Saturn the Greater Malefic


Well-known member
Thanks, Rhys. Cool hat!

Actually, I'm a grand-mère instead of a grand-papa. It's OK. I'm often mistaken for a man on this forum. It doesn't faze me. <snip>

I like to think of different house systems as showing different facets of a person. It's like photographing someone's face. People look different with a frontal portrait than they do with a profile or oblique view.

I also think whole signs have meaning in my life.<snip>

Well! Waybread, I am seeing you in an entirely different light! ;-)

People get my gender wrong all the time also, I'm used to it and glad you are, too.

I was thinking about your chart yesterday, in a whole sign chart you have Virgo Saturn in opposition to whole sign Venus. Do you use zodiacal releasing technique at all?

I have a night chart with Saturn/Venus in whole sign H4 in Libra. So when I went into a Level 1 Libra period it was "the best of times, it was the worst of times". It really was a mixture of very difficult things to deal with (Saturn the malefic contrary to the night sect) combined with absolutely lovely things (Venus, benefic of the night sect). So whenever I go through a Level 4 period that's in one of my cardinal houses (Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer) it tends to be like that (combo of good and bad) to a greater or lesser extent depending on whether the release is conjunction, opposition, inferior or superior square to the Saturn/Venus natal placement.

I imagine you would experience something similar in zodiacal releasing when your mutual signs come up, is this the case?


Regarding the sublunar, the impression that I have is that the energy that makes it to sublunar levels is corrupted somehow. Is this consistent with neoplatonic philosophy, petosiris?

I am not an expert on neoplatonic philosophy to say anything on it, but my impression is that is what Iamblichus is implying, which is consistent with Aristotelean cosmology in general (this is not unexpected, many neoplatonists adopted some principles from Aristotle's philosophy).

''the eternal ethereal substance is dispersed through and permeates the whole region about the earth, which throughout is subject to change, since, of the primary sublunar elements, fire and air are encompassed and changed by the motions in the ether, and in turn encompass and change all else, earth and water and the plants and animals therein'' - Ptolemy*.html#2

According to Aristotle, the elements can change from one to another.
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Well-known member
I am not an expert on neoplatonic philosophy to say anything on it, but my impression is that is what Iamblichus is implying, which is consistent with Aristotelean cosmology in general (this is not unexpected, many neoplatonists adopted some principles from Aristotle's philosophy).

''the eternal ethereal substance is dispersed through and permeates the whole region about the earth, which throughout is subject to change, since, of the primary sublunar elements, fire and air are encompassed and changed by the motions in the ether, and in turn encompass and change all else, earth and water and the plants and animals therein'' - Ptolemy*.html#2

According to Aristotle, the elements can change from one to another.
'.......Nuclear transmutation
is the conversion of one chemical element
or an isotope
into another.
Because any element (isotope)
is defined by its number of protons (and neutrons) in its atoms,
in the atomic nucleus, nuclear transmutation occurs
in any process where this number is changed...' :smile:


Well-known member
Rhys, thanks for your interest in my chart.

With Saturn in Virgo and Venus in Aquarius, they are not in opposition. My natal Saturn and Mars in Pisces are in opposition. When I was younger they caused me a fair bit of grief. I was prone to saying very critical things to people (Mars) and then regretting it (Saturn.) I really love the Great Outdoors, but you wouldn't find me doing activities (Mars) like rock-climbing that require much courage. I tend to be super cautious (Saturn rules fear,) and to take a lot of precautions.

I haven't worked with zodiacal releasing. Another technique for my to-do list! I've worked a little bit with profections but haven't found a great match between events of the year and the corresponding house so far.

My feeling is that every planet, house, and sign has a suite of interpretations that are consistent with its core meanings. We can't make them mean anything we want, as the set is limited, but we can seek out more empowering interpretations.

For example, Saturn is the task master and disciplinarian. Mars rules athletes. But no one gets to be a good athlete without a lot of hard practice and minding the directions of Coach Saturn. Really good athletes (Mars) often put up with a lot of hardship (Saturn) like grueling hours of practice and injuries. But this is what it takes. Ditto for soldiers, which Mars rules. Soldiers (Mars) learn all kinds of hard discipline (Saturn) through basic training and drills.

