Heavy intuition - counter-productive


Well-known member
Hi! I don't really like to bother you with such personal questions, but I have a problem: it seems that my Cancer sun, combined with my 12th house pisces moon, give me too much intuition and makes me very sensitive to my environments and own body.

It feels that this part of me conflicts with my jupiter in gemini (I love to communicate and I learn lightning-fast), my Aries rising (I love a good action) and my Capricorn stellium in midheaven (ambitions).

How, I wonder, could I conciliate both of these? Please share your insight!

Oh! and my chart is in the "chart thread". Born 24th of june, 1989, 1:01 AM, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada!



Well-known member
Hi Eklipse,

I feel your Capricorn planets will really help ground your intuitive qualities, and enable them to be constructive in the real world. Your merc and Jup in gemini give you an intellectual stregth that may help communicate your ideas that are intuited or perceived. The education system doesn't usually give guidance on intuition empathy or perceptions so it may be an idea to find areas in life where you can learn how to use these constructively. The world can also be quite negative in its appreciation of such qualities and strengths.

You have these gifts for a reason, the journey of discovery may well take your whole life.

Love & Light


Well-known member
Thanks a lot, Flea! I still need some balance: either I ground myself to the extreme and communicate about logical things, or I just get into inspirational/intuitive deliriums that few understand. Do you have any idea of areas of life where I could develop these gifts? Both spiritual and maybe more common areas...


Sag Moon

Well-known member
There is a Grand Cross here and there might be a need to meditate to slow down the input.

Aries is impulsive and headstrong also.

Seeing that you have a Pisces Moon it should not be hard to put yourself iinto a meditative state in order to take the load off.

Learn something that helps you to relax. Music is very good and you may want to listen to Classical guitar or Classical Orchestra instead of what you normally listen to.----An Alternative Music.

Then there are other technics that you can reserch out. Do a search on the internet or the library.


Kite with a Grand Cross!

Nice confguration and use it wisely as there can be impulsiveness .I speak from experience having Pisces Mc and Mars 1Deg. Aries.It does not look like you will have impulsive tendencies,but remember that those that are not at your level of understanding are not different than yourself. If you become hiighly successful,which you will guard your tongue and thoughts from judgement. to many people that are highly educated seem to think they are above the norm which I hae had to do battle with. The Aries Rising might have that problem being so quick to react without realising that they need to think first and know that there is a person they are dealing with.
Your Pisces Moon should be a gift for that as Empathy is there in spades.

With a chart like yours the world is your oyster! Have you ever thought of Research Medicine\Engineering even acting? But with Cap with Saturn on the MC you could great at almost any endeavor that is wild.

With the gifts you have I would strive to help others through research medicine as working behind the scenes(Pisces Moon) ,Nep\Sat MC and Uranus in the 9th you are going far!

You also have Ju in Gemini with the Sun Can which is my Asc. you would do well in dealing either with people or research. If you are into the Arts Music, art, Acting then go that route.

Anything you put your mind to can be done! Like the Nike commercial says "Just do it"

You may not feel good in the public eye, but once you get over those fears the world will be opened to you.

My friend has a chart similar to yours and he went into engineering through various routes. You can use your active imagination to figure very complex problems out that others would struggle with.

Another field could be Archetecture(?) as you can build anything you put your mind to or mechanical drafting.

Which ever field you choose you will go far!

There is a way of narrowing down as to your choosing a field through the use of Dwads but I have no experience at it yet. I am primarily good at knowing what can be brought out of a configuration and planetary grouping.

If anyone is wondering about the GC it's through the Vertex angle in the 6th and his ascendant.
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Well-known member
Hi Eklipse,

There is no rush to be now what you are to become at say 50. Take your time see what you are drawn too. With empathic skills I recommend a book called Psychic Protection by William Bloom. It is well written and practically usefull. There are techniques to reduce the input of environments and people to a level you are comfortable with.

Always follow where your passion lies. Do what you love, there are always clues here. But try new things too, you never know where the your passion might grow.

I use art and yoga, walking and swimming to balance too much intuiting and thinking. Physical exercise effects how the brain functions intellectually and emotionally. Sleep well, eat well, and balance your over indulgences. have fun and laugh lots. Spend time with people you love. Become aware of how you respond to different ways of treating yourself. It is a jigsaw puzzel, things slot into place at the right time, however difficult they may feel at the time. Then you put your body mind and soul into a position to positvely work your natal chart.

