About life


Wanted to know when will I meet my lifepartner, will she be my school friend, or any friends or what? How will be our married life? will our lives be happy together? I am shy &timid, low self esteem, no happiness around people. Thin- what is problem with my stomach.
21nov,91 @12:35pm ayodhya, uttar pradesh
Please help with these


I looked at your charts and went six years into the future to 2026. Whether you get married or not is up to you, you have to get her. You might be able to meet her on internet just be careful, she is feisty.
Without effort it will take eleven years but if you use your inspiration, can happen as early as next year.
Looks like pretty good life but careful not to quarrel over finances. Love is more important.
Problem with stomach: you have too much heat, this also causes thin physique. You need to release excess heat energy. Eat apricot seeds, peach seeds, lots of vegetables (only eat one to three seeds per day and not if you have diarrhea)