Will I pass this exam?


Well-known member
Did you pass? Mercury is strong as in in reception with jupiter... I am getting a yes. But mercury and jupiter are in square - it might have been difficult, no?:tongue:


Well-known member

Haven't done Horary in a while, so out of practice.

You are the Moon, and the Moon applies to Jup in conj, plus Jup (exam) is in its sign of detriment, so it may not happen on the day/ or some shift. Also, before the Moon meets Jup in conj, it meets its ruler Mer in a square, and Mer is combust. You might be very nervous, which could spoil things for you. Since Mer is strong in Virgo, keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a: yes, you should. Let us know, please, and lots of good luck for it.