So along these lines, a few years ago I started swimming laps at our local rec center. (Mars in watery Pisces opposite Saturn.) At this age and stage, I' wasn't going for speed, but distance/endurance. Very Saturnine. If nothing else, bringing Mars opp. Saturn to consciousness in a different way helped to balance them.

Right now I am practicing the piano again after a hiatus of several decades, mostly focusing on easy pieces from the classical period. Venus=music, Saturn=discipline, the past. It doesn't really take an aspect or an exchange of reception to pair planets in this fashion.

Is your chart posted somewhere?
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Well-known member
Oops, I'm so used to looking at whole sign houses that I misread the chart you posted, sorry about that, and thanks for filling out Saturn/Mars for me.

I had a realization yesterday about two metals corresponding (among others) to Saturn. There was lead of course, which i've been thinking a lot about recently because I just engraved a saturn talisman in lead. It's a heavy and dark metal, its heaviness reminds me of the heavy lessons I've learned from Saturn, but then those lessons can be taken to heart and turned into gold, and indeed gold is the other metal associated with Saturn.

So our job is to be astrological alchemists and to turn the lead of Saturn into its gold!

Regarding my chart, no it hasn't been posted, but I'm not shy at all about it. I think I'll do a thread on zodiacal releasing soon, I'll use my chart as an example.
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Well-known member
I’ve been trying over the past few days to tie in Saturn’s correspondence with Binah/Understanding on the Hermetic Tree of Life, but doing so turned out to not be an easy enterprise without getting overly detailed. So this is an attempt to be concise.

The Tree I’m speaking of is called the Kirchner Tree. Athanasius Kircher was a German Jesuit scholar who lived in the early 17th century, and his version of the Tree was first published in his Œdipus Ægyptiacus in 1652. The basic structure of Sephirot (Spheres) and links has since become the most common variant of the Tree used in Hermetic Qabalah and was the Tree used by the Golden Dawn, as opposed to the Lurianic Tree, which is an older, more traditional version.

The Hermetic Tree as most of us probably know consists of 10 Spheres (in Hebrew called Sefirot or Sephiroth), which are considered to be eternal and immaterial and are closely linked, at least in my view, with the Platonic Forms or Ideas.

Each of the Spheres operate at four discrete levels: (1) the God Name level (Atzilut), which relates to the element Fire ; (2) the archangel level (Briah), which relates to the Element of Water; (3) the Angelic order level corresponding to Air (Yetzirah), and finally (4) the Earth level (Assiah), which is the most dense level of the physical and manifest universe. All four levels exist simultaneously in all things, according to the kabbalists.

What interests us here as astrologers is the Assiatic level, for each of the Spheres correspond to a planet!

The highest Sphere, Keter (Crown), is actually more an interface to the great Infinite Nothing (Ain Sof) that lies behind at the root of everything, it corresponds with the One, with Unity. Things first start to take shape in the second Sphere, Chokmah (Wisdom), whose Assiatic correspondence is the Primum Mobile.

The third Sphere is called Binah (Understanding) and corresponds to Saturn in the Assiatic world, the fourth Sphere is called Chesed, which means loving kindness or mercy in Hebrew and corresponds to Jupiter. Then we have the fifth Sphere Geburah/Severity corresponding to Mars, and on it goes with Mars followed by Venus, then Mercury and finally the Moon.

So at this point we can’t help but notice that the Tree is unfolding according to the Chaldean order of planets!

It isn’t until the tenth and final Sphere of the Tree of Life that we arrive at the sublunar level in Malkut (Kingdom), which, depending on what model one is using the Tree for, can signify our human body, or using another model it can signify the manifest sublunar world (among other things).

There are three columns on the Tree, the one on the left contains the Greater and Lesser Malefics, the upper Sphere being Binah/Saturn and just below it we find Geburah/Mars. This column is called the column of Severity. The right hand pillar contains the greater and lesser Benefics, with Chesed/Jupiter being just above Netzach/Venus. The Middle Pillar at the center contains the Spheres which bring things into balance, with Tiferet/Sun being at the center of things and mediating everything, and Yesod/Foundation/Moon filtering all that comes from above into Malkut/Kingdom.

