Maries (Romantic) Natal Chart Discussion

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I received a personal message from Maries inquiring about what her natal chart may reveal about her romantic nature, as well as what type of personality would provide the greatest combatibility in such a relationship.

Since I am not nearly as experienced reading natal chart as many members of this forum, and have zero experience with romance myself, I thought it would be appropriate to pose this question to the general community.

Here is Maries' natal chart, with her personal data omitted as promised:

Venus is exalted in Taurus and is the focus of a Kite formation, which may just explain why Maries was prompted to ask this question in the first place :wink:

Other than stating the obvious that one's ideal mate will most likely display the characteristics of their Descendant, I am not sure where else in her natal chart to look for clues.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Arian Maverick

Summery Joy

Well-known member
Not to ask you for more help than you already offer (thanks, by the way), but it would also add a lot to the picture if you add Juno to the chart.


Staff member


In looking at how a person handles relationships, it helps to take a look at Libra, Venus, and 7th house in the chart (all are about relationships). In your chart you have Libra modifying North node (future goals), so relationships are part of your goals in life. However, you also have Uranus (friends, also rebellion) square (energy needs to be combined with) Venus, indicating you may want to be "friends" in a relationship (close but not TOO close) and may rebel if anyone gets too close. Also, you have Neptune (spirituality, also idealization) opposite (energy is over-excited by) Venus, indicating you may tend to idealize relationships and expect them to be perfect...only to be disappointed by reality. Saturn (duty, also structure) indicates you may like structure in relationships, which could be difficult to get unless you DO get "too close" in relationships! ;) Pluto (transformation, also control), indicates you could get/give power in relationships. Venus RULES Taurus (it is not exalted in Taurus, Venus is exalted in Pisces), indicating a strong relationship energy in your Venus. There is nothing in the 7th house, but Uranus is VERY close to the 7th house, re-emphasizing a need for freedom in relationships.

The greatest challenge in relationships may be resolving the need for "freedom" in relationships with the need for "structure" in relationships. Perhaps you could structure your relationships FIRST and then REstructure them so they will work better for you. Instead of expecting every relationship to be "ideal", see the "ideal" relationship as a GOAL to work towards, step by step, with a willing partner.

In a woman's chart, the sign and house position of Mars sometimes indicates a compatable male possibility. With Gemini (thinking, also talking) modifying Mars foucsed in the 6th hosue (daily work), perhaps you would be interested in a man who is continually talkative and interested in communicating with you.



Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Venus RULES Taurus (it is not exalted in Taurus, Venus is exalted in Pisces), indicating a strong relationship energy in your Venus.

Darn it! I always confuse rulers and planets exalted by sign...I know there's a difference between the two, but what is it? :?

Arian Maverick


Staff member
Rulership and detriment


This is a common occurrence...confusing rulership and exaltation. I suggest first memorizing rulership and detriment...and then, once rulership and detriment is fully memorized, moving on to memorize exaltation and fall. Here is a list of modern rulers for your reference:
Sun - rules Leo - in detriment in Aquarius
Moon - rules Cancer - in detriment in Capricorn
Mercury - rules Gemini and Virgo - in detriment in Sagittarius
Venus - rules Taurus and Libra - in detriment in Scorpio and Aries
Mars - rules Aries - in detriment in Libra
Jupiter - rules Sagittarius - in detriment in Gemini
Saturn - rules Capricorn - in detriment in Cancer
Uranus - rules Aquarius - in detriment in Leo
Neptune - rules Pisces - in detriment in Virgo
Pluto - rules Scorpio - in detriment in Taurus



Summery Joy

Well-known member
Moon opposite Venus, now that's a hard placement.

Moon is our habits, instincts and home; how we feel comfortable and at ease. Venus is how we express our love and how we attract people to us. And opposition between these two sets of energies can make you very uncomfortable in love.

Since it was my suggestion that Beth adds Juno to the chart, I suppose I owe you an interpretation for its placement.

Bob Marks says

Juno in the horoscope gives a good indication of the kind of marriage partner that we need and will get. Not the partner we think we want (those are ruled by Venus and Mars), but the one we need and actually wind up with.

And about your specific placements, he says

Juno in Libra: You need a partner who is charming, social, and has a good artistic sense.

I can add that you need a balanced person. Someone who is fair and believes in equality.

He continues

Juno in the 9th House: You need a partner with whom you can travel (long trips, not short ones) and "philosophize." The partner will tend to be someone born a great distance from you (even a foreigner) or from a totally different background.

Juno in the 10th House: This placement of Juno can indicate marriage to the career. More likely, it will show that the partner will help you in your career and social standing. If there are stressful aspects to Juno, the partner may "help" you whether you want them to or not. Or you may not like the partner, but you feel you cannot get a divorce because either your career or social standing will suffer.

I believe both house placement interpreation will be of interest to you since Juno is between the 9th and the 10th.

Your Juno is in Rx motion though. I haven't read anything about Juno being retrograde in a natal chart, but retrograde planets in general require some extra attention from the natal. The planet's optical illusion of moving backwards signifies the function ruled by the planet being recurringly problematic in the natal's life time. One way to overcome that is to remember that it's an illusion, a trick we unconsiously play on ourselves.