Hyleg, Alcoccoden. Almutem Figuris, Lord of the Geniture, etc.,


New member

This is my first post to the forum. I noticed from my site traffic that some of you had visited my own site so I thought I would return the favor.

The concepts of hyleg, alcoccoden, Almutem Figuris, and lord of the geniture are very similar. I cover them in a just published working paper:

History and Sources: Astrology of the Soul

I then proceed to test the methods of Antiochus/Porphyry and Ibn Ezra for computing what Zoller named the Almutem Figuris and what Ben Dykes has lately taken to refer to as the Victor.

Sample of Forty Horoscopes (with my own rectifications)

Preliminary Conclusions

At this point, I tend to favor the approach by Antiochus/Porphyry over that of Ibn Ezra however I don't have enough examples yet to make a firm conclusion. Hope to take the study up to 200 in the next two years.

My time is limited so will probably have limited response capability to this post. Enjoy these posts. Several hundred pages worth of material

Dr. H
World Class Research in Medieval Predictive Astrology