Waybread brought up Genesis chapter 1 in an earlier post, and it sent chills down my spine. This was because among magicians - at least ones who know their history - Genesis 1 is known as “The Path of Creation” and is the basis of all magic. It describes in detail the process involved in the making of a spell, indeed it outlines the ultimate spell where one first creates an area of focus, then cleaves to it, then swirlings start to take shape, then things get denser and denser until finally we get the wanted result.

Genesis was written by kabbalists, so it can be read on a number of levels. If one prefers a literal translation and wants to believe the world was created in seven days, of course, I'm not going to argue with such a person. But Genesis 1 contains so much more. Each Hebrew word in that first chapter of Genesis has numerological significance, indeed much has been made even of the very first word, “bereshit”, when analysed numerologically, oh we could go on for pages and pages about it!

However, what concerns us here as astrologers is the use of the word “God” 22 times in Bereshit Chapter 1. If one looks at the original Hebrew, the actual words used that were translated into the English word “God” was “YHVH Elohim”, which is the god aspect of Binah, which manifests physically as the planet Saturn. Twenty-two also happens to be the number of Paths on the Tree that connect the various Spheres. The God aspect of Mars is also Elohim: Elohim Gibor, which is usually translated into English as “God Almighty”.

So why does it make sense that Saturn and Mars are the physical manifestations of Elohim, what do Mars and Saturn have to do with creation?

Imagine the extremely cold and dry universe consisting of nothingness where the One or Unity turned back on itself and created an area within which creation could happen (called in Hebrew the tzimzum). The formation and structuring process started on an Idea level in Binah and this is an awesome and violent process where all kinds of stuff happens and once the process is set in motion, there is no stopping it. These are the forces at play behind Saturn, and at times they are made manifest on a mundane level or on a personal level.

No wonder we, as mere human beings, have “difficulty” dealing with it!

Same thing with Mars, though its action works on a lower level and of course it is extremely hot and dry, which it needs to be in order to accomplish its cutting and forging work. It takes any excess that blows over from the excesses of Jupiter and cuts it away, like white blood cells attacking cells that are no longer needed. Of course, on the sublunar level, we might not always appreciate it when Mars does this, especially if it is cutting away at something that we spent years building up! When this happens to me, I try to see it as all being for the greater good, painful though it might be.

So this is where traditional astrology comes in handy, at least for me. Mars and Saturn have to be somewhere in everybody’s chart, right? Happily, they are not always active all the time, 24/7. The time lords tell us when they are activated, and I for one would prefer to know when they are (activated) rather than stick my head in the sand and attempt to ignore their action, which in any case is futile, at least that’s my view of things.

And, as it happens, I’m in a H7 profection year, and my H7 is in Capricorn and is thus ruled by Saturn, which is probably why I’m thinking a lot about Saturn at present! So to use me as a benign example, the time lord I need to be looking out for this year is Saturn.

Why? Because it’s activated.

And sure enough, I already have had major H7 things come up involving my various business partnerships and collaborations.

I have found the best way to deal with things that come up under activations like these is to not attempt to ignore them!

As soon as a H7 Saturn issue comes up, I DEAL with it until the issue is put to rest. What’s the point of being able to predict what is going to happen if one just cowers in fear? The virtue of Geburah/Mars is courage, so it pays to tap on this aspect of Martian energy. The virtue of Binah/Saturn is silence. When one deals with Saturn at work in one’s life, it pays to stop talking and start listening. To watch how its energy is manifesting and to deal with it immediately as the energy begins to manifest on the outer.

So that’s my take on Saturn, from a kabbalist perspective.

Btw, I'm almost finished the Talisman that started this thread. I'll be posting it soon.

Kind regards

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Well-known member
Well, more power to you, Rhys.

My knowledge of Kabbalah is very limited. I converted to Judaism many years ago. I haven't been active in it for the past 25 years, but studied portions of it a fair bit in years past.

