How to incorporate Sabian Symbols into my chart synthesis?

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Hi PTV, thanks for taking the time to post that amist your busy schedule, it is greatly appreciated :)

The link that you provided is very interesting, and though it goes slightly above my head, I'm noticing a few interesting implications and connections (for instance the relation to the colors in the rainbow and the symbol at 26 leo being that of a rainbow... and then the connection to 7 colors and 7 chakras, 7 levels of evolution etc.)

Anyways it all makes sense in a theoretical way - math is the building block of the universe and astrology and music are two of the great applications of that math... it only makes sense that math can lead to the source AND that they can be found in one another just as the creator can be found in the creation (hmm...)

I'll have to read and reread that thread. And go read all of those symbols as well... I'm trying to refrain from asking too much but i'm curious.. you mentioned a quote about true paths of discipleship start at virgo. so why do you start at 0 aqua rather than 0 virgo?
I mean, i suppose i can see that virgo would be the first "jumping point" from aqua but.. why aqua 0 and virgo 22? i guess what i'm saying is what is the basis of picking those specific degrees? was it an intuitive thing.. or a connection to that sabian symbol?

some synchronicity on my chart:

I have points at 7 of those degrees listed, five of which are consequtive to one another.

Aries 17 - benevolence/ spiritual destruction
Cancer 4 - bondage/ killing planet
Leo 25 - individuality
Virgo 21 - intelligence/ skill
Libra 17 - sun, harmony/ boredom
Scorpi 12 - art/ venture
Sag 8 - strategy, repression

Yes, you are right to say that i will be a "guide." I have always felt that drive in me to help others, since i was a child, and have made plenty of steps towards that path. Astrology is a great tool to do that. (when i first became "saved" back in october/november of 2011 i threw out all my astrology books... haha, i'm glad i got over that goofy, closeminded whim.)

Thanks for the feedback and the compliment :love: it's interesting to see which degrees i share with usa and i will have to do some more pondering on that as well.
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Well-known member
My copy of An Astrological Mandala is held together by hair-ties and rubber bands. ---meaning I've been using the Sabian Symbols for many years.
I always take a look at the symbols for the angles, luminaries, and nodes, at the very least.
New moon or full moon charts--something of significance would be the degree symbol for where Mercury turns stationary- retrograde or direct.

The AC/IC/DC/MC as the "what", "how", "where it leads to", and "why", of a chart, is always fun to share with people.

I've even incorporated the Sabian Symbols to help in rectifying a natal chart' s time of birth.

Feel free to do a reading on my chart. I always welcome other's thoughts and viewpoints.


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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Hi metaphysica. Yes, i would love to interperet your chart with sabian symbols. I'm actually doing just that in another thread for someone else, so I will do yours when i am finished up with that one, another day or so most likely. (if you want to check it out: )

regarding rectifications - i see exactly what you mean. i am very confident now that mine is correct down to the last minute. i wasn't sure before, even though my bc says 825, i was born in a car on the side of the road. but those axis symbols just "fit", moreso than at other degrees, so i know it is right. :sideways:

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Okay, got it ready.

Asc- Who you are. 21 Sag
KEYNOTE: The use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development.
Wow, you are someone who is opening up to higher levels of consiousness. It talks of imagination which is the basic start of CREATION. Thus, you are likely to aspire towards creative ingenuity in life. Through imagination comes every process of human evolement because it opens the mind up to higher possibilities, which elevates existence. You have the ability to change your life through focusing your mind on those higher possibilities.
DESC- Who you are to become. 21 Gemini

KEYNOTE: The revolutionary impact of mental concepts upon the collective emotions and desires of man. It sets the stage for a tumultuous process, which may lead to a new approach to the problems resulting from individualization. The repressed or oppressed instincts stage an EMOTIONAL OUTBURST, claiming their due.

Your spiritual path in this lifetime is requiring you to become someone who can work towards harmony with the demands between self individualization and common goals within humanity. The demands of common man can be met only through ingenuity of those who have both the faculties to aspire towards future creations and the awareness of common needs. Thus you are working towards the goals of common man.
IC Why you are on this path – Aries 19
KEYNOTE: The use of creative imagination. invokes the possibility of developing a new technique of perception, A STRIFE-TRANSCENDING AND UNATTACHED OUTLOOK UPON EVERYDAY REALITY.

This symbol depicts the need of man to imagine a means to rise above the current social-economic situation, with the ability to see the big picture, and the ability to look past it, in order to help further the needs of the whole. You are here to help humanity reach a more harmonious level of existence.

How you will attain your spiritual evolution – Libra 19
KEYNOTE: Protest against disharmonic social privilege.
Individuals alone are impotent in producing actual changes in social consciousness. A "group" must be formed. The Keywords are GROUP PROTEST.
The way in which you can attain your goals is by coming together with other people who want to speak out against current injustices. The text here mentioned the need to have an organized form of protest. Thus, it is critical to develop a clear-cut plan in order to make changes.

Part of Spirit/Soul – Natural expression- Taurus 30
KEYNOTE: The personal display of inherited gifts. Keyword has been given as "Confirmation." This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the owner of the ancestral estate. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of "ancestors" — biological or spiritual — forms its base.
This symbol is pretty self explanatory as it denotes a person who has many gifts to offer. Gifts that have come through the long process of continual spiritual evolution of the soul.
Part of Fortune – How to most fortunately attain your spiritual goals – Cancer 13
KEYNOTE: The power of the will in shaping character.
Keyword is CHARACTER.
This symbol suggests that a strong WILL is required in order to complete your goals. Sacrifice of the easy route is beneficial in developing character. Character is required to attain great goals, and your route has been instilled with the necessity to help humanity reach a better state. Thus, it is critical that you form character such that it is not warped by lesser states of awareness.
Part of Detsiny – Cancer 12
KEYNOTE: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning. demands that we look beyond common appearances and try to discover the “occult” (i.e. hidden) character of every person and every experience. the true clairvoyant perceives the essential meaning (or “message” and function) of the whole.