Understanding the personal chart takes a very very long time. Even long standing practitioners are still finding things out about there own chart. Life reveals how the energies are working. So take your time and work with the simple things first, like sun and moon combinations and your ascendent. Then you can move out with a solid grounding behind you.


Sagmoon, I am not seeing the grand croos but maybe because I dont use angles for configuration patterns. Is that why?? L&L Flea

Sag Moon

Well-known member
Flea,yes I add the Vertex Pt. and the Asc & MC to all my charts as these pts. are just as important as any planet IMO.

His problem is not Sensory Overload BTW. He has Mercury Peregrine which is the driving force behind the restlessness.Gemini at that!

It is one of the finest charts I have seen in awhle This guy\girl could do anything he envisions just about.

Mystic Rectangles can go either way I have found,but Kites with a GC's are not as likely to lose their balance.

Does need to find an outlet settle the nervousness though. He\she probably finds it hard to sit in one place for to long I imagine.Although they do have discipline, Sa in Cap.
Ju\ Me \ Ve \ Ma are all Peregrine in his chart. I have never run accross that either.

He will project what he gets for intuition into the world.He won't need to do much to get the attention. It's almost a See-Saw Pattern ,but the Mn & Pl give the chart balance.

They also have NN conjunct Moon. This person will get recognised for whatever pursuit they enter.

This is a destined person Flea. I think you made the comment that there might be no such thing or some other remark.Something to that effect in another thread and I will find it if you wish as I have close to a photographic memory. Well believe me there is as Napolean, and Alexander the great's are not just produced they are destined for the world.

Sorry but I do not know if this is a boy or girl.

Sag Moon

Well-known member
About the only thing you need to ask yourself is "What do I like to do?"

If it were me I would pursue something that you like in the Med\Mech feild and have a creative hobby on the side. If you wish to go into the arts then you can do it later or devote time to that and make your mark with it as a secondary pursuit.

The Satuen\Neptune conjunction gives form along with sensitivity Moon Piscs.Pluto the power to create or recreate.

You will more than likely fall into what you are going to do so don't worry about it! Be happy!

BTW I am in Me. and have been through Sherbrook on my way to Quebec.

Good luck to you whatever you get into!
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Well-known member
Hi Sag Moon,

I believe in destinies but I also believe in free will and co-creation. You may have understood me to have a more fixed position that I actually have.

Thanks for the info tho, very cool. can you explain the peregrine phenomenon, it sounds very interesting.


Sag Moon

Well-known member
There is an Essay written at Noel Tyl's Analyitical Techiques page and I do not know how to paste things at this site yet!

These sites remind me of trying to be a fighter pilot or something with all the do-dads.LOL!


Well-known member
LOL, Sag moon I have major strong intuition as well. My saving grace is Cap ascendent and mercury in Aqua.

I have 3 water planets, Pisces sun and sag moon.

Going through life thinking that everyone else does this can be a major problem. Seriously, I have a Scorpio sister and to hear us talk one would think we are not even speaking coherently. To us we make perfect sense.

Another gig, I have a Scorpio daughter and we do telepahy all the time like it is just another thing to do.

Really, it becomes stronger over time. So, take heed from what is written from above. I have to be alone at times to just rid myself of extraneous jabber and emotions.

Sag Moon

Well-known member
Do you have red hair,if so Mars rising? I am glad you are in touch with your inner self along with the family.
I am glad of all the options above.

Yes,I believe in freedom of choice at juncture's in life,but somethings are predestined. Some are predesined for great things while others struggle.


Well-known member
Wow, thanks for all those informations! I love working behind the scenes and such, and I love arts (I already published a book (800 copies sold ^_^), and produced half-a-dozen short films that are published locally), and consider trying an instrument. I'll try to "feel" which one. The part about "putting my mind to it" sounds very real, because there are few mental works that I can't achieve.
I will consider looking at the books, too! They should help!

Strangely, thought, medecine doesn't attract me at all, because I hate hospitals and am not very fond of blood or biology. I did not understand everything you talked about, like the peregrines... But if you explain it to me, I'm sure I'll get it in a flash.

Thanks again, everyone, and don't hesitate if you have other thoughts on my chart, destiny or "psychic" powers... :)

Sag Moon

Well-known member
As long as your not going to be the starving artist then go into the arts.

If it were me though I would look into Building something as in Home Designs-Drafting or Mechanical Draftng.Anything that you can build.