The Jewish tradition is that no-one should study Kabbalah until middle age (OK for you) and after thorough grounding in traditional Judaic studies. The reason is so that the student would be emotionally grounded before undertaking it.

There is a debate on the origin of the Kabbalah, but I think the scholars date it to the Middle Ages in Spain. But Judaism also has a tradition of inserting more recent developments backwards in time, retroactively. Ideas developed more recently got retroactively pasted on earlier times. Culturally, similar anachronisms are a very widespread practice.

I think also, Jewish scholars of past centuries poured over the Torah and Talmud, seeking glimmerings of meanings, often through numerology, alliteration, and word play.

I might be way off the mark, but Jewish history is very long and often very oppressed, impoverished, and sad. I imagine rabbis pouring over their texts, seeking a mystical release that couldn't be found in their mundane world.

In addition to teasing out glimmers of information, the rabbis also dealt with (suppressed?) information in the Bible that was inconsistent with orthodoxy. "Elohim" in Hebrew is a plural word, basically for "gods."

The Tetragrammaton-- the word never to be pronounced; and once printed, never to be destroyed-- is routinely bantered around by people who are not observant Jews.

There is also a long history of Christians and others looking for a grand theory that would show the underlying unity of seemingly disparate branches of esoteric knowledge. The Renaissance magus, memorialized in the character of Dr. Faust, comes to mind.

I'd have to say that Judaism in eastern Europe had its own really pagan magical traditions, like the golem.

To what extent is the study of Kabbalah cultural appropriation? To what extent is knowledge, esoteric or otherwise, available to all, to take from it what we choose?
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I can feel Greater Malefic Saturn since the beginning. Every things are blocked, life is no fun,work place hell etc. Saturn destroyed my 5th/6th House activities including other houses/planets where it Aspecting.
Exalted Saturn in Libra 5th House.
Saturn Conjunct Detriment Mars in 6th.
Saturn Parallel Pluto 6th.
Saturn Square NN and Mercury.
Saturn Opposite Erir.
Saturn Square BML/H13.
Saturn Conjunct Eros.

Until I introduced to Astrology I didn't know the reason. Now I know why my life ***** and why I am a Miserable Person.
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Well-known member
I can feel Greater Malefic Saturn since the beginning.

Every things are blocked, life is no fun,work place hell etc.

Saturn destroyed my 5th/6th House activities

including other houses/planets where it Aspecting.
Exalted Saturn in Libra 5th House.
Saturn Conjunct Detriment Mars in 6th.
Saturn Parallel Pluto 6th.
Saturn Square NN and Mercury.
Saturn Opposite Erir.
Saturn Square BML/H13.
Saturn Conjunct Eros.

Until I introduced to Astrology I didn't know the reason.
Now I know why my life ***** and

why I am a Miserable Person.
You posted your comment on our traditional board :smile:

traditional board rules state that modern outers are irrelevant
asteroids are also irrelevant


You posted your comment on our traditional board :smile:

traditional board rules state that modern outers are irrelevant
asteroids are also irrelevant

Sorry, I thought Western and Vedic, these two exists. Traditional means Western without Astroids. Thank you! :)

Still Mars and Saturn in 5th enough to spoil the fun of life.
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Well-known member
Sorry, I thought Western and Vedic, these two exists.
Traditional means Western without Astroids. Thank you! :)
Just to clarify for you - ours is a learning forum, so that's fine :smile:

On our traditional board Western Traditional astrology excludes outers
as well as asteroids
You can read the rules at the top of this page
however for your ease of reference I shall quote them now for you


Traditional Astrology For discussions on Traditional Astrology only.
(Note: Typically, traditional astrology is defined
as using techniques developed prior to 1700
by astrologers from the Hellenistic, Persian,
Hebrew, and Renaissance eras.
Specifically it relies on Ptolemaic aspects
(sextile, trine, square, opposition and conjunction)
and excludes modern planets (Neptune, Uranus and Pluto,)
non-Ptolemaic aspects, as well as any asteroids.
The focus is less on

what would be considered modern psychological chart interpretation
and more on prediction.
Members who wish to explore a combination

of traditional and modern ideas
should feel free to start a new thread in an appropriate forum
for further discussion.)


