If it existed, there would be a million lawsuits. The mere fact that you are smearing with the "white privelege" tactic shows deeply rooted hatred of the white race. It is a slur against the white race.

Do Brown people have it rough where you are? You are implying that it is the fault of white people. I don't buy it.

The white people I know have it rough. Sell bigotry somewhere else. If you have case for the courts, by all means take your shot, but nobody has shown that white privilege is a thing.

I've been white my whole life, and I never encountered any white privilege whatsoever. It is a fiction invented by white-haters and scammers looking to play the system at the expense of hard-working taxpayers.

We now need countersuits to expose this anti-white racist smear for what it is.

Coca-Cola has ditched this plan because they got caught pandering to criminal elements who hate white people.


Well-known member
The EXACT same cabal that murdered JFK, MLK & Malcolm X are the EXACT same cabal that paid Antifa/BLM via their puppet Soros to cause 'race riots' in 2020 to bring on a civil war. It didn't work. The Patriots stayed home while the mob burned the country down for 10 months, killed over 50 innocents & caused 2 billion property damage.

Nothing to see here said the corrupt & complicit Mockingbird Media.

AND...drip drip drip....

The Truth emerging that Antifa thugs were bused in by Dem Mayor Bowser with the co-operation of Pelosi to blame Trump Patriots. It was a 'set up' alright but the FBI are collecting phone data of EVERY Congress person.

The radical Dems failed to convict Trump because there was NO evidence that he incited a riot. In fact, they produced false, fake & doctored evidence.

Hopefully, if they are not still corrupted, the FBI will do their job & get the truth out there about the Capitol riot AND Malcolm X assassination.

The Truth is out there if you seek it out.:cool:

Ray's confession collaborates the testimony of the Panther 21 that they were set-up. The plan to blow up the Statue of Liberty was fabricated by Ray and his NYPD handlers.

Makes me wonder about the blaming on Antifa,*and possibly astro parallels of planets & aspects in this era) - shifting blame onto the "shadow" per Carl Jung - rather then the obvious White Nationalists who already confessed to being behind the Capitol Attack on Jan. 6th and following tRump. -



To quote Cary:
The nation today doesn't deserve it. Not taking a knee at the national anthem is just your own hatred and selfishness. The United States evolved into the least racist nation on earth. Too bad if that wasn't perfect enough for you.

We're in the top 5 least racist nations out of 195 recognized by the UN: Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. These nations have racial and ethnic conflicts: Canada with First Nations, Inuit and Francophone Quebec; the UK with Northern Ireland between Protestant and Catholic, Afro-Caribbean and South Asian communities; Australia with its Aboriginal population, history of anti-Italian and now anti-East Asian immigrant sentiment; and New Zealand with its Maori who are indigenous, along with other Pacific Islanders like Samoa and Fiji. The US, esp Northeast and west coasts, claim they are the least racist, because historically "everyone is new or had a (great)grand-parent arrived here, therefore the foreigner with a different skin color and YOU can get along fine".

The issue I have with America is we're supposedly the freest country on earth, everyone should have an equal chance of opportunity (not really outcome) and it shouldn't and doesn't matter what color, race, creed, ethnicity, nationality or (this is a big one) socioeconomic class a person is, they have to study, work hard, save much and (like the adage says) "stay out of all kinds of politics".

But, when you are part of a marginalized/oppressed/persecuted minority group for 4 centuries, which is the case of black/African-Americans/people of color, they had to get into politics to take down the status quo that kept them down for so long, and I thought in the last 50-60 years of civil rights protests, legal reform and political correctness, we made progress, and still, a long way to go.

I'm not sure, but it seems like a rant against the United States based on having a majority white race that is white. Are you blaming the white race in American today for slavery 150 years ago? Its hard to say. I ask because it is very common and very widespread to do so.

You expressed your dissatisfaction with the United States. Can you specify your complaint? If so, then you may have a viable lawsuit, but you have dodged and bluffed with me. I'm not sure what your beef is, but I'm guessing its got something to do with white people. I'm guessing you think white people are to blame for your dissatisfaction. I'm guessing you resent that I have defended the hated white race.


