Double, cris-crossing Yods. Insights appreciated.


Hi and thanks for taking the time.

So I have two yods crisscrossing each other in my chart and I have had both experiences and insights pertaining to them. So far the experiences I've had with these two Yods (they're intertwined so one instant of karmic activation of one Yod, almost always involves the other one) have acted as catalysts for my mercurial mind to be innitiated and connected to the higher uranian mind (conjunct neptune), understanding the secrets behind the sexual, creative act, and in more general terms, an innitially sudden burst of kundalini rising followed by a gradual process of what I can call adaptation and integration.

Anyway that's enough talk for now. I can tell anyone who's interested about the circumstances and events that have happened thanks to the Yods, but for now any insight would be appreciated as I have yet to ask for a third party's opinion and insight regarding my own chart.

Thanks in advance