Well-known member
keep in mind that
House location of a natal planet can change
dependent on the house system chosen

Placidus is simply the default at
to view for yourself how that works in practice
simply create your natal chart using WHOLE SIGN HOUSES option
on Extended Chart Selection Page
which offers a choice from fourteen of the more popular house systems currently in use

compare with the natal chart using Placidus option
notice that

WHOLE SIGN HOUSE ascendant sign becomes the whole first house
and the other houses follow.
The ASCENDANT POINT ITSELF can then fall anywhere in the first house
MIDHEAVEN POINT anywhere in the upper half of the chart

by the way

There are at least twenty or thirty different house systems
means of dividing the so-called "birthchart"
into twelve segments of life activity.

In astrology, houses, mansions, or domains
represent general areas of life activity
and are the grounding areas
or arenas
of expression for planets.
Originally, the words "houses" and "signs" were interchangeable.
A planet in the SIGN of Aries
was also a planet in the HOUSE of Aries
so that in effect houses as we know them today did not exisT

and so
you mention 5th house issues :smile:
which house system are you using?
if you can post your chart that would be helpful, thanks


Well-known member
one of our members kaktuzz
I'm new to traditional astrology.

It's absolutely new brand of astrology for me
- I just recently downloaded Morinus software
and it gave me some inspiration to create free online calculator adjusted for traditional astrology:

calculator has features such as:
7 main planets;

Lot of Fortune;
Lot of Spirit;

Whole sign houses;

Firdaria periods calculator;
Dodecatemoria calculator;

Prenatal syzygy chart...



Thank you!
More I know more I get confused.

Whole House Sign(Tropical Zodiac)
Exalted Saturn Conjunct Mars in 6th Libra.

Whole House Sign(Sidereal Zodiac)
Saturn Conjunct Mars in 6th Virgo.

Placidious(Tropical Zodiac)
Exalted Saturn Conjunct Mars in Libra 5th House.
But Mars is very close to 6th House Cusp.

Placidious(Sidereal Zodiac)
Saturn Conjunct Mars in Virgo 5th House.
But Mars is very close to 6th House Cusp.


Well-known member
Well, more power to you, Rhys.

My knowledge of Kabbalah is very limited. I converted to Judaism many years ago. I haven't been active in it for the past 25 years, but studied portions of it a fair bit in years past.

The Jewish tradition is that no-one should study Kabbalah until middle age (OK for you) and after thorough grounding in traditional Judaic studies. The reason is so that the student would be emotionally grounded before undertaking it.

There is a debate on the origin of the Kabbalah, but I think the scholars date it to the Middle Ages in Spain. But Judaism also has a tradition of inserting more recent developments backwards in time, retroactively. Ideas developed more recently got retroactively pasted on earlier times. Culturally, similar anachronisms are a very widespread practice.

I think also, Jewish scholars of past centuries poured over the Torah and Talmud, seeking glimmerings of meanings, often through numerology, alliteration, and word play.

I might be way off the mark, but Jewish history is very long and often very oppressed, impoverished, and sad. I imagine rabbis pouring over their texts, seeking a mystical release that couldn't be found in their mundane world.

In addition to teasing out glimmers of information, the rabbis also dealt with (suppressed?) information in the Bible that was inconsistent with orthodoxy. "Elohim" in Hebrew is a plural word, basically for "gods."

The Tetragrammaton-- the word never to be pronounced; and once printed, never to be destroyed-- is routinely bantered around by people who are not observant Jews.

There is also a long history of Christians and others looking for a grand theory that would show the underlying unity of seemingly disparate branches of esoteric knowledge. The Renaissance magus, memorialized in the character of Dr. Faust, comes to mind.

I'd have to say that Judaism in eastern Europe had its own really pagan magical traditions, like the golem.

To what extent is the study of Kabbalah cultural appropriation? To what extent is knowledge, esoteric or otherwise, available to all, to take from it what we choose?

Hi Waybread ! :)

Spot on about what age, traditionally, kabbalistic studies were started (i.e. at least 40 years old) and then only with a solid grounding in the Torah and Talmud and it goes without saying assiduously following the 613 mitzvot.