You'll probably just walk into what you shall do,but I would hate to see talent go to waste and that is why I would go for something in the Mechanical field and the arts secondary so you always have two fields of endeavor to fall back on.

In the arts structure & form are important and you have that. You can apply that to many area's though.

All Peregrine means actually is that the planet is not making aspect to the others. That entails allot of things and I have not researched it to much ,but I have read a few pieces.

You can do a search for Noel Tyl and at his site there is a page named Analytical Techniques.There is an Piece about it there.

The things that you asked for at the end are really god given and I would not even touch as to anyone having them. I'd be happy if you have good intuition. I am looking for a psychic astrologer and there are not many of them.Infact I know of none.

You may want to see about getting a transit\proressed chart reading for the period of 10yrs. looking forward.

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Soul Friend

Well-known member
Eklipse said:
Thanks a lot, Flea! I still need some balance: either I ground myself to the extreme and communicate about logical things, or I just get into inspirational/intuitive deliriums that few understand. Do you have any idea of areas of life where I could develop these gifts? Both spiritual and maybe more common areas...


I cast a chart through Astrodienst because I'm not familiar where to find the thread previously mentioned. Too, I noticed your Mercury as the 3rdH ruler and Mars your chart ruler as ruler of the Ascendant are both focal points of Yod configurations. Whether you believe in coincidences or not it just has to make you say WOW! Making this more fascinating is that Merc and its two disjunct planets, Pluto and Saturn are all 3 in signs of their rulership each quite strong. This is also a feeling from the See-Saw pattern or Hourglass if I recall correctly. Help me out folks. Did I peg that right?

Sag Moon

Well-known member
You could consider it an Hour Glass\See-Saw chart also,but I look at it more as a KITE formation because a larger orb can be used with the moon.

There are many peregrine planets at the bottom of the chart therefore he is like a wild gun whereas those planets he will use in a distinct way.

Remember also that Pluto co-rules Aries. He shall have much interaction with others and they shall come through in his career with the outer planets beng close to the MC.

If he uses his abilities right he shall find release through his career choices.

Having Ur\Sa\Ne at the top of the chart with NN conjunct Moon he shall get noterity through his efforts. The Moon conjunct NN will bring him into the public eye no matter what he does. He may get fame seeing that Ur and the outter planets are around the MC.

The See-Saw pattern is or should work good for him as he shall beable to bring what he develops in his personal being to the public.

I always see the lower planets below the horizon if assimulated correctly being pushed to the world or above the horizon if they are used positively. He does not show any negative energy ,but there are questions concerning what he will do or how he will use these peregrine planets for the benefit of others.

Looking at his net few years of development he shall go through a time of doubt and struggle,but as long as he keeps the goals in tact he shall find a good outlet for these nervous energies that he has.

I have seen this Ne\Sa conjunction in the charts of some very evolved individuals and they are capable of bringing alot of positive to the world once they know what they are using the energy for.

Widen the Moon orb as that shall show a KITE formation along with his T-Square and if you use secondary points there is actually a Grand cross heere also.

I very interesting chart.
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Soul Friend

Well-known member
Actually the Kite is an Aspect Configuration and not a Chart Pattern/Type. There is only one possible Chart Pattern Type but you can have multiple Aspect configurations within any chart. The only reason for listing both See-Saw and Hourglass is they are synonymous.

I'd be interested to see where the prenatal Eclipses are. Have you worked with those at all?

Sag Moon

Well-known member
Oh I see now as I got caught up with the config. yes you are correct.

Then would it not be a Splay?

He does not have all the planets opposite each other.

I look at a See-Saw as being like the Khomeini ,Ayatollah chart(5-17-1900) were they are more bunched with no trines on one end of the See-Saw.Even Khommeini's chart is not a perfect See-Saw ,but it is one.

Having a Kite would make a See-Saw not being possible I would think,but mybe it's possible. I would think a See-Saw as being fewer then 3 signs on either side pointing or reflecting wach other ,but I cannot remember.

Tell me what you think.

Another question is that I cannot remember the name of having a bowl with a cutting planet above.I use to have all the MEJ's books and lost them a long time ago.

If he does have a KITE the Apex planet\Planets would be those at the MC Sa\Ne\Ur which is very intresting.
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Well-known member
What does a kite mean, exactly? By the way, it's very interesting to see my chart scrutinized like this: it gives me both hope, and focus.
When you were speaking of troubled times, though, what were you referring to?
And if I recall, the ayatollah who has a See-saw wasn't a really "progressive" man. Is a see-saw positive, or restricting?