To quote blackberry:
Do all German people today hate Jews, gypsies & homosexuals because of what happened during the Holocaust? Of course not. But that's what the lunatics in the U.S. want to do. Blame an entire race because of what happened over 150 yrs ago. forgot to include Slavic peoples like Poles, note the Nazi regime first invaded Poland before most of the European continent was occupied, but Poland had the world's largest Jewish population in 1939. Communists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasons were persecuted under the third reich as well. And Hitler hated black people and Africans, due to his "Nordic Aryan" racial agenda, Neo-Nazis today throughout Europe attacked and harassed Moors, Arabs and Turks.

What is your point? Not exact? Not perfect? Is this a digression?


Well-known member
Irish Catholics were once a part of marginalized population in the U.S.

Asians (who built the railroads in North America & died by the hundreds)




Do these groups play the 'victim' card over & over again like the black population?

You know that black-on-black crime is at an all time high with thousands being murdered every year by their own brethen. Who are you going to blame for that?

It's time the black population that blame 'whitey' for all their problems, take a LONG look at themselves, take responsibility for their own lives. You don't see white people smearing an entire race even though white people are often the victims of black perpetrators. Car-jacking, rape, robbery, murder.

More & more are leaving the Democrat Party who require that the black population remain in a state of poverty & desperation in order to keep their votes.

How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation
By Candace Owens

Introduction by Larry Elder

She contends that the Democrat Party has a long history of racism and exposes the ideals that hinder the black community’s ability to rise above poverty, live independent and successful lives, and be an active part of the American Dream. Instead, Owens offers up a different ideology by issuing a challenge: It’s time for a major black exodus. From dependency, from victimhood, from miseducation—and the Democrat Party, which perpetuates all three.

But, when you are part of a marginalized/oppressed/persecuted minority group for 4 centuries, which is the case of black/African-Americans/people of color, they had to get into politics to take down the status quo that kept them down for so long, and I thought in the last 50-60 years of civil rights protests, legal reform and political correctness, we made progress, and still, a long way to go.


Well-known member
To quote Cary:
Do Brown people have it rough where you are? You are implying that it is the fault of white people. I don't buy it.

I have to say yes and no, a mixed answer. Large numbers of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America are often found in lower-pay jobs, esp farm laborers, resort employment and domestics in the Palm Springs area-coachella valley CA. And there are enclaves of all Hispanics/Latinos that are considered "run-down" and "ghetto", although I knew they are hard-working and law-abiding as well are proud of their Mexican/Central American heritage and also are all-American.


Well-known member
To quote Blackbery:
Irish Catholics were once a part of marginalized population in the U.S. (same with Italians, Poles; Portuguese and Armenians in CA; and French-Canadians).

Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos built the railroads in North America & died by the hundreds).

Hispanics (not limited to Mexicans, also Puerto Ricans in the northeast and Cubans in Florida).

Jews/Mormons/Amish (including Jehovah's Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists numerous in CA, and Christian Science, all were classified as "cults" or in the case of Judaism, nowadays Islam and increasingly, Paganism "not Christian").

Women (also transgender women and men, genderfluid, intersex, and anyone who isn't solely attracted to the opposite sex, Gay men were long treated poorly, and demi- or a-sexuals/aromantics are now treated widely as "odd").

Do these groups play the 'victim' card over & over again like the black population? (or comparably, Native Americans and First Nations peoples).

For 4-5 centuries, black people were said to be the largest socio-cultural divide in the American culture. "Separate but equal"...under Jim Crow by law and by custom, they weren't equal under segregation and it continues in many forms today. The African-American experience and the false hopes of a "post-racial" America in the 1980s-90s and again 2000s-10s (the Obama administration). Jim Crow ended in 1964 by the Civil Rights Act in federal law, but in the 1970's, when more white (young adult boomers) were supporting, accepting and tolerating blacks, the same white people were saying, doing or acting out things that's considered highly racist in 2021. On Family Guy, there was a skit of "1980s black guys" are un-PC but weren't perceived as threats, but the "1990s black guys" promoted by the PC liberals (i.e. hip-hop and gangsta rap) were portrayed as violent gang thugs.


