So, what do you use? (of asteroids, planetoids, ...)

Kind of hard to classify but I usually use asteroids that I've read or learned the myth of before (e.g. eros, psyche, 4 main asteroids, Greek and Roman asteroids)
To specify the few I use the most;


I don't really have a limit on asteroids but like I said I find that I use asteroids with a story or myth behind them mostly


Active member
I use all of the Wescott asteroids (about 60) listed in the Sirius 1.3. and 2.0 software, plus TNPs on occasion.

And I only consider asteroids/TNPs conjunct within two degrees at most, or opposite if Sun, Moon or lights. Also special attention to N and South nodes when doing karmic charts.


New member
i usually include Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno, Chiron, Pholus, Eris and the 9 muses of the arts (+ their mother Mnemosyne), all listed here:

Melpomene, Kalliope, Thalia, Euterpe, Urania, Polyhymnia, Mnemosyne, Erato, Terpsichore, Klio (18, 22, 23, 27, 30, 33, 57, 62, 81, 84)

Including all of these + the nodes, AC, MC, vertex and equatorial ascendant, Lilith bot mean and true, White Moon / Arta both mean and true.

i check out midpoint structures and figures with major and minor aspects, harmonic charts / age progression.

I can also compare them in synastry between tropic/draconic zodiac positions, and to see the relationship with dispositor and its cosmic state or dignities.

All of these may sound too much at first but beautiful patterns come up for sure.


Well-known member
If we use 10 planets in astrology for 12 zodiac signs, how about adding 4 new planetoids (Chiron, Juno, Pallas and Vesta) and 3 dwarf planets (Ceres, Eris and Sedna), and finally another natural satellite of the earth (Lilith)? It would lead to a new arrangement of planetary rulers if the "new" solar system celestial bodies were included. Each sign has a planetary ruler, co-ruler and influence. The newest discovered 10th asteroid/planetoid Hygiea has an unknown role in astrology, nor does the planetesimal Ultima Thule beyond the orbit of Pluto.

The ruling planets in the zodiac.
Sun for Leo, Cancer and Aries; Moon for Cancer and Leo; Mercury for Gemini, Virgo and Taurus; Venus for Taurus, Libra and Gemini; Mars for Aries, Scorpio and Leo; Jupiter for Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo; Saturn for Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo; Uranus for Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio; Neptune for Pisces and Sagittarius; Pluto for Scorpio and Capricorn; Eris for Gemini and Aquarius; Lilith for Aries; Juno for Taurus; Pallas for Virgo; Vesta for Libra; Chiron for Sagittarius; and Sedna for Pisces.

Aries: Mars, Sun, Lilith.
Taurus: Venus, Mercury, Juno.
Gemini: Mercury, Venus, Eris.
Cancer: Moon, Sun, Ceres.
Leo: Sun, Moon, Mars.
Virgo: Mercury, Jupiter, Pallas.
Libra: Venus, Saturn, Vesta.
Scorpio: Mars, Pluto, Uranus.
Sagittarius: Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron.
Capricorn: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto.
Aquarius: Uranus, Saturn, Eris.
Pisces: Neptune, Jupiter, Sedna.


Well-known member
The largest officially unnamed dwarf planet in the solar system might have a name: "Gonggong", named for the Chinese water serpent-goddess. It is very red and very cold, and it's significance in astrology is unknown at this time.

The Kuiper Belt stretching from the oblong orbits of Pluto with its "binary" moon Charon to 20-30,000 year orbits of hypothetical ones like "Xena" and "Aether" has plenty of discovered (or not) planetoids, dwarf planets and other celestial bodies.


Well-known member
2002 MS4 is not yet officially named and currently in the constellation of Scutum between Scorpio and Sagittarius. I like for someone to tell me what does 2002 MS4 do to our astrological charts of any kind?