Sag Moon

Well-known member
A KITE is a formation of the Natal planets.Grand Trine with an opposition. Bono of U2 has a perfect Kite and there are many others.Matt Damon is another I have heard that has the aspect.It is just a formation in the chart of the individual.There are several different typed of formation.Maybe 9 different ones.



The troubled times I was refering to was no more than the formations that shall occur in your future whcih might be nothing more than tthe alignment of panets that shall occur in the 12th in your future.

It would e best that you seek out astrologers in your area,say Quebec, and have them do a preoressed reading for you so that they can diligently go through the major transits that shall occur in the coming years.

I myself have done exptensive research on my own after getting readings that were not worth the money I paid others.I therefore made it my mision to understand for myself what was going to happen concerning my own chart.

I shall become a paid astrologer soon as I am getting closer to the goal of giving the readings that I thought should be given by those I trusted with insight into reading charts.

Your configuration is unique in that you have abilities that will take you far.

What I saw looking at future transits is that there will be a time that will be challenging which might be nothing more than getting past your college tests,but I would not know until doing more indepth research into it.

A Kite is a beneficial pattern in most cases.Seeing that you have Saturn\Neptune and Uranus elevated in your 10th house it has to do with career matters and what your rewards might be in life.

The 12th house could be private times of study when going to school. It mmight be frustrating and forcing you to accomplish your goals.

I would not worry about it much,but I would take my suggestion and find a well versd astrologer in the ability to do or work with transits,progressions and Solar Arcs. Those will show what area's of life shall be effected in the coming years.

Many pass themselves off as learned astrologers when in reality they are not worth the title while others are better at some special area's of astrology than others. Not many master all the art's associated with astrological study.

Your young and have the rest of your life to worry about. You have talents that you are just finding out about.

What you do now shall lay the found work for the rest of you life.Use it wisely.

The first yeas of school will be general subjects and you will beable to find what you shall want to major in then.So do not worry to much about things now.

If you are going to get into the arts then I would take the general subjects and if you decide to get into the arts and can afford to move to NYC or LA and learn from the masters if you are accepted.

You mentioned that you have written a book and have done some film work.Well that can be used in your portfolio to be acccepted at some of the better schools.

Some secondary colleges or just as good as the top accredited ones.

Learn as much as possible now as it will help you in the future.

Don't take all that I or others have written as being the last word as we are not gods,LOL!

I have studied astrology sinc 16 and am still learning as there are those that are masters of the art.I do not learn the same way others do and question everything.I also know what I know well or else with hold my opinions asking weather I am on track or not.
An eample of this was asking weather you would want to choose the med field. I knew for some reason that the arts were your fortay .

I do hope you consider your major wisely and have 2 fields of endeavor to work on as you are capable of of doing more than just one thing. If for any cahnce you run into a roaadblock where the arts do not provide adequate avenues of income you can always use the other source of learning as income while finding a source that will accept your talent for what you truely wish to do.

Like I said research out an astrologer in your area and make certain they come highly recommended.I have went to one that was highlyrecommended and their reading sucked air.That is why I shall be the astrologer that I wish to see others to be.

Psychological astrologers and I am looking for a psychic astrologer.There are many that profess to be such and are not. They love the title though.

I think I am close to becoming the astrologer that I looked for. I might not be pshychic,but I think with age I have developed inuition into chart reading that helps.

What concerned me about your chart are the upcoming transits into the 12th. You will need an indepth reading as to what they shall mean.

Don't worry about it as you shall find your way.

At the moment I am working on guidelines so that I shall work through a reading precisely the same when I look at charts. There is alot to it .There are many wrtings by famous astrologers that outline how one should disect a chart,but all astrologers have their own way of going through a chart.Then there are projections as to what the individual will encounter while they move through life.

Astrology is an art and the artist has their own talent when looking at the chart. None go about it exactly the same.The worst astrologers focus on generic aspect reading which is not taking the whole of the chart in contet. I abhor such astrolgy readings as one could walk away thinking they will be the next great actor,writer or win the oscar when in fact they might never find their true calling.

ANyway I hope I did not make many spellign errors as I am pressed for time at the moment. I also hope you take my advice and research out to find an acredited astrologer in Canada. I live in Maine and if you are ever in the Portland area feel free to stop by.I found Quebec to be a charming little city when I visited there years ago.

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