Well-known member
I'm a woman, I've had it rough.

I blame it ALL on men.

Does that now give me the right to go & burn down golf clubs, Masonic Temples & other male-dominated clubs including the court houses where they passed laws discriminating against me.

Do I have the right to burn, loot, attack & kill because I FEEL society has trodden me down?

You see how this works right LeoMoon & CapAquPis? ANYONE with a grievance can 'justify' violence & murder?

Maybe CocaCola can bring on Training Sessions on how women have been oppressed, raped & murdered throughout the world forever.



Well-known member
What is your point? Not exact? Not perfect? Is this a digression?

I was just adding to the discussion of race relations (world history of ethnic and national hatred in WW2 Europe) and having somewhat of a conversation with you and others in the thread. The US has to face its dark and difficult history of its own country the same way Germany has to...and I find it rather disturbing the romanticization of the Confederacy in some social circles in the South-east. I don't condone governments using racist and ethnically hateful policies, action and laws, esp. Apartheid in South Africa and nearby former British colonies in the southern half of the continent, although it's all been officially abolished circa 1990.


Cary, what they are teaching their employees is if you're white (or cis-male), you aren't entitled to instant privilege and you shouldn't put down non-white (and female) coworkers because of their skin color or biological sex/gender.

Coca-Cola isn't saying whiteness is evil (or if they plan on a similar class on male privilege, being male is evil neither), they want to put an end to the long held false belief of white superiority (and again, male superiority in comparison, plus toxic masculinity) and white supremacy/fragility are big problems at work.

I have a mild form or high-functioning autism, and at the grocery store chain I work for, most of my associates knew about my neurological disability when they get to know me for a long time and they treated me with much respect.

Then again, if I was African-American or biologically female, instead of being a white male (however, I have a Native American grandfather on Mom's side, and a lower-middle class background, though in 41 years of my life, I felt I went down the socioeconomic ladder for many reasons), would I get treated worse by co-workers, superiors and customers, despite bigotry isn't allowed at work?

In my orientation courses when I was first hired 12 years ago, they say we have to avoid the taboo topics of politics, esp religion (not to discriminate and offend religious groups) and other controversial subjects at work (our scheduled shifts and business property). Coming from a family that has Baptists, catholics , Jews, Muslims, Mormons and myself agnostic, I learned to be very tolerant.

And finally, the issue with sexual harassment during the #metoo era we're in (a repeat of the 1990s changes in corporate culture to put in bans of dating and fraternization of opposite and also the same sex), should there be a "Try Not to Be Male" seminar for Coca-Cola and other corporations to be social responsible?

You have produced an anti-white racist rant.

Cary, what they are teaching their employees is if you're white (or cis-male), you aren't entitled to instant privilege and you shouldn't put down non-white (and female) coworkers because of their skin color or biological sex/gender.

You are presupposing that white employees have instant privelege. That is a racist slur. It is without justice or fact. You are entertaining delusions that all white employees presume to have privelege and enjoy privelege and that they put-down non-white (and female) workers. If you had a shred of evidence, you could register a complaint with Human Resources without any bogus seminar from Coke. You didn't register it because there is not a shred of truth to it. You chose this time to wallow in your race hatred, your slur against the white race.

This is a slur without any evidence. It is a blanket statement about all white employees.

Many who cross the southern border illegally carry with them this deeply ingrained racism against whites.

Coca-Cola isn't saying whiteness is evil (or if they plan on a similar class on male privilege, being male is evil neither), they want to put an end to the long held false belief of white superiority (and again, male superiority in comparison, plus toxic masculinity) and white supremacy/fragility are big problems at work.

This is another racist rant against employees of the white race. You have produced no evidence that whites feel superior to other races due to their whiteness, but you have blamed whites for this. You are the racist. You have produced the racial slur against a race other than your own. This is a racial slur that you feel utterly entitled to commit.