The Hermetic kabbalists appropriated the traditional kabbalah from Latin texts, and because no self respecting traditional kabbalist/rabbi was going to reveal their secrets to a goy like Kirchner, he arrogantly (in my view) laid his own system of numbering the Paths of the Tree, which basically involved taking the Hebrew alphabet and letting the letters fall where they would in alphabetical order, instead of putting the three mothers (alef, mem and shin) on the three lateral paths, the way any kabbalist rabbi could have told him to do, but of course they didn't (tell him), and I don't blame them!

That being said, the GD did manage to build a system that worked within its own terms, working much the same way that Christianity has Judaism as its base or foundation.

In my own kabbalistic work, which I've been practicing daily for the last twenty years or so, I started out in a GD-derived order based in the UK, then hooked up with a Welsh magician who - though not completely rejecting the modern practices - primarily focused on traditional kabbalah, following the work of Rabbi Joseph Gatkilla (1248- c.1305) whose teacher was the kabbalist Abraham Abulafia, who had started a school called ecstatic kabbalah.

I personally would never utter the name of G*d. I agree with your assessment of modern Qabalists with regard to this, however, it is permissible to work with the letters of the Name as individual letters, as they are the essential formula of creation according to traditional kabbalah, with Yud corresponding to Fire, Heh to Water, Vav to Air, and Heh final to Earth, which brings us back to astrology! Yippee! :) I'll address this more in a separate post.

Good point about Elohim being plural, words ending in "-im" normally being masculine plural in Hebrew. However, when referring to the true god of Israel, Elohim -oddly- is singular, e.g. Exodus 3:4, "Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush ...". That being said, you are absolutely right, aside from that special case, Elohim normally refers to multiple gods, usually false ones e.g. Shemot (Exodus) 20:3 "Thou shalt have no elohim acherim in My presence."

Just one last thing, although many people attempt to "study" the kabbalah, and indeed one ends up having to read about it in order to get a handle on it, ultimately, the kabbalah isn't studied, it is something that one experiences. The Holy Spheres are real. They are more real than real. One can "study" and read about the kabbalah until one is blue in the face, and indeed many do, however, they (the Spheres) must be experienced in order for understanding to occur. Others may disagree with me on this point and they are welcome to do so, but that's my view.

Thanks for your response, Waybread.

Regarding the promised pic of the Saturn talisman, I ended up needing to do a bit more work on it, so I'm waiting on an election to come up tomorrow, Saturn is rising on an hour of Saturn with the Moon in OK condition, and then hopefully I will be done!
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Well-known member
Rhys, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

Back when I regularly attended services at the one synagogue in my city, I really liked a certain part of the liturgy, from Proverbs 3:17-18, at the conclusion of the Torah reading.

"It is a tree of life to all who hold fast to it. All its ways are pleasantness, and all its paths are peace."

The tree of life is such an important ancient symbol that ranges far beyond Judaism and Christianity. For example, in Northern mythology, the tree Yggdrasil.


Well-known member

Thank you!
More I know more I get confused.

Whole House Sign(Tropical Zodiac)
Exalted Saturn Conjunct Mars in 6th Libra.

Whole House Sign(Sidereal Zodiac)
Saturn Conjunct Mars in 6th Virgo.

Placidious(Tropical Zodiac)
Exalted Saturn Conjunct Mars in Libra 5th House.
But Mars is very close to 6th House Cusp.

Placidious(Sidereal Zodiac)
Saturn Conjunct Mars in Virgo 5th House.
But Mars is very close to 6th House Cusp
we have sidereal astrologer members
so it is ok to attach a Sidereal chart as well as Tropical chart

these are instructions HOW TO ATTACH A CHART :smile:

Originally Posted by pwadm

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address

2) Click on the Attachment icon (if you don't see it, select 'Advanced' posting first)

3) New window will open, paste the image address, click Upload button, close the window



Well-known member
Rhys? We've been a little worried. Talisman, greater malefic, and you disappeared.

Let us know Saturn didn't eat you, ok?