This is suggesting that part of who you are to become relies on the use of the occult, hidden areas of intelligence that might allow you to reach a more clear understanding of human nature. You are meant to flex your powers of observation in order to find the underlying meanings of things. Someone who has a deeper understanding of life will be better able to make necessary changes.

North Node – what to strive for towards a more well balanced spiritual journey – 14 gemini
KEYNOTE: The capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence. It is a TECHNIQUE OF TRANSCENDENCE. It evidently can also bring confusion and many failures, as well as illusory claims and self-deceit.
The need here is to practice more transecendtal methods of communication and experience in general. This symbols evokes the breakdown of barriers and the emergence of unity. It seems like your “who” “how”, “destiny” and “north node” are all tied together – representing a new state of consiousness to bring about evolution not just of self but of others as well.
I’m getting the picture of someone who has a very powerful ability to bring about new levels of existence through an imaginitive mind. You are here to CREATE new levels of existence – and the best way to go about doing that is by learning how to focus your mind.
I think the symbol for your sun sums a lot of it up nicely.
KEYNOTE: Skill in applying knowledge of natural laws to the solution of everyday problems resulting from life in our technological society. It is a symbol of MENTAL EFFICIENCY.
Many of your symbols seem to revolve around the idea of forming your mind in order to make advances for humanity. You can probably be a very unique person, but the symbols are also talking about keeping CONNECTIONS to others open so that you can attain not only advancements for yourself but advancements for the common as well. You can make great strides for humanity if you actualize the potentials of your mind!!
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Oh, i also want to add your natal uranus, mercury, and your part of skill here, since a lot of this is talking of your mental capacities..

Mecury – Intelligence - 10 Aqua
KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.

This is about the need to find the individual within the ideals. It is about becoming aware of the seperation between the physical (feeling) and the mental state of being. It is about personalization. Finding things that fulfill individual needs.
Uranus – Innovation – 14 Sag
KEYNOTE: The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, "Seed-men" of a previous cycle of existence.
The symbol, interpreted from a personal point of view, points to the greatness of a Soul's past achievements and the value of trying to re-evoke this past. What is revealed is THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ANCESTRY.

This symbol is about reacclimation with ancestral and ancient knowledge. It is about opening the mind up to the underlying potentials of existence. Your mind is empowered by archetypal imagery and has the power to tap into the collective unconsious.

Part of Skill – Virgo 28

KEYNOTE: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision. necessity for decision and transformation. Existence is motion. No static formation, however beautiful and inspiring, can remain long unchallenged. Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL — divine, executively human, or Satanic.

This symbol is about the need to develop the will in order to manifest transformations.
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Well-known member
the south node is exactly conjunct Uranus... would you consider that a "good" or "bad" influence???

besides that, thank you for the layout. I've read the symbols before, but it was quite moving to me to read them like that.
Thank you!!! sincerely,

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
I am very happy that it moved you as the symbolism for your chart was moving to me as well, it is rather powerful.

Oh wow, yes.. omg didn't even notice that about uranus...

I'm not sure i would put it in terms of good or bad, because that is all dependent upon how you decide to utilize it. What it does is make a powerful connection, so you will feel some connection pulling you in your life path, whether you fall on the good side or the bad side of the uranian energy is up to you.. see, opposition axis points are two ends of a spectrum. so, the south node leads to the north node. you can tap into your north node potential through the south node.. by understanding it in order to move past it..

your uranus in the 12th house of sag has very unique ideas.. the connection between mercury and moon.. much sensitivity between the thinking and feeling aspect of life which creates an innovative belief set. the sabian symbolism also suggests a belief set that is very empowered by symbolism and tapping into earth wisdom. your uranus is balancing an opposition though so some of that might have come about through some struggles in communication. You have many ideas and an empowering mind but you might keep your innovations to yourself, you might be very independent with them. the north node in the 6th house of gemini is telling you to turn that innovative mind into something practical that can be utilized to help others and thus reach out and strengthen the fulfillment that was hiding within solitude.

the symbolism for your north node is about bridging the gap between communication. using ways to connect spiritually (Telepathically) to others so that you come to a higher state of existence with other people.

Uranus is the key away from your t-square (making harmonious aspects to the opposition) as well as the way to your north node.

it's about using your ingenuity to find innovative ways to connect society to one another, and thus connect yourself to your society and environment in a more effecient way.
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Also i want to mention that you have a night time chart and two of the formulas to calculate the part of fortune and part of spirit were based on the night time calculations. (asc + sun - moon for spirit and asc +moon - sun for POF.) The other two readings that i've done so far were both night charts, but in both of those charts, the DAY TIME formula seemed most fitting within the context of the chart symbolism. I wasn't sure on yours so i used the night formula but you might want to consider that the symbolism for your part of fortune and part of spirit are reversed?

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
something really weird about my own chart, my part of hidden identity is at the symbol Taurus 7 that says: "the woman of samaria at the ancestral well." it talks about her being the woman that jesus decided to walk up to and say "i am he".. it relates oddly to my part of catastrophe at Cap 7 which says "a veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a God"...

and this is conjunct my Neptune, a degree away, at Cap 6 which is also conjunct the part of "corruptness" which the symbol keynote reads "the need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is found beyond" and talks of completing the cycle before reaching too far out into the next.

what in the world? i don't really understand how the part of catastrophe works and it's not making much sense to me. :\ It's soo ominous lol that i can't even begin to make it out......... ???????