If there was White Supremacy at work, why did you not report it to Human Resources? You have no evidence, do you? This is a classic racial slur against the white race because you are not white. You feel utterly justified because it is you and your race who in fact feels superior.

You accused White Supremacy simply because you wanted to smear the white employees where you work. White Supremacy is nearly always a hoax, but it is a common slur against the white race.

You have demonstrated that it is you, not white employees, that is racist and prejudiced and willing to propogate a hoax against another race.

Why do you feel superior? You should feel ashamed.


Staff member
This "try not to be white" sounds like an unfortunate word choice, no more. What they're really saying here is, "Deconstruct the construction of race that elevates one category based approximately on skin color over others."

When I was in college, there was a weekend guest speaker whose pitch intrigued me: the posters announcing the event led with, "Abolish the white race!" Below that, it said, "No, we're not advocating genocide, this is a conversation about the construction of whiteness and what it means, and how to deconstruct it," or words to that effect. Which is what it actually was. It ended up being a rather volatile conversation (I was there!), but certainly worthwhile.

In none of these cases are they saying get rid of white people. The people currently known as white have as much right to exist as anyone. What it's about is the artificial construction of race in a system that gives the privileges to one group and defines everyone else as other. And deconstructing it.

"Try not to be white," may be a deliberately provocative way to word it, and it clearly is provoking most of you in this thread, but that's all it is.


Interesting, in light of 60 years later and Civil Rights & Race - becoming a major issue once again: Revealed conspiracy by a dying NYC undercover cop who worked with the FBI -

BREAKING: Today the daughters of Malcolm X held a press conference to release the confession letter they received from (dying) NYPD agent, Ray Wood. In the letter he admits to assisting the NYPD & FBI in the orchestrated murder of Malcolm X.

Ray's confession collaborates the testimony of the Panther 21 that they were set-up. The plan to blow up the Statue of Liberty was fabricated by Ray and his NYPD handlers.

Malcom X was only 39 when he was a targeted assassination:

Makes me wonder about the blaming on Antifa,*and possibly astro parallels of planets & aspects in this era) - shifting blame onto the "shadow" per Carl Jung - rather then the obvious White Nationalists who already confessed to being behind the Capitol Attack on Jan. 6th and following tRump. -

breakfast downtown wilmington nc

Because you assume that the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover were white sixty years ago, the white race is implicated in Malcolm X's murder? Isn't that what game you are playing here?

I'm white. I had nothing to do with it. Your black friends might be very stimulated by your implications, but it looks like virulent racism to me. You know the anti-white drill. If any white person was implicated in anything evil, then all white people are evil white devils.

Slavery happened 150 years ago. Most if not all of the slave owners were white, so I, as a white person, share their guilt according to white-haters. That is the standard condemnation of the white race. It is virulent racism. I repudiate your evil racism and your evil hatred of the white race based on their skin color.

I appreciate that you think I am intimidated by your slippery insinuations, but I have dealt with white-hating racists since I was a toddler, and this is nothing new to me.

J. Edgar Hoover is long dead, and it is widely known he was an evil man. He not only hated Malcolm X, but he hated President John F. Kennedy and the Attorney General, his brother, Robert Kennedy.

So now we know that Hoover was evil, and its beginning to look that you might be too because of your hatred for those with white skin.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
I don't care about his race. Where did I presume his race? If he maligns white people, then he is a Leftist who hates whites. I've met boatloads of them.

It was in response to the HR post and "you are not white" lines, unless you were using the phrase as a rhetorical device.


To quote Cary:
Do Brown people have it rough where you are? You are implying that it is the fault of white people. I don't buy it.

I have to say yes and no, a mixed answer. Large numbers of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America are often found in lower-pay jobs, esp farm laborers, resort employment and domestics in the Palm Springs area-coachella valley CA. And there are enclaves of all Hispanics/Latinos that are considered "run-down" and "ghetto", although I knew they are hard-working and law-abiding as well are proud of their Mexican/Central American heritage and also are all-American.

Whose fault is that? Let me guess. The whites.