Will I get married within 7 years?

I have never lived with a boyfriend and I have never felt like anyone I have dated was the one for me. I am 33 and am not sure if I will ever have a family.

Thanks a lot to everyone who is looking into this.


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dr. farr

Well-known member
By Ankara horary:

Querent = 1st house = Aquarius = Saturn
Quesited A =7th house = Leo = Sun
Part of Marriage (ascendant+7th house-Venus) = Quesited B = 15 Pisces = Jupiter
Querent co-significator = Moon

:part of Marriage is in a succedent house (2nd whole sign) = + testimony

:Querent Saturn is retrograde = - testimony

:Saturn is in the 11th whole sign house of hopes, etc = + testimony

:Saturn flows by retrgrade motion toward Quesited A significator Sun (and Sun flows directly toward Saturn) = + testimony

:Saturn flows by retrograde away from the Part of Marriage = - testimony

:co-significator Moon flows away from Saturn (-) but flows toward the Part of Marriage (+) = net neutral testimony

:part of Marriage significator Jupiter flows toward Saturn and toward the Part of Marriage = + testimony

:Sun flows toward Part of Marriage significator Jupiter = + testimony

:SN is in ascending sign (-) NN is in quested A (7th house) sign (+) = net neutral testimony

+ testimonies: 5
Neutral testimonies: 2
- testimonies: 2
Total: new +3 testimonies

Answer: yes, querent will be married over the next 7 years from